JOURNAL- Azazel's 10 day Training

Will that be able to draw enough to sign a signature?

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@pumagami Depending on where you poke. Sometimes it’s a little blood that comes out. Sometimes it’s a squirter when you squeeze. But you can poke more than once and you have 2 pointer fingers and 2 thumbs. The other fingers tend to be more painful in my experience.

I can do this with 2-4 pokes.

P.S. the candle doesn’t count for the number of pokes. The candle was at least 2 by itself. Which is why I only did 1 candle like that.

I see. Where exactly do you poke for it to squirt out, because I sliced open all of my fingers on the fingertips and still couldn’t get enough blood In the bottle.

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Honestly it’s a hit and miss for me. Bit I have noticed that more towards the sides at the tips are the squirters. If you zoom in you’ll see on the right sigil little drops going across it. That was a squirter. Kinda along the line of your nail.

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If you want enough blood tie a thread very tightly above the upper joint of finger once you poke your finger and squeeze it you will get a lot blood out of your finger.

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ooo ok I will do that.

Night 10- Evocation

I didn’t realize just how much preparation is needed for a pact and I wasn’t prepared so we had to move it to tomorrow.

I just went over what I had written down with him and Azazel confirmed or denied whether or not he could complete them. He only said no to one thing, which was the request I could revoke the pact at any time, and he said no, the pact can only be broken by either party.

So yeah, that’s tomorrow, and I’m going to spend the entire day consecrating and preparing. I feel kind of crazy doing this at only 19- like, there’s so much that can change, and it’s a lifetime pact. But there’s not much to lose and a whole lot to gain.

Wish me luck for probably the most intense ritual I’ve ever done.


@TheGreyhound Once I told to a person i am working with azazel , he asked me to tell azazel sister’s name. He said you have not summoned azazel as you don’t know his sister name. Have azazel said anything about his sister? Maybe can you ask him?

No one can tell you whether or not you’ve summoned an entity based off of a piece of information they’re holding hostage.

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I know care he can what he believes or not he just always act like he knows occult,he talk with spirits.i asked you this question so that I can prove to everyone that he is lair.

Ok. Azazel has many brothers, sisters, and siblings, considering he is a fallen angel. In addition, he says he considers the infernal empire his family, and no longer those angels. So he does not have only one sister, thats a weird claim to make.


After the Pact

It’s been 24 hours since the pact has been made. Here are some of the changes I’ve encountered.

I can hear spirits now. Not too well, most of it is muttering and I can’t really make out what any of them are saying.

Also, my intuition has been heightened more, and I feel as though I can pick up on the energies surrounding me twice as much. I can also see some energies moving, but really faintly.

Every manifestation that I’ve put in place today has worked quickly and efficiently. Was shopping with my mom and manifested that we leave quickly because she usually takes more than three hours. We left within 30 minutes. Never have I been able to manifest this quickly.

The only negative thing that happened is I thought the pact accidentally killed my familiar, and I started panicking. But he’s fine, he’s not hurt or anything. I gave him an astral hug when I found out he was safe and almost cried.

But yeah. I’ll continue updating on more changes to come. Doing some sense-heightening meditation tonight, Azazel isn’t gonna do all the work for me.



thank you so much I’ve read everything, it was very interesting. Please continue to update us.

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Thank you for reading! I will!


Azazel saves me from two carcrashes

I was driving home with my parents earlier today on the freeway. We were going high speeds, then all of a sudden we see something up ahead in our lane. We slow down to a stop, and just one minute before we had arrived in that spot, a car had spun out of control, and it seemed one of its wheels had blown out. It crashed into the railing. If we were one minute earlier, we would’ve been subject to it…

We kept driving, and afterwards, another car seemed to be swerving into our lane, not noticing us. My father noticed in time and honked, and he subsided from our lane. After this I knew it could not just be coincidence. I mentally asked Azazel if he had protected me.

“Yes,” He said. “You should be more careful what enemies you make.”

At this I went cold. Something had come after me, and if I hadn’t outlined the protection in my pact- would I be dead?

Later I asked him again. It’s apparently one of the guardians of the subject of my curse that tried to kill me, but Azazel intervened. Azazel and I did that curse together, and now it seems to be working. A little too effectively?

Magic can be a dangerous business when you mess with the wrong spirits. I don’t think it was only Azazel that saved me, though. At least I now have powerful allies, but he’s right, I do need to be more careful with the curses I cast… and what’s more, whatever that thing was that came after me, it was willing to kill multiple people to get its revenge. And I put my family in danger too.

I need to be more careful who I’m around at what time. My ego needs to stay in check, or I’m going to fall and bring people with me…


I didn’t understand wbo cursed you

can you update us?

She will when shes ready to. Gotta be patient man.

Azazel and King Paimon- Supporters and Protectors

I am back, I will probably evoke both Azazel and King Paimon tonight, seeing as they both know I am connected to the both of them, and they are both my protectors in many ways.Yet not simply this; I may be sad very often, but for the first time in my life since I have begun evoking spirits, I have never yet felt alone again.

I meant to explain in further depth what happened. During my pathworking Azazel and I cursed this man who coerced my friend into unsafe sex and emotionally abused her. The curse began to work, and I learned I had angered the guardian of the man I had cursed. That spirit tried to kill me in a car crash, but Azazel and King Paimon wouldn’t let him.

Further than that, it seems I am able to speak to them at any time when my energy is directed towards them.

Comfort from the Spirits

Though this thread is mostly about Azazel pathworking, I wanted to include King Paimon because I think they work well together and have similar energies, though I’m probably going to just start a different journal for different spirits. I called upon King Paimon to help get me into art school, but I’m still very stressed about it.

I started breaking down today because I felt like a terrible artist and I hadn’t been working on getting into art school because of my anxiety and my disappointment in my abilities and my artwork. I don’t cry in the physical world often and I felt very helpless. I mentally called out to the spirits and King Paimon and Azazel both arrived and I felt a comforting presence.

KP: Now, now… don’t cry. Cease your tears.

He took off his armor so he could ethereally embrace me more easily and shushed me so that I would stop crying.

KP: Sophia… do not say such things about yourself. You are self sufficient. You made it through school yourself, got into college yourself, got a job yourself. You taught yourself how to draw, taught yourself anatomy, perspective, painting. And yet you claim to be a failure?

He showed me an image of me successful, the lead artist at a screening of some sort of big picture film/ big video game.

KP: This is what I see in you. You should not believe in society’s lies; it has poisoned your purest self, seeped into your soul to rot it. Reclaim it, for you have the soul of an artist. And do not fret, I will enter you into that school. There is no question of it.

Azazel showed up shortly after.

Azazel: What’s the matter, child?

I felt a large black goat place his head on top of mine. King Paimon explained in hushed tones.

Azazel: Sophia, you need not fret. You are an incredibly ambitious student.

I said that cannot be so. That I must be crazy and I was imagining the both of them. Azazel shook his head. I do not remember what was said after that.

The spirits are kind, much gentler than I had originally imagined. I went and showered and calmed down. My mind has been a scramble, making it harder to sense things.

I’ll probably make a different pathworking journal for King Paimon.



I read your journal with interest. And I would like to share my experience regarding transformations. None of the demons do this. Everything happens by itself, according to my desire. I have three forms: an androgyne with blue skin and fiery hair, a pillar of blue fire with a mask in the middle, and a dragon of the same color with a fiery mane. These images can appear either during meditation or spontaneously in a dream. I can either meditate on them, or repeat the name Attakeria (then the image of the androgyne appears), or ignis draco (then the dragon actually appears). Then I feel heat in my body and a strong surge of energy. The image of a pillar of flame with a mask appeared recently, but all three are related. The dragon, in this case, acts as a protective or fighting image. He cuts off for some time the connection with the demons - with Astaroth and King Paymon, and it does not renew for some time. If these are smaller spirits, I noticed they are afraid of him and do not come into conflict with him. Sometimes various signs appear on the dragon, which I feel as additional protection. In any case, I feel that these images are inextricably linked with my soul and I continue to explore them.

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