It's all starting to seem so fake

Bro, your vibe is killing me these days.

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LOL is that a problem now too? :rofl:
Itā€™s me, it said profile picture, I chose that. relevant?

I mean Iā€™m not necessarily asking as much as Iā€™m just blogging but proof would be nice

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Well if youā€™re summarizing it in a sentence yeahā€¦
I tried different ways differently, it didnā€™t work and I had a moment of realization or disbelief (not sure what really) and posted

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So you practice 6 months ? Did you at least spend some time researching occult books before starting and going into this ? Or you just jumped into it blindlyā€¦
You see what most wont tell you , is that when you read and go into researching occult , Grimoiresā€¦ specific things you slowly start getting Spirits attention.
Proof ? I mean do the rites you get proof , result will not depend on your belief nor on your non-belief , but only on your effort , EFFORT that you put into the rite. And following its instructions.




I never said it was a problem. I just believe it is a manifestation of your ego. You clearly and consciously chose a picture which presents a polished, smart, and eloquent image of yourself. Which means you care about your image. And again, Iā€™m not saying it is a bad thing, just something you may want to analyse within yourself.

I have a bit of an ego by the way, but it does not affect my training.

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Oh I read a bunch of occult books before the six months, I was a very curious religious person before all this

But thank you man, that was actually helpful. Maybe I will put in more effortā€¦

Just pm me, i give you rite and instructions. Follow them , put effort into it , you get the results.
Will you become multi billionaire overnight ? Most likely not, but you can gain a lotā€¦

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Then you know and are aware of bunch of rites you can perform. Forget about sigil magick , invocation, evocationā€¦ ā€¦
Invocation. . evocation ā€¦ sigil magick is all good , but rites have way different results , its another level.
I would tell invocation and evocation , same as sigil magick is for beginners, but many advance user use it anyways thoā€¦ , when they get some experience talking with Spirits without performing it , for example :telepathic communication ways then your on another level. And you do not need any sigils, invocations, evocations, you get connected with certain Spirit and you communicate with him using telepathic connection to him. That is one of the purposes of invocation and evocation.

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basically, what I mean is Iā€™m not out here demanding proof. And someone can post a book here explaining this happened and this spirit killed someone for me or gave me a million dollars etc (all exaggerated examples btw) Iā€™d be like cool but could easily be lies. Iā€™m not going into religion based on words on a book, why should I go into something based on another? And before you or anyone gets mad, I mean if I backed out of my religion cause there wasnā€™t hard proof for good, then itā€™ll take hard proof for this as well. And Iā€™m not saying anyone owes anything to me.

Iā€™m saying I didnā€™t see proof, Iā€™m not begging for any here. But if someone here says hey I got proof then why tf would I say no?!?

(you are my Everest)


Look, you and I both know very well,whatever these guys tell you, I mean whatsoever, will be nothing more than stories ok ?

They cannot prove that, if they want to prove you something, they would either make you rich or you would be dead.

Rest of balg forum

Dont come at me Conner Kendall or any stuff like that now,no one other than you guys yourselves know what is true for you or not,and I belive this guys knows it very well.


I love that :smiley:


Why did you make this thread then.


This picture of me is very old and half my friends hated it lol I promise you I donā€™t that highly of myself to post a picture to show off on a forum about dark magic :rofl: everyone has a little bit of an ego, you and I included, but that has nothing to do with it. I just didnā€™t like pictures of magic or anime as my profile pic

I will PM you soon, always appreciate help

and yeah I know but I didnā€™t even get feelings, let alone telepathic communications or dreams or when I was meditating etcā€¦again maybe I gave up quick you can message me and help me if you can :heart:

now I could hit you with this

A diary is just that. If you want to note your experiences thats one thing, but, you asked questions in your first post which opened you up to whole lot of responses.

You belittle those willing to share their stories or offer advice and defile the very powers you hope to master one day.

It is definitely a share experience website, but if you have nothing to share of value, stay silent.
There are plenty of threads on here asking similar question you should read, they might provide insight.

Desperate much? This will not help you in any way, it will make things worse for you until you self destruct, you are clearly not in the right frame of mind to see or hear anything other that the chattering of your own mind. Which is not meant as an insult, just a big neon sign for a place to start.

I wish you luck in your self mastery.


Wrong section then :smirk:

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