It's all starting to seem so fake

And you have your answer why nothing is happening.

If you really want this you have to let it all go. Surrender to the greater powers, and have blind faith. If you can’t then you aren’t ready yet.

Doesn’t mean it is a no go. It just means you need to start from the basics and open yourself up. Start with little magick things.


Lovvvvve it! Gonna use that one.

Don’t worry mate. It is just a very subjective matter.

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LOL I didn’t belittle anyone…by saying I don’t believe? go over the comments again, I even thanked people who insulted me a little cause at least they tried to help me in their own way
I thought this was valued I shared. Are you mad at me cause I don’t think this is real after sharing my experience? People who have questions or topics like this sure but it’s not my take. And it was too long as a comment so I posted.

And if you think that was a sign of desperation then you clearly didn’t read it right. And I really was in a great frame until recently, frustrated with this mainly but you know…but ok

Thanks for the advice tho, and I wish you the very best as well

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lol idk I selected general discussion :man_shrugging: welp

I agree and heard that multiple times when I was learning. And believe me I went in with my religion gone and full faith in spirits, their power, and that this would work. Complete blind faith. but I mean I’m human too I get tired after 6 months of absolute nothing…
Thank you for the advice tho, maybe I need to try more…

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Here’s a perspective: the silence of the spirit world might, in fact, BE your answer.

Have you considered that you’re not ready for the contact you’re seeking? If you’re depressed and your life has fallen apart, perhaps infusing it with spiritual power would destroy it further? Maybe you need to clear out the debris that’s blocking you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and reapproach the idea of summoning from a more clear viewpoint?

Either way, do as thou wilt. I concur with others that it’s not our job to persuade you of anything and not the spiritual powers job to prove themselves to you. This forum is a shared experience site and you have shared your experience. Yet, the more I read your responses, the more I wondered “what is he trying to get out of this conversation?” especially when you seemed not to value the responses you were getting. Maybe that’s just how it seems. Maybe you do value to conversation.

Thank you for sharing your experience. It has helped me clarify some things in my own head, so in a way, your participation in this site has helped someone outside of yourself and unrelated to yourself.


Your picture is fine and is not any meaningful way of determining your personality traits. Literally anyone would put a flattering picture of themselves up over a garbage pic.

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I’m gonna say: Thank you everyone who have commented nice things, the ones who have suggested (insightful) help, and the many ones who even pmed me. I appreciate it :heart:

I really did. thoughts came into my head: maybe I’m not worthy, or maybe I’m not ready, and lots more!
So that’s when I thought maybe if I get them angry and so on
But maybe I need to clear my head more, maybe I need to try harder, maybe it’s not for me idk

I do value my responses unless their attacking the side notes of my post but anywho…
Thank you for your words, and I’m glad all this helped you in a way too!

Damn man take it easy :joy:

Like seriously, he might be entitled to his opinion but he didnt insult anyone unless provoked.


Look up the CIA files on astral projection. I believe they had a program to study it at one point in the 80s? They believe it’s real.


Daaamn. Shall I pick the mic up for you or are you just going to leave it on the floor?


FYI…not everyone is compatible with every demonic/spiritual entity. It took me about a year to constantly reaching out to Marbas to get his attention. It taking a long time might be part of your journey. My advice is, if this lifestyle is something you value, keep at it and embrace the work as a feature, not a bug.


LMFAOOO ok bud

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I read about that I think, government funded it and everything but then they stopped as it was “a waste of time” or sm

Thanks man :heart:

Yes, do. 6 months really isn’t long in the grand view of things.


Okay so you think lots of random people are lying, which insults everyone, and this topic is just attracting drama, ENOUGH: I am not going to lay down a directive of any kind but this is just a waste of time, and a source of drama and bad feeling all round.