Is YHVH really the god of this world?

I hold the same view as you now. But actually almost every religion is used to manipulate their people. Hindus, Islam, Confucianism, Scientology etc etc. Judaism isn’t even a religion but an ethno religious people. I respect him as well too. Once you’re Jewish you’re Jewish for life. Even if your catholic you’d be a catholic Jew. Judaism is a nationality. Israel makes that even more concrete. If you’re Jewish you can be a citizen automatically without naturalization

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NO. Jehovah is just a bitch ass impostor. Nothing more.


I hear ya. I used to think/feel the same way you do…

ive actually been having similar thoughts. The more ive been delving deeper into studying judiasm and kabbalah, and even just how the religion functions in the culture, i see how different it is from christianity. It is vastly more open to questioning Gd and less of obeying him as an almighty master like christianity and more so as a teacher who is separate from you but can guide you to make better choices. And also many of the teachings accentuate the idea of when Gd does not have a set direction for you and you have to use his teaching or use wisdom and morals to make choices. of course not every story in the torah is taken that way but ive seen that most of Rabbis ive talked to to learn more about it, dont see the stories as things to be taken as word for word but more as tales to be interpreted and open for disscussion. whereas christianity is extremely literal, use things word for word, and are absolutely not open to questioning Gd and how to perceive the universe.
With my observations ive been questioning if the two Gds from the religions are entirely the same entity.
however these are just my thoughts, im open to discussion or opposing thoughts.

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What changed?

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My exact same thoughts… The g-d from Christianity/Catholicism/Zionism is NOT the true One. I feel they are just eggregores that got fed up with human suffering/pain/blood for over 2000 years. Hey, I get it, how can you possibly not hate them with all your guts?

When you look at the Bible through Kabbalah, deeper meanings are extracted, and should never really take anything literally (and thats exactly what Christianity does to control the masses). When you realize that G-d truly wants you happiness and abhors to see you suffer in any way, well, you realize the magnitude of the bestiality fabricated by religion.

I understand my feeling/thinking has to be unpopular in this particular forum (I know there is a RHP section). But hey at least to provide some food for thought.


I approached the Judaic Deity through Kabbalah.

Well, maybe the original figure is not that authoritary. But long forgotten, tho…

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I would say well hidden but not forgotten. But that’s just me.

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i completely agree. Looking more into the deeper side of judaism can give lots of insight into the origins of the religion, since the religions that were based/branched off of it like christianity have been extremely skewed.
i think its an interesting thought that perhaps the Gds of those religions are false egregores that have become extremely powerful and independent over the centuries from false interpretations being worshipped and given immense amounts of energy.

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That is my point - dont take it literally… ecause, even christians will agree, each line cannot be taken exact as its been translated SO many times… even the newest version has changed the meaning of many lines
and many see the new version as further corruption.

That and all are agreed many books were taken out as it didnt show a full, clear controlling meaning for the masses… the lost books included giants, aliens, the lot. HIDING information.

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i tend to point out the same thing. christianity and newer forms of the abrahamic religions seem very narrow, and even before i looked more into it, i sensed most of what they were teaching was just the surface, meant to restrict personal power and knowledge.

lots of it in its original state meant to do the opposite, and broaden spiritual capacity rather than restrict it, and touched on many other beings in the universe rather than focus solely on humanity once again creating that shallow view of the universe. so yes i really appreciate your common perception on this

Yahweh was a son of El, humans of that particular region made him monotheistic and named him El, from there the angels all with 'el in their name were sons/daughters of Yahweh.


This is also my understanding. He stole his title from El, the sky god, and started demanding he be the only one worshiped.

Very cult-y.

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47 posts were split to a new topic: Removed posts from YHWH thread

Yahweh himself was a sky and war god, one of many of El’s sons, soon gained more power as he was given a region from his father, Yahweh’s wife and other family were taken out of the pantheon and Yahweh was made a monotheistic God, I do believe this could of been a result of the actual Canaanite Yahweh wanting more power as my own experience with him was one of a power hungry deity.


Every religion is a cult. Not every cult is a religion. The only difference today is the tax exemption. It’s all the same thing honestly just bigger numbers


Yes he bestowed his hunger in me as well. At least that’s what I did using His 72 names. Why do you think jews are so influential? Yahweh is their patron. I’m Jewish as well but any occultist can attain it.

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This was helpful. Thanks.

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Just letting everyone know this thread was a little derailed earlier before being moved off the public forum, pending clearing it up. The member responsible has now been banned, thanks to all who flagged and acted responsibly. :+1: