Is YHVH really the god of this world?

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Thanks it’s actually from a TV show.

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Can I call 1st round, one of those Buff Jesus images & Muscular Shiva? :thinking:

Oh I don’t watch those, so thanks for doing the filtering! :+1:


Of course!

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Stop blaming Satan for the evil Deeds Done by the Abrahamic God and his followers
Even in the so-called holy book that God is constantly killing people for very trivial reasons and behaving like a jealous megalomaniac girlfriend

and don’t even get me started on the history of the various abrahamic religions and how they like to murder & torture people steal gold rape children burn libraries & destroy monuments

but they managed to brainwash a bunch of people and bind your souls to their wicked slavemaster God when you were a child before you had the ability to say yes or no

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I think this topic’s run its course, closing it now with thanks to all who contributed. :sunny:


Continuing the discussion from Is YHVH really the god of this world?:

In your opinion, is Yahweh the demiurge?

And in your mind, how do you seperate Yahweh from YHVH?

That is how do you seperate the god from the divine aspects of the elements of creation, especially when the spelling of Yahweh is YHVH

I have felt them to be seperate, but theres a lot I still don’t know and I wanted to get your take.



YHVH is said to be the word that the Elohim used to manifest during the creation of the world. This word is lost, that’s why it’s always difficult to find the prononciation of it. They are many variations of YHVH. Many secret schools established as their objective to find the lost word and many have their own potent word of power that is said to be the closest to the lost word. Freemason have the Hiram and his companions myth about the lost word, Rosicrucian have their own, Kabbalist have YHVH etc… Yahweh is a manifestation, the result of the chanting of YHVH.
YHVH grants life out of nowhere, whatever is dead can be resurrected.

Its like for eg: you, Under the sky using the word of power ‘ SKY” as a way to manifest a blue car :blue_car:. The YHVH would equivalent to sky and blue car to Yahweh.

And People will sometimes get confused to know who came first the car or sky? And sky= blue car.

That’s why Jesus said “my father is in me and I am the father. You cannot dissociates the manifestor and the manifestation. Their vibrate on the same energy

I have written some post here saying that Yahweh is the spirit of Aries in the form of God Mars during the great age of Aries. Aries is the spark of life, the root chakra. Without Aries you don’t incarnate in body, its power runs in the blood, this is where Yahweh can bless or curse generation after generations. Yahweh is the Old Testament used a lot the symbolism of the Ram and blood: this is pure Mars, that’s how he always act.

Many gods don’t like Yahweh because he is the only one that can break the fate and destiny of an individual, he’s great at that. Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Mars is action, Capricorn is karma. Only action can break karma. If you were destined to be XYZ, Yahweh can break it and make you ABC and that pissed off the other god cause he can affect the whole family lineage or tribe by his action and the blood. So even if he doesn’t get you, he will go for your descendant and if he catches one, he will modify the fate of all that family by using the same genes of blood that runs in a family.

He’s the ruler of the physical body hence it’s said to be ruler of this world cause you use your body to perform all of your activities in this physical world.

A part form ruling Aries, the Ram. He also rules Scorpio, symbolized by a snake :snake: and an eagle too. Scorpio is his spiritual side. He’s the master of tantric, sexual energy and kundalini. That’s why he was able to eat all the kundalini of other Egyptian magician when Moses were confronted them. Moses used his kundalini power that was 7 times greater than the Egyptian. Moses is the greatest magician of Mars.

in this age of Pisces, Yahweh is still present because for a Pisces, mars become its greatest benefic planet, it rules his second house of values and 9th house of religion and faith. Even though Jupiter/Jesus is the greatest God in this age, Yahweh is still potent because he is the one that teaches Pisces higher wisdom and faith. Mars becomes the soldier and protector of Jupiter


I find this example hard to follow. Is there a simpler way you could put it?

This is interesting. You don’t think Lucifer or Belial can break fate? Surely Yahweh isn’t the only one

From this point of view it sounds like you are saying Yahweh was an eggregore created from chanting YHVH. Am I correct in my assumption?

Let’s say you chanted an enn to manifest 10$ . And you got it. On an energy level the enn used and the 10$ are the same

Of course yes especially Belial, he has strong Martian energy but to what extent ? Yahweh is the strongest embodiment of Mars, and they are many Martian spirits out there with that ability but in terms of strength, this is different.

Lucifer can do that but will never imbalance the equilibrium of the universe. Lucifer is ying and Yang. She won’t disturb something if it’s not in your best interest. Yahweh doesn’t give a fuck. He can change it even if it gets you in trouble with other gods.

Let’s say you are from Asia, you are connected to Asian gods and spirits and you are karmically linked to them. If Yahweh comes to you, he will make you leave your ancestral gods to follow him only and when you are to pay karma related to your ancestral gods, he’s gonna fight them and kill them if he’s totally more powerful than them. That’s how he breaks karma. He never negotiate, only his way. That’s why he is right opposite to Libra, the sign of Lucifer

Lucifer will never do that, she will let you work with your gods and their karma you are with them in peace. She only interfere where there is injustice and imbalance. She hates injustice and lack of balance in life

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Okay this makes sense but could your re-word the blue car example?

You said Yahweh is a result of chanting YHVH

This example is confusing

If the story of Moses and YHVH is held to be true, or at least an approximation, it is my current UPG that the YHVH was indeed an aspect of source, but over time it morphed into the eggregore we currently know as Yahweh/Allah.

God is infinite and is without name, quality or quantity!
When this infinity manifests in a plane, it will take on qualities and quantities with different names on our world.

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In my opinion/experience, Yahweh is NOT the demiurge, because the demiurge is an impersonal aspect of the universe itself.

The Demiurge simply runs on the programs provided from the source: It doesn’t care how you feel or what you do, but it acts on everything in the process of Magick, and life itself( on this planet, the physical, mental, and astral planes)

It is like the force in star wars…how you use it is up to you, and how it affects you, is ultimately up to you as well.

Yahweh on the other hand, seems to have started out as a tribal storm god, that was later toned down( in his ruthlessness )and integrated with El.

Also spirits can evolve/change over time, due to many factors such as worship/lack of worship.

Yahweh on the contrary to the demiurge, is VERY personal: he wants to control everything in your life( your job, who you talk to, who you have sex with, if you have sex, how much money you have, where you will live, how you will serve him, your psychic abilities, etc)

How do I differentiate from the being known as Yahweh( now mostly pronounced Yah-way, by most westerners) and the Y H V H from the divine aspects of the elements?

The magical pronunciation of YHVH is not Yahweh, it is Yod Hey Vahv Hey( which if you can sense energy, has a totally different vibration/quality to it, than if you invoke/evoke the biblical god.( Try it and you’ll see :call_me_hand:)

Also by breaking down the letters themselves,: the Y stands for Yod ( the divine aspect of omnipotence itself) the H is really from Hey( the divine aspect of love) V is Vahv( the divine aspect of all knowledge and wisdom) and the second H from Heh( the divine aspect of life/immortality)

If you look at the characteristics of the biblical god known as Yahweh, he is NOT a faithful representation of these aspects: He is NOT all powerful, he uses a warped sense of love, NOT divine love, he is NOT all knowing or wise( he makes lots of mistakes, asks for counsel from people, has his mind changed from other worshipers of him, etc), and lastly, he does not represent the divine aspect of immortality nor life either, because he depends upon his worshipers for his continued survival.


Thank you for such a detailed response!

Where did you find this info?

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