Is the Chaos Magick Current Dead?

But aren’t they just kinda in the agencies?

Like say a Freemason or GD or Rosicrucian may work for the surveillance agency so wouldn’t be under surveillance?

I don’t mean that all are or you join an order to get a job like that or to avoid being under surveillance

However I do think if you’re holding an important job in national security… you’re quite likely to also be in one of these orders

I just can’t see why they’d be interested in me if I joined… when they’re probably one themselves

The sigil method comes from an obscure British artist by the name of Ausitn Osman Spare. It was one of his personal techniques. He became something of a prophet figure for other occultists like Genesis P. Porridge who took his simplified techniques and popularised them. The technique became well known through the Chaos Magick movement, but it is not Chaos Magick itself.

The basic premise of “chaos magick” is that it is your subconscious mind that is responsible for all magical effects, and that belief rules your world. Everything exists in your head, and there are no angels or demons or gods outside of yourself, so if you want to invoke Scrooge McDuck to bring you some much needed cash, it will be just as effective as calling upon the Goetic demon Bune, as long as you can force yourself to believe in it for the duration of the ritual.


What a legend


Ok well you just described me and what I believe and practice :joy: so no folk it’s not dead at all

Never used Scrooge mcDuck tho

I go with what’s already easy to believe in and already gonna be rocking about in my subconscious from prior exoteric religion

Totally gonna test if I can get some random clearly funny characters working now tho. Will take a while probably but be a fun hypothesis to experiment with

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No, the existence of the Stargate project shows they were and probably are magpie picking anything they can use to get an advantage.

Exactly, though that is also based on the Kybalion (“All is Mind”), which seems to accurately summarise ancient hermetic beliefs, and ancient Hindu models about the nature of reality, based in themselves upon samadhi experiences.


A former member of this forum, Micah, evoked figures from movies and books, and abstract concepts so you might be interested in reading his posts:


Thanks!! Totally will

Suddenly becomes a lot clearer where I end up confused with the way some others practice and understand things

I really like Shem angels… but anything Hebrew, biblical related… well it’s already deeply there. It’s gonna make sense to me. And definitely got slightly interested in kybalion etc

I thought you were all kinda doing this actually! Just within your own frameworks for belief

Like some people it’s actually completely outside of the subconscious for why it works?


Santa Clause is a ton of fun to work with, but its not exactly his season.


Honestly, there is no way to prove one way or the other why it works. It could be the subconscious mind, or it could be that the spirits are real external beings, but in the end, it doesn’t really matter. What matters are the results you get.


Yeah but he’s gonna be harder to get rolling

Thought he was satan for a while

And obviously prior belief would’ve been less cool with him

Always makes me chuckle when I see @anon8398376 profile pic

Still time tho, could be working by Xmas



Just explains a lot to me. Both in that it’s what I believe but also in where I get puzzled by some posters :joy:


it wasn’t ever original to begin with, chaos magick didnt invent sigils and servitors it just re-skinned them into a modern interpretation.

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That is correct @Jastiv, magic is fake and gay, and there is no cult, and there is no demons. We are just narcissists and schizophrenics doing performance art for entertainment purposes only.
:male_detective: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :female_detective:

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The current so dead you can get Chaos Magick tees, pendants and phone apps?

That article doesn’t make much sense to me. It’s basing it’s arguments on things that aren’t true.

Chaos current is dead . Retrospectively, it will be extremely difficult to prove it ever actually existed, other than in the minds of those who caught some brief initial insight into the writings of Austin Osman Spare

How do you “kill” a technique?

And what about Phil Hine? And the rest? There’s a few mages with more than a little respect doing this.Most occultists add a little chaos into everything they do, mix and match. Type into a search box “chaos magi…” you don’t even finish and you’re offered multiple results that show chaos magick is practically mainstream in the occult arena.
This one is just Amazon:

Then, this is just weird:

In one sense the Chaos magicians tried to blow away the ‘cult’ aspect end occultism.

I think this guy doesn’t get what a cult really is, or he’s using it flippantly, as in “cult following” referring to a niche music band.
There shouldn’t be, imo any “cult” in occultism, especially not in the LHP, (although not all Chaos mages are LHP) by definition.
Look up the hallmarks of a cult to see why. I’ve listed them below… ask yourself if you or any self-respecting mage would give up sovereignty and ascension for THIS bullshit?

How to spot a cult:

  • The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
  • Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
  • Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, or debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
  • The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (e.g., members must get permission to date, change jobs, or marry—or leaders prescribe what to wear, where to live, whether to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).
  • The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
  • The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
  • The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders, or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).
  • The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (e.g., lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
  • The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and control members. Often this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
  • Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
  • The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
  • The group is preoccupied with making money.
  • Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
  • Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
  • The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave—or even consider leaving—the group.

And then there’s this, also very odd:

The initial movement attempted to concentrate the bate techniques and systems of magic into a coherent but non-mystical framework.

I don’t know if Chaos mages considered they were starting a “movement”?
Occultists do gather in covens, orders and find community as they are social humans, but I think there’s a difference between a style of magick, and an order.

A movement is where multiple groups of people have the same objective to change the outer world. Mages and I assume, chaos mages, are very individual, what mass goal would they adhere to?
Most people use magick, chaos magic included to get thier gfs back, get a better job, and learn. A few want to wake sleeping Cthulu, but most Chaos mages probably don’t follow that current.

I don’t see why anyone would want to make it a “movement” at all.

Chaos magic imo is a tool or approach to performing magick. The same principles underlie all currents and Chaos magick tool the pomp and circumstance, the blinds and initiations and blocks to practicing away.
It’s actively used in the occult community. Ea referred to himself as using Choas magick in his work. So do I - it means I make it up as I go along.

I also wonder, if you try too hard to turn it into an organised tradition, aka current, is it even still Chaos magick any more? In this case, Chaos Magick can’t be a movement or a cult or a current really, because then someone will try to pin it down and it won’t be chaotic any more all chaos mages get to do their own thing their way, that’s the beauty of it

I think the dude needs to stop trying to own a system of magick that doesn’t belong to him .


Chaos Magic will never die!

P.s. And they can pull Liber Null & Psychonaut from my cold, dead hand…


Come on, Chaos Magic did a lot more then that!
For example, it helped create me and therefore My Work!



I think in general every one that is open about using magik would have his own very spot on their list.
Like at your first step in this forum, no, this public forum you’d have a watch over paint on your head. It’s like free give away.
Too hard to have anything truelly private in those days, except if you’re a pro at computing and like spending hours to hide yourself everyday.
Even your expenses are easy to know for secret/info agency.
Also I think from the moment you choose to rally yourself to some group, may it be about magik or not, you’d be labelled and pinned on a list

Just my two cent
On a more funny note :
Hey you my watcher, I’m a good guy I use only my magik for personnal growth like any other tool I’ve no interest into hurting anyone I swear

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Well worded and very very true indeed

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I don’t know, everyone is watching everyone else I guess. Anyway, the chaos current is not dead. They have these huge groups on facebook.

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