if magic wasnt real people would have stopped doing it long time ago
How long have you had these books ummm…pdf 's in your hands LOL
Sorry to hear that! Each of us connects to the flow of magick differently. I would recommend starting slow. You already stated your are going to use one demon, one ritual, good for you. Before doing any work, I would recommend that you study up on the demon you plan to work with, not just read snippets from others posts but really study.
If your impatient this is going to take many hours of failure and frustration until you learn to let go. Magick is not separate from you, it’s not a force to acquire or a battle to fight, it just simply is and is a skill that needs refining. If your interest is there, then it’s called to you already and all these thoughts your having are quite normal.
Needy little bugger aren’t you LOL
Good! Your in the right headspace, now experiment and find what works for you. What are you starting with first? Start a thread/journal for your journey post your processes and results no matter how they turn out. It’s always helpful to look back on
I can sense a certain kind of sadness in this.
I will never be able to understand how people can not believe in magick, or anything.
I cannot imagine what it is like to think after we die, we will rot, and that’s it, all gone.
To have this view on life, and be just fine with it…
Even imagining that reality for just one single second breaks my heart and takes all the air from my lungs so I cannot breathe.
It is so utterly sad.
I’ve been knitting since I was a teenager. I’m 33 now. This shawl is my first advanced knitted lace pattern. Nothing good comes easy. It takes dedication. You want results? Got to do the time, just like with anything else.
Aye.I love this.
I’ve spent almost 30 years in this state of mind, its not THAT far away for me.
The good thing is that you can also harness sadness, anger, rage and hopelessness to make things work out somehow. You just have to know how and when. That motivated me more than anything else and it moved mountains in my case
I agree, that’s impressive @pantherpaw
Was just using it to make a point, but thank you
@Grand Like I said, consistency is the key.
I tried for eight years and never had the flashy experiences with spirits everyone talks about either. I found out there was a reason for that, when someone was nice enough to evoke Belial on my behalf. It turned out I wasn’t ready, and so my Higher Self was protecting me.
I understand the frustration because I’ve been there, but all things come in time. The greater reality will open up to you when it’s ready to. You can’t force it. Just keep trying.
I’m really really glad that it worked out well for you, cause I enjoy your company here.
Even during the times I tried to run away from everything, deep down inside I always knew it is all real (that is probably due to my upbringing).
When I just tried to imagine a reality without Magick, the reality most people today think to be real, I see all the faces of the people I lost or am afraid to lose. And it makes me want to scream. I feel so powerless and lost.
You also have to remember, some things take time to manifest and some longer then others. Especially when first starting out.
As well different things come naturally for different people.
We are larping. however, somehow we get what we ask for to some extent. =o) It’s not just about casting and doing ritual. There are the little ingredients like will, mind power, strong knowledge foundation. Wording. mental state. emotion intelligence, etc… U have to learn the understanding principles and process of magick.
@Grand thinks he can do Rasengen in one try!! LOL. Even naruto took time to learn it. He worked his butt off. And he’s a natural talent. =o) naruto is a great show analogy to magick by the way.
its interesting to me that threads like these always garner so much attention.
Anyhow OP, id take a read through the thread i’ll link to below…in particular the stories under baneful magick. Its very easy to write things off as larping or placebo’s in the beginning…but when you start doing magick to do shit like kill a person, and the dude dies a couple months later? Well, that sort of thing is way way harder to brush aside
magick just takes takes time and pacence. I wrote a petition spell to goddess Lilith and did an evocation of king Asmodays and prince sitr. My written petition spell’s answer came to me in a random youtube video and the other 2 to gave me a sign that im not ready for what i was asking for through a video. I dident sense anything during the evocation and herd nothing (even though i have clairaudence) and yet my results have come to me.
It seems real which does cause me tension, because i tend more towards materialism and scientific rationalism over things that are considered spiritual. Practice evoking if results is an issue…I felt the same way for a decade…irritated, interested in the subject but convinced it was sleigh of mind, self delusion and that real magic was stage magic, illusions…seems I was wrong…
Pick up a book about evocation , to hell with the how to spell books, they be only good as toilet paper. Look for ways to conjure, evoke, and invoke. Work with all three. This will build confidence and the entities will guide u to construct your own spells, or u can ask them for these things as well ( rather ask them to teach me so i can be as them) …
I don’t know what this is or why it works.I can be sleigh of mind, but I suspect its a technology, and we are virtual construct who can sort of access the computer that projects reality under the right circumstances…(kinda inspired by the ideas of reality as a simulation but by no means like the Matrix) …Honestly, it kinda irks me that human beings have access to this power at all, and so I would have prefered none of this be real, due to the implications of being controlled by it at the hands of another human being…but yeah…so far the Goetic spirits, Spirits of the Tunnels of Set, and Qlippothic spirits all seem very very real…although i seem to see them as flashes of light rather than how people depict them in books or online…and trust me, my astral senses don’t exist…anymore (drugs are bad…mkay!!!)
Does any of the idea of magic or spirits excite you or fill you with surprise or wonder & AWE?
Yeah, i chose anime pics since its a common visual cue. I found when i was nervous, or even filled with that taboo feeling i got more out of it.
Im also guilty of not journaling or making a BOS. (Book of shadows). Maybe im lazy. Perhaps you should take more notes and just keep reading and studying. Even if you don’t get the desired results there are lots of fantastic writings, art, rituals and more to just absorb.
I’d emphasize making a BoS as a spell book ( and keeping the sigils ). Writing down rituals from books, ebooks, pdfs, websites…just because if u write it in a book, its charged with you…or u can print stuff out in small font, and bleed over it to make it yours…and when the book is full (Keep it either as to go back and reuse and make it a sacred consecrated thing…or seal each page with adhesive and place it in a black medicine bag for use as a charged artifact) .
Wish magick worked like it does in anime, manga though…The idea of shooting a fireball from my hands seems more appealing than going through a ceremony to hex someone…We need to cast a collective spell to make magick more like fantasy magic…
I’m not offended by the term not that delicate just pointing out that it is being used incorrectly as larping happens offline it is not an online thing so in this case switching to a term that is more accurate to the point would be appropriate. Fakes, poser, role player, troll whatever. But larp is an entirely different community.
Its just a consideration like spelling magick with a k instead of a c and all those other pleasantries when you’re talking about specific communities or subcultures
U can shoot fireball from your hands. U just can’t see it. It’s energy ball. Baneful magick do that. shoot ninja stars at target in the astral realm. Some people use it for seduction throwing love balls to someone’s chest. OF course you have to have some kind of training in energy or mind visualization. Energize the energy ball with your love/obession/lust intent and do gesture of throwing at your target.