Ah shit here we go again
Larping used here means people pretending to be, oh I don’t know, Belial’s Crowned Queen and then proceeding to have erotic adventures with half the Goetia and then claiming to be initiated in this, that and the other, or having an extra special bond with Satan Himself (but all this without actually providing any helpful contributions, and you can tell they’re making everything they write about themselves, not so much the topic at hand), so that’s what is meant here in this context, I believe.
The experience still interests me, You can dislike music but go for a orchestra house atlease once to see how it is.
Im sorry If sounded disrespectful, I was just giving my real opinion. And noobs should be discouraged, I might not be able to do it for any reasons but It doesnt mean It doesnt work. It means MYPERSON is not able now or will not be able, who knows.
@A_Pariah The point is not being able to play a note or not, but the point, in my opinion, is practicing and knowing that u are making some kind of advancement. Other example: The gym, in the first day you wont be able to see any difference, but you will feel your muscles hurting, a sign showing that its has an effect
@Lux_Tenebris Thank you.
Beat me to it
I feel like we’re working at McDonald’s and this guy comes over like ‘hey do you REALLY sell burgers here?’
I get that and I feel I addressed that part of it in my comment as well
Well yes. But dare I say that we are ALL moving on some kind of very etheral half-state when it comes to how to achieve XY with our art, somewhat. Books or pre-designed rituals for example don’t work for me at all when I need to achive something tangible. It just doesn’t work out for me. But it works for other people very well, according to some “reviews”, experiences, etc. I wouldn’t have any kind of tangible sign if I would have stayed like that, telling everyone that THEY are wrong because I don’t get the same results for me when I follow their steps. I had to find my very own workaround to get results. It was never a source of frustration, I felt like a pioneer and scientist and artist, without even knowing if it WOULD work out at all. (But I also had a lot of luck on my side when talent alone wouldn’t make it)
Maybe you haven’t found the approach that works for you. I have made huge progress in one area but haven’t had much success in another, but if I hadn’t found ”my“ key to this first process, I also might have come to the conclusion that it doesn’t work for me in general.
About money spells: you must resolve to find ”real world“ solutions first and not depend on magick to manifest it out of nowhere. Usually, your firm intent alone to do your best at finding a solution will imbue you with more confidence than a passive hoping and waiting, or the strenuous ”I reeeeealllyyyyy want thissss!!!“ attitude. I maintain that actual work on your part in this world, as small or big you think your impact can be, plus some extra magic (I find sigil magic to be very good if you’re a beginner - it worked for me when I didn’t believe it would) tends to be a good combination. I know it sounds like a platitude, but do not give up.
I‘m sorry if you felt irritated by the term ”larper“, I certainly do not mean to offend you or anyone who does it and I personally have nothing against LARP per se. It’s just such a commonly used term here. Maybe we should switch to fakers, posers, whatever…
Sorry I worded poorly, I dont know if you are wrong or not, its impossible to me to determine that. I THINK you are wrong, because i rely mostly in my five senses and If i dont get any kind of response from it im prone to not believing it. And this itself is erroneous, for example we dream, we “fakely” receive information from our five senses that doesnt exist, but this “system” is what I think best describe reality.
Many might think that Science its not reliable, because we cant prove correlation means causation (like gravity, just because all things felt when thrown here on earth it does mean that the next thing will necessarily fall).
@Lux_Tenebris I found a real wold solution to get money, I made a spell that should help me daytrade to get the money, but well it didnt work (daytraded for 1week, same average profit).
You can larp summon a demon so yeah it’s pretty much the same thing lol
Nah our smoothie machine is broke again
Ok look, I understand that not getting any results and not seeing any progress at all can be very frustrating and discouraging.
And even though my magick-french horn comparison was quite good it is just not the same starting point. Practicing magick is like learning something which you were taught does not exist.
But just because I can’t play the horn, doesn’t mean nobody can.
You mind is trying to tell you that.
Oh it would all be so easy if everything was just fake, right? But it’s not.
You seem to be very occupied with relying on logic and what you already experienced as true and reliable (like your senses). Which is something good, I would rather have someone question everything in the first place than following blindly every shadow on the wall and every turn of the weather But take care to not smother your natural instinct in that process.
Not to derail the thread…but maybe find a better way, like passive investing? Daytrading is a bit like gambling.
Back on topic, I agree with @A_Pariah in that it’s best to retain your ability for logical thinking (and common sense!), but not rule out other possibilities. There are more ways to ”see“ than just with your physical eyes, for example (and not it’s not fantasy).
Like I said in a reply to Lux_Tenebris: “And noobs shouldnt be discouraged, I might not be able to do it for any reasons but It doesnt mean It doesnt work. It means MYPERSON is not able now or will not be able, who knows.” I just wish that I could prove myself wrong, honestly I wish it is real
A bit of skepticism is normal. There’s nothing wrong with that. I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think that any practitioner walked into all of this with 100% belief.
I’m sure my experience won’t change your opinion (and that’s okay), but I walked into this a full skeptic as well. But experience is the best teacher. I can say , coming from a person who was once in total disbelief, that all of this is real, no doubt. There are simply some things that science has not explained yet (and probably never will). Im sorry that it hasn’t worked for you yet. Its more of an art, really. You have to explore what techniques work for yourself personally.
But honestly, even if the claim that this is all fake and placebo is true, why does it matter? People have still achieved results from it, whether by their own merit or not. Its like the Flat Earth debate. Whether the earth is a sphere, a flat plane, or a giant Minecraft cube, you’re still living on it. It doesn’t change a thing.
Totally disagree with the “schizos” comment, by the way. If it doesn’t cause pain or distress in the person’s life, you can’t claim they have a mental disorder.
It works but magic hasn’t been immediate. Like I don’t get something a day after I ask, I get it weeks or months after, depending on what I want though.
It may sound cheesy (but I like being cheesy): I’m listening to a random youtube playlist and right in the moment I read this the lines “Believe and you will find your way” from May it be were playing.
Keep searching.