What would you tell your noob self 8 years ago?
Oh, I’ve been practicing magick a lot longer than 8 years. It was around eight years ago that I only started focusing on the evocation of spirits. I did other forms of magick before that though.
I would tell myself to be more consistent. Practice daily.
Ok so should I stick to:
1 book (i’m thinking demons of magick)
Focus on 1 spell
Use 1 demon
do it every day?
For many people, seeing is believing. If people who have seen supernatural things including me put your vision into them or into mine while experiencing the supernatural, you would believe magick is very real.
Magick is all about your attitude, your approach, your observation, your belief, your immersion and your dedication. I once met a man who did this for 11 years without any success and finally once he found the correct approach for him, he then began manifesting every single desire his heart yearned for. So like @DarkestKnight said the key is being consistent.
If I were you, I would find an easy form of magick that doesn’t involve spirits at all, like sigil magick, and get some verifiable results under your belt to help with your doubt.
Sigil magick uses your own subconscious mind for manifestation so you don’t even have to worry about whether demons are real or not.
Magic is real. It sounds like you’re looking for a path to start and have no magical experience whatsoever. Much of ceremonial magic entails intense study and the published books out there entails your relying on someone else’s magical philosophy and experience, which may not be a good fit for you.
I would start with basics and basic elemental candle magic, calling on the four quarters. Cast and create your own ritual for knowledge and divination as starters could be acceded to and take it from there and see what happens. There are no shortcuts in life or magic. The choice is up to you.
Once you gain some experience and see some results you will acquire a patron deity, none will instantly accede to money or love but guide you on a successful path giving you part of the solution to your goals you will still have to put the work into completing your goals be it wealth, love or knowledge.
There’s no “rule” for successful magical and spiritual experiences, in my opinion.
…but your intentions are one of the main ingredient to stir in the kettle. Put in a grain of faith, some pounds of studying, a couple of spoons of other’s experiences and a ladle of critical thinking that goes beyong myths and legends. Stir the ingredients on the hot stove and serve it gently with plenty of dedication. If it works, the aftertaste will last enough for many lifetimes. Sometimes it’s good, and other times it leaves a bitter aftertaste, but it all starts with your intention.
Of course magick is LARPing, just as life itself is one big LARP. But that doesn’t make it any less real.
I think some people take it waaay too far, thinking they’re the hottest shit to ever grace this or any other reality, “mastering” things in days that take others years to even begin to learn… Looking at those kinds of people, yeah, LARPing (even if they somehow believe it’s true!) is a good way to describe it.
I can say from personal experience that it is real, it just takes time and a lot of practice and discipline. Not everything you imagine happening is actually taking place, especially if you’re just starting out - your mind will play tricks on you, you’ll be having a conversation with yourself and believing it’s something legitimate (it most likely isn’t. That is not a beginner skill). That being said, when you’re writing petitions or invoking/evoking, if you do it right, they WILL hear you. You just won’t be able to hear them (even if you think you can. You have to expect when you’re starting out that it’s probably just your inner voice talking back to you because you expect something to be there), and even if they do, it won’t always work.
Think about it like this… If somebody completely new to a trade ordered you to do something outrageous because they insist it’s the right way to go, you’d probably flat out refuse.
Compare that to someone who’s been doing it for years asking the same thing of you… You’d be much more inclined to do it, right?
All you can do is keep going, keep learning, don’t give up! Start small and eventually you’ll see some results and learn some things you can build on!
And, very important - don’t take yourself too seriously, if you get too wrapped up in your own head about all of this, nothing is going to work, because you’ll always be obsessing over it
Hey grand. Let me see if I can help okay? I know it seems a bit strange at first and when I first started this path years ago I was in a similar predicament to you. I hadn’t read any knowledge on the subject either. The books you have are alright but it’s pretty advanced stuff. You need to start small, like working out. If you try to dead lift 400 lbs your first time lifting you’ll break your back right? So you start small. I want you to pick up the book “uncle setnakts essential guide to the left hand path”. Now understand that it is NOT GOSPEL. It’s merely the most basic guidelines for ANY kind of magick, I feel as if many people here can agree with me. So, give it a shot, read it once through, then go back and use it as a reference. Welcome aboard my friend.
Oh no man, dont start. MY OPINION:
Ther are all larpers, schizos or “placebo”. They say magick is like most hobbys/abilities, but the big difference you can imediatly see a kind of results. The guitar example, you are not going to play well in 1 hour of training, but probably could actually play a note, you can hear the difference, even if the progress is little. But with magick you theorically might take a long time to perceive anything with our 5 senses (the actual way we perceive EVERYTHING).
BUT I dont doubt they are seeing, hearing etc. spirits. Imagine if you put A LOT of time in something, just to be a total fraud. Training Magick might me be similar, imagine you are putting a lot of hours in something and showing no results, that would be frustating, so the brain might actually just “play along” to prevent the frustation or sadness.
We still love you, Max.
OP, you have been given quite sound advice. But yes, there is a lot of larping around. But I don’t think it is important. I have this friend who is reaaaaally into wines. He participates in a forum about wines from western South America. And he tells me there are larpers there. So… you get the point.
That being said, The Magick of Angels and Demons is a solid book and the ritual is easy. Like REALLY easy. So try with that one a little more, maybe, and as a general rule, try to go always for the easiest of things, you can increase complexity in the meassure you develop your skills.
So we’re all just basically larpers who are fooling ourselves, is that what you’re saying?
Why are you here?
Ok, but have you tried playing the French Horn?
Very good question. It’s like joining a choir when you’re tone-deaf and don’t even like music…
But seriously, his statements are completely disrespectful to all the experienced practitioners here, and also newbies. Personal opinion, alright, but this is unhelpful to any newbie and really begs the question as to why he is here to begin with.
Sounds like he’s just trying to be “that guy” lol
I am not sure myself, but I think that I am trying to convince myself that its real, I atleast wish It was, and I could rip its benefits. Im not gonna lie, I fucking wish that I could do a ritual for money and receive results, I really need it atm.
Nope, but i tried to play the violin which most consider a lot harder at the beginning.
As someone who has actually larped before this irks me here’s why:
No one can larp on this forum because larp stands for Live Action Role Play it’s something you can only do offline in person that’s why it’s called live action Technicality I know but it bothered me and had to put it out there
If you mean are people role playing here in general? Well still technically no as this is not a role play fourm but a forum for serious magicians. Does that mean everyone is being truthful with their results or that there aren’t trolls here? Probably not
Nes/yo (no&yes).
See, the thing is that everyone on this little merry dirtball learns differently. Because perception, intelligence etc. is spread individually.
What can be learned and understood very easily by you could be an absolute pain in the ass for me to achieve in the exact same amount of time with the same information at hand about the task.
We are all wired differently. Some people are able to get some straight tones out of a guitar from hour 1, other folks are still busy with learning how to hold that thing correctly during that time.