Is magick "fake"?

I think that’s a pull toward parsimony, ie. it’s a complex view to hold and it probably takes a fair amount of processing - which is expensive, especially if it involves not doing fast-track things that a pure materialist might do or taking up exercises that seem like they yield little return on investment.

I never felt that pull to write off really unignorable experiences in my memory banks more than when I was still holding the popular white light Victorian New Thought flavored idea of this stuff that being a good little boy is what makes the Cosmic or my HGA pleased in me just to then walk out my front door and see that people hated each other and by the same token hated me (and the idea that these are just ‘benighted souls’ starts to break down if those people started crushing me in survival games because I hadn’t been practicing that skill set). Part of why I’ve done so much digging I suppose was that I’ve wanted to lower the cognitive dissonance cost and have a foundation I can keep for the rest of my life, even if that means regrouping and starting small again.

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This. So much this. Every time doubt starts to invade my thoughts, my journal of results, unusual phenomena and such makes it fade away. The mind is always trying to force me into blind skepticism despite all the results I’ve accomplished. It is understandable, though, since most of my life I’ve lived as a rational, logical and non-spiritual human being. My old self tries to fight back from time to time.


I came into magick with a very open mind that gradually became skeptic which was honestly a good thing. It kept me grounded and each time something happened that confirmed things for me along with people who confirmed things with me though scanning and other means without frontload. I always tried to keep my imagination out to avoid “me me me” syndrome lol.

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I think the Hollywood fantasy ideas of what magic is all about is fake, but the very real psycho-spiritual process and effects of magick are not fake at all.
For example becoming physically invisible is not possible because magick does not break the laws of physics but to walk through a crowd and be completely unnoticed and nobody remembers you being there and in the minds of the people of the crowd you were never there then in truth you were invisible.
This could even go as far as glitches, static, light reflections and blurring in video surveillance to obscure you making you in every sense of the word "invisible ".
90% of what we consider reality is subjective and only 10% objective and even the objective is subjective to observation as Quantum physics has revealed recently.
The effect magick has on objective reality is in the realm of probability where an event that is highly unlikely to occur can be influenced to occur by magick. The parting of the red sea is an event that can occur naturally given the proper set of environmental factors align correctly. The “Timing” of the event to coincide with the arrival of Moses is where magick comes into play.
They call me Dr. Thoth because I am an expert in the "science " of magick.





Not really. Even if it is, believing in the very idea of it leads to alchemical alterations in the self, which can bring about ascension or complete transcendence of the former self, bringing into question, the potential of becoming something more than human and connecting with that which lies beyond physical space.

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I sometimes have doubts, but look at my post from today.

I’ve experienced results, seen objects move without assistance, made predictions that go beyond the realm of probability, and had a sigil burned into my foot (pics are on my blog thread).

Even if magic isn’t real, demons sure are, and I love working with them.

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I tend to believe this, however, more that magick either expands on the hidden aspects of the laws of physics or bends them without breaking them.


The people who know me and have had conversations with me.

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Well said.

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This is the only explanation that makes sense to me regarding paranormal phemomenon and the “unexplained”.

I think there’s always a physical frame of reference for these things, however scant.


but ive seen something vanish from the physical.

Despite this i am sure i could formulate some head cannon or gnosis to explain it but itd be exactly that.

Its so interesting cuss I always hated the fake disappearing things but when the thing vanished my brain could not comprehend what happened. Like it felt like my brain broke temporarily.

Nothing vanishes. Molecular structures just change shape.

I don’t believe that I have to visualise a spell working. I’ll give you a few example’s, magick doesn’t leave evidence and it all really depends.

I played the ouija board with a friend a few years ago, I was pretty frighten. All it was, was a piece of cardboard from a cereal box and the alphabet written on it - including the Sun and the Moon. Didn’t think anything would happen but it did. I didn’t use my imagination then, or though I guess some may say Conjuring is different.

The second time, I used Lilith’s sigil to request help, in my moment I did not use my imagination to complete my goal, it just worked and all I did was masturbated on the sigil.

Recently I made myself a Pentagram, laid a lump of sea salt in the middle and a piece of my hair to cleanse my mind, I could feel coldness, a smoothing energy. Until I moved it, then I felt shitty again. xD

Not sure what other’s would say but “Believing” or “visualising” a spell working is an old faery tale. Magick is a complicated construct, sometimes it’s hard to unlock those doors. But the harder the better your spells will work, or so I believe. To me, those doors can be opened through “actions” even now I find it hard to explain, it just isn’t that easy. It never was suppose to be that easy.

Perhaps, visualising or believing a spell to work is what brings it to life, maybe it just works for most people and give it that extra kick. Most symbols that you find, like the Pentagram or goetia sigils are ancient relics, really it’s a piece of gold and not just some symbol.

I hope I have made sense here, sometimes I don’t get what I’m talking about. Lmao :laughing:

“Nothing is limited, everything is permitted.”

Like a key and a lock. Yin and yang perhaps. One needs both conceptual knowledge and the experience to apply it properly. You must not only have the right mind to learn something, but also do the right thing.

I agree though, a difficult concept to put to words. Having both lock and key seperates understanding, from just knowledge.


Well said, Prince X. I agree 100%.

Skyrim was made for the person who will never ever mod the game (seriously, look how watered down it’s become since Morrowind. Even Oblivion felt dumbed down in comparison)

Magick is mod access. Of course it’s going to have a strange path to it, the NPC’s depend on immersion to keep the game running.

Ever watch a movie with some asshole who keeps yelling meta stuff about how bad the cinematography is or how the supporting role deserves soooooo much more credit for that scene? You want to punch him if you’re doing it right. The simulation wouldn’t be nearly as cool if you didn’t forget it was a simulation some of the time. That doubt is where half the enjoyment comes from.

When magick becomes an equation it stops feeling like magic. So long as it’s working… Gotta have that value on the spectrum too to experience the bitchin counterpart. I like phasing back and forth between mindfulness and full immersion. I don’t want to be thinking about a spirit while I’m having sex or playing music. That’s meant to be enjoyed completely. Changing my world to get there? Give me root mod access


Literally the most helpful thing I’ve read thus far concerning my own skepticism. Thank you.


recall that sensation,
and try to produce more of it.

Focus exactly on how it felt,
and what you sensed.

You asked for more Supernatrual occourances,
and out of respect to you and the brotherhood,
spirits don’t just randomly fuck around.

for you to learn,
and get forward in your study - that’s where you have to look at.

That, which you brain couldn’t comprehend.

If you need aid,
i’ve already mentioned it.

If you really want the results…

The methods are there.



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