Is King Paimon angry at me?

All my life I have never stood up for myself and King Paimon knows this that’s why he yelled at me and pushed all my shit off my table and knocked over my vase hard and then kicked it towards me. He wanted me to stand up to him and stand my ground. Time to stand up to this King and evoke my God self.

Just make sure you are commanding as the God, not as the man. It is when magicians start ordering spirits around from their human ego, and not from their divine authority, that the problems start.


King Paimon “ [quote=“DarkestKnight, post:42, topic:134729”]
Just make sure you are commanding as the God, not as the man.

That makes sense why EA said “it is not I who call you it is adoni and you will obey my command” when king Paimon said who are you to have called me here


King Paimon has zero respect for God names unless the one uttering them identifies with the Divine. If someone just recites Hebrew names that don’t have a true connection to them, or garbles some Latin and immerses themselves in formalities and big regalia, that means nothing to Him and He will laugh in your face (or not show up at all). Unless all that serves to connect you to something higher than your human-ness. Then you’ve entered a whole different ball park.


Yes, in the RHP system EA was using at the time, the authority was seen as being granted by an external force, aka God.

In the Left Hand Path, it is believed we already have the authority to command spirits simply by the virtue of what we really are, so it is more of an inner divine than anything external.

And that’s exactly what he did with EA, until EA got angry and channelled his Will through the godnames. Only then did the mighty king stop laughing and pay attention to him.


It depends on you in my opinion. Many practitioners say they commanded demons but in the end no matter what words you use when expressing your experiences with an entity you got your point across. It’s no point in Symantecs as long as you’re not showing that you rule or run these beings. Don’t put too much pressure into their title as said title only matters in the infernal it doesn’t matter outside of it but like any person respect is still better than disrespect. That’s my opinion.


I just did the ritual. First thing I did was make a stone alter for king Paimon and I offered him rum and chocolate. I felt him kind of mocking me but I just shrugged it off. I called Lord Yeesch down. He was so awesome and reassured me I can call on him anytime I need too, especially before rituals. I asked him to stay with me until I Duke Bune leaves. I called on Duke Bune and everything was going fine. I called feel king Paimon around after I did the banishing and as I was putting my stuff in my car I heard him chuckle at me and called me weak. In a fury I ripped out his sigil and went back down and I called him forth and I saw him Infront of me still calling me weak and I said with a deep voice in a complete rage “it is not Fabian who calls you before me but it is my GOD self and I DEMAND and COMMAND you respect and obey me and he stopped and said “Well done boy” and I said “King Paimon, I respect you as a King but I demand you respect me and obey me” and he seemed proud of me and I felt the energy completely change and I explained to him that I need to work with Lucifer to teach me because I have a lot of work to do on myself first and he stopped me and said “no, I will teach you” and I shook his hand and he departed.

On my way back I kept seeing in my imagination king Paimon on a camel going fast with his sword out and slaying me and then I see my body drop and I emerge as a golden version I take this as my GodSelf being awakened. I feel like a completely new person my life is completely changed right now.

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Okay here is my thoughts King Paimon is normally very calm , but approximately around the time you said he was upset, I was talking to him a bit more and he was way more grouchy than normal, he told me some things were going on with him in his dealings he was really mad at someone who was screwing up a pact.

Paimon may be mad but if you call him again he’ll probably won’t be as mad.


My god the air was so thick and full of energy. The presence of the 3 spirits was so overwhelming it was so great and I am so happy. I love King Paimon.

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Wow really? This makes sense now. He did tell me he was testing me though. Maybe he wouldn’t of tried testing me because I am a beginner but he was pissed so he was like screw it il give it to him lol

I don’t want to speculate too much about what is going on between you, but this sounds a lot like him in the sense he was unusually mad at the start of the week.

All I can say now is I feel completely different. It’s like all my fears have completely gone and I literally just got challenged by my cousin he always tries to intimidate me and as soon as he saw me he acted completely different around me and was super submissive. Haha.

The myth that Solomon built his temple by forcing Demons to do it only came muuch later. The concept of “Demons” only came into being among the Jews after they mixed with the Greek Pagans, which was loong after the supposed time of Solomon. So the myth of him using Demons to build the temple only came later on.


Demons existed since Sumerian text as well or do you mean demons in this specific case? because many of Tiamat’s children were called demons and many of them were seen as messengers and punishers of the Gods.

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Sorry I thought the way I phrased it might cause a bit of confusion, but I meant specifically “among the Jews”. The word ‘Demon’ itself has Greek origins. But from the pre-Hellenic Judaism texts you won’t really find the concept of a Demon throughout.

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That really happened? :eyes:

Can’t say for sure, King Solomon as an individual has been discussed by historians are leaning (as far as I know) towards him being a real historical figure and Baal has admitted to knowing him in my experience with him.

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I told King Paimon I need help with my social skills and the next 10 minutes I get invited to a huge party. Lol.


Archangel Michael gave him the ring right? Based on the testament of Solomon

It still is a pretty stupid thing to do for Solomon to control the demons

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