Is King Paimon angry at me?

I’ve heard him talk about the topic loads you must have missed something.

I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience.

It wasn’t an imposter because the spirits I call actually bring me what I ask them too I just had some fear because I saw it on this forum. From now on I’ll be calling on Lord Yeesch before my rituals as he reassured me I can call him anytime I need too.

There you go! Confirmation.

I’m curious, Ea not speaking of them means what exactly?

It means that it’s not as of a big deal as people make it out to be.

Because Ea doesn’t speak about it? How did you draw that conclusion?

Never heard it in the mastering evocation course or in evoking eternity or in any of his other books. So I conclude it must be rare. Ea is a great teacher, if not the greatest teacher on the subject.

Hm, definitely not the greatest teacher on the subject, but there are people who are just as versed in it as he is and speak on the existence of them, kind of a bad correlation but thank you for answering my questions.

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Well if anyone came and asked me they suspect they have an imposter deceiving them I would suggest Lord Yeesch. He told me he will block any imposters so now before every ritual I call him and he protects me from them, and he loves it.

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