Is it possible to retain or regain one's youth?

Just as it says above. Maybe Lilith, Ashtaroth, or Asmodeus?

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No, energy working. Maybe a healing entity like Raphael. These three have nothing to with healing or preventing the bodily damage caused by aging.


Building and maintaining your chi will help make you youthful. Men tend to age more rapidly compared to women because they expend their chi faster. Learn how to breath properly and to circulate your chi. I like Bruce Frantzis’ Longevity Breathing technique.

High levels of chi will give you a youthful, almost androgynous, appearance.


I see the opposite. Women ages faster than men as their looks often starts to decrease in the 30s while men can have good looks in the 40s. This is why I theorize if fertility magick can restore youth because living organisms aging rapilty when they stop being able to reproduce.

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That is not my experience. Generally, women retain their youthfulness well into old age while men do not, partly because of stress levels, and partly because of the way testosterone affects the body. Hormones play a big part in aging.

You can harness the sexual energy of the body. That is in essence what the Kundalini is, after all. When you can retain and circulate that energy though the body, it leads to an enhancement of the body’s strength, intellect, and appearance.

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Imop this is new and largely related to our diet of mostly bad for us foods and lack of spiritually.

Up until I hit 30 roughly, women in their 30s typically looked around 25, 40s around 35.

I see what you’re saying in the now though, the average women in her 30s looks roughly 45-50 and thinks she’s hott as fuck and seems to have no idea she looks much older than she is.

I’m all the time surprising people that I have children that are 2 and 3 years from 18 and I’m practically 40.

I’ve been mistaken as my children’s friends, my neighbors daughters etc all in the last year or so.

I do not usually wear makeup, I rarely eat fast food and rarely have my entire life.

Those are the only two differences besides the fact I’m spiritual from me and everyone else, so of course to my mind I relate diet and spirituality to being part of the issue.

Granted they say one fast food meal a week can contribute significantly to your bodies inability to heal or to contract diseases, so personally I think there’s something to the diet thing and the fact almost everything you buy, including fresh produce in many cases isn’t actually fresh and is treated with stuff to make it prettier or stop it’s growth etc.

I’ve started buying organic and growing what I can simply because I buy fresh produce and it’s bad before we can eat it, in a day or two- despite diligence in selection, storage and preparation.

Somehow organic has a longer shelf life in my fridge…:rofl:

That’s not getting into sugars, high fructose corn startup or the fact that most people have no self control or accountability so they can’t or won’t discipline their vices, eating habits etc.


This. An accidental find of mine is that I am looking less like my age than ten years ago (except for the hair, that stuff is going grey o’ clock). I would not attribute it to a specific spirit, but with exercising control over my energy flow :+1: Coming to think about it, I almost only know practicioners who looked younger than their age.


For the OP, one magical option not involving spirits is to accomplish the Chemycal Wedding ie the alchemy of balancing the solar and lunar forces in the body, also known as Yin and Yang.


What I see is that their looks decrease in the mid 30s and it’s the same time where their fertility go down. I saw a documentary with the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins where they found organisms from the sea who could reach 200 of age and it turned out to be because they could reproduce. Maybe we get it all wrong about life and death. We are aging because our body lose ability to produce and do no longer serve the purpose of our existence.

I practice vampirism where I feed on my victims sacral chakra. I draw the energy of their sacral chakra to my sacral chakra.

Women’s fertility should not go down till nearly 50. Yea we are going through a crisis of loss of fertility, but it’s not natural.

Look into the causes of early menopause. It’s highly because of the chemicals we consume. Either in our foods, environment or vices like booze and cigarettes.

Granted until the last ten years I never knew a female alcoholic or drug addict. Now I know many of them, often around my age and just trying to get it together, or they’ve been clean for ten years because they had kids, but they still feel the affects of what their body went through or they still want to do it more…

They very often look older than they are too.

A women that is not fertile in her early 40s and has not had tubal ligation or a hysterectomy is not natural.

Many women in my parents generation had kids 15 plus years apart. I know some with bigger gaps and they were all over 18 for the first child and had very healthy children all around.

They however were definitely lax in the discipline compared to the first set of children. Like the number of times I’ve had people my age say how their parents catered and coddled their younger siblings just like my parents did with my younger ones that were 13 years younger than me… is uncountable!


That’s the cheap way to get energy. Someone serious about retaining youth needs to harness their own energy so it flows strongly through the body. Stealing from others is not sustainable long term.


But what if you collected it, if they are freely giving it, via a servitor that collects it from people when they come to your social media profile?

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The body’s energy is a closed system. It is literally designed to be self sustaining. If one strengthens and circulates one’s chi, there is no need for external sources as the more the energy is used, the more powerful it becomes. This is what the Taoists discovered with their orbits, and the yogis with their Kundlaini.


I don’t know about we are going into a crisis of loss of fertility. The only thing I can see is that there is a connection between fertility and aging. We will lose fertility our bodies has lost their purpose and that’s why we ages and die like all other species. This is why I was thinking about demons of fertility if they could help to restore youth.

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No, we are ageing because the DNA gets damaged, and when the DNA is damaged the cells don’t divide and work properly any more, they stop producing the proteins and hormones they do in youth, and that’s why you feel and look old. Some of them become “senescent” and don’t divide they just hang around being useless, mitochondria stop producing so much energy, your pathways are not as efficient, and in some cases the damage causes cancers and tumors. This happens though both the loss of telomeres and the proliferation of methylated sites that block DNA functionality.

For example, from age 20 the body produces less and less of the proteins called collagen, and that’s why the skin loses it’s elasticity. That’s because the DNA in the cells stops telling the cells to do that.
If the DNA didn’t get damaged and the skin kept producing collagen we’d never get wrinkles.

Scientists (see Dr Sinclair) can now advance and reverse aging in mice at will to test anti aging therapies. They do it though gene therapy.
There’s also DNA based tests for your age now that basically tell you when you’ll die based on your accumulated damage and how fast it’s progressing.
There’s also a lot of idea to slow that down and reverse DNA damage to reverse your aging,

Always eating calorie restricted (IF and OMAD etc) and strenuous exercise help a lot. Skeletal muscle is protective, and staying clean, well rested, stress free, and not being exposed to toxins that damage DNA all contribute.


You can look into it or not :woman_shrugging:, there are definitely additional issues contributing to the loss of female fertility prematurely that I did not mention, but they are political in nature and could also support my opinion in observation.

In addition it’s useful to be old enough to recognize a change in the norm, instead of young enough to only see what is presently in front of us, as these changes could help determine what is actually going on or if it’s many factors in combination of each other.

Or the intelligence to consider one person might not know everything and their singular opinion may mean nothing, but it’s possibly they’ve researched it due to the fact they’ve noted a change and was searching for the cause could help us find new leads we haven’t considered yet.

Of course one who realizes their own opinion and current perception does not trump what actually is, would already be able to recognize these things in them self and correct it, as well as determine which new leads to follow up on, on their own.

So yes perhaps it is non factor, my bad. :blush::smiling_face:

I hope you figure out, I may be off track, but lots of people would like to look and feel younger :grinning:

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What you are talking about here is to slow the aging, not restore. I’m 34 now and I do not look as I did when I was 21. I want to restore that look I had when I was 21.

Then restoring and repairing dna through energy work and diet to return to youthfulness doesn’t work for you eh?

Like you’re just looking for someone to say use this spirit and the result you should get is do nothing and look and feel like your 21?

I highly advise new research material and looking into foods and chemicals and what they to do you.

I’m sure mulberry can advise you to research exhibiting such phenomena from energy work too.

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No I’m talking about anti aging. Anti means “against”, not slow down. When you know why you age you can find out how to reverse it.

If you lengthen your telomeres so that the DNA starts replicating your cells correctly and they don’t go senescent, and you fix the methylated sites on your DNA, you can reverse your DNA age. At the same time you can heal the damage the bad cells started to create.

I would say combine magickal intention with a healing entity to help with this as well as make lifestyle changes.

Here: this guy is 25 and has a DNA age of sixteen, he has a lot of good advice to help you out on the mundane side Siim Land - YouTube


Are you saying Marbas for instance could heal my DNA damage?