So you know how some thoeries go they say famous people made contracts or whatever way to become famous or rich.
In any case, is this possible yes? And well if so in any way, what diety or well, contract would you have to ask?
Or you need a good pact you cannot just ask once. I suppose the energy and well effort you put into it, equates to how much money you get dependant on said being too?
“Pacts with the devil”? Unfortunately those “devils” are human. It’s about who you know. I don’t personally think you want to know those people, it gets allegedly criminal, (not saying more than than that because politics rule) but imo not worth your integrity. This is not the way to happiness.
No, there’s no such thing as “selling your soul”, this is folklore.
What you can do as you can see from the thread here is work with entities on your goals and to bring opportunities. What you do with the opportunities is up to you.
I would suggest focusing on “wealth” not just money. The concept of wealth covers money, sex, wellbeing, environment, friends and family - go for “healthy, wealthy and wise” - all of it.
Or you need a good pact you cannot just ask once. I suppose the energy and well effort you put into it, equates to
No a pact is not about having anything done FOR you - it’s a joint effort, so yes, you get out what you put in. It’s no good getting an opportunity if you waste it. They cannot control your level of effort, productivity, action or reaction - you bring that.
I would say make as many pacts as it needs - different entities bring different energies that can work together better than alone.
For example, I have 5 pacts right now: You can see my basic values through these:
Belial - to never bend the knee, for freedom and self reliance
Lucifuge Rofocale - the BALG pact done by E.A. as a professional ritual to “be the best that I can be”.
Azazel - to gain full capacity of my human potential for psychic ability
Ant’harratu - to develop my “Empire” and professional life to the fullest
Clauneck - for foundational wealth and preservation of gains
More opinions on why “selling your soul” is not how it works…
Normally I am open to working with many cosmological models and belief systems. Except in this case. I’m fairly certain that this holds true no matter what.
Souls are immutable. Completely. Utterly. They cannot be sold or bought, damaged, or otherwise.
Aside from Hollywood I think the idea that souls can be sold stems from ancient pact making. Mages would make pacts for things and go to incredible lengths to help fulfill them. Some of them would stop at nothing.
To an outside observer this would probably look very much like the mage “sold their soul” for the outcome and over time tales grew of sorcerers selling their souls.
What you seek to accomplish is quite possible and you don’t necessarily need pacts to meet your goals. I would examine under a closer light if that is truly what you desire though. Having grown up around professional musicians I can say with certainty that the life of famous people isn’t necessarily a walk in the park. It comes along with entirely different hardships. Some people enjoy the life, some hate it, some are consumed by it etc. So my advice is to look deep within and find out if that life is truly for you. Do some research and if you decide that is the way you wish to go. Good luck!
I’m not sure how things work outside of the usa, but start your own business llc, learn about social media (free courses), become an energy vampire, find a local gym in your rich area join it to find wealty mentors (this advice was given to me by someone rich). Do rituals and spells to attract people to your business. Act like you are already rich. Start thinking like a wealthy person.
There isn’t a quick way. Only the most powerful magical people can do the lottery. Do something realistic and grounding practices.
Yes , There are spells make you rich fast , by Lottery , or by small business change to large one , or even by changing A4 paper to Real Money , people think that this last is old spell grimoire no longer works, but it still work
When you say 'like celebrities ’ you’re talking about them like they were talentless wasters who brought nothing to the table. Celebrities like who? Einstein? Hawkins? Ophra? A Celebrity is celeb-rated by the vast majority of humans because they usually have an outstanding admirable gift or trait.
Now,admittedly, in this present era of reality TV, some talentless people adorn the cover of big-circulation magazines. They just show up to some place,pass an interview and are selected but they’re selected for some particular look or trait.
Admittedly some Hollywood actors are bad actors and some pop stars are appalling.
Could you specify what you bring to the table and how you’d like to achieve 'Celebrity status '?
I shall consider such a pact , but I supose a lot of planning, and study is in order.
That is to say I would like to be a more free, well person in of mysef. confident and have some solid ground of where I stand and what I am.
I also Ant’harratu seems rather intreguing I never come across the name prior.
Also, to other answers well, lottery maybe ill try that a few times. Like before i do a ritual then very few times buy some tickets. To hope it works. Pherhaps gambling? lol maybe not a good idea?
Also changin A4 to real money? Never heard of that, seems powerful.
If you ask for sit in a chair and next day become a famous superstar or bills start raining over you… I think its impossible
You need to be or to start the way you want be rich, via music, youtube, painting, whatever you want, but you have to put your part and then the entities can help you to improve faster, open road, getting contacts, etc.
But if you want a “one trick pony” pact i would do it with the entity you have more confidence or a entitiy specialized in pacts like Lucifugue, Mephistopheles…
The only demon I know of that can grant fast fame and riches, according to his description, is Sorath.
However, I’ve read that if you’re not prepared, you can lose it just as quickly as you gain it. I guess “not being prepared” is a warning—if you want this kind of power, fame, riches expect disruptions.
Know what you’re getting into and don’t complain later. You might start getting everything you want fast, but the lessons and disruptions could make you want to give it all up and say, “It’s not worth it.”
Certain musical artists have definitely indulged in some forms of occult practises.
About this performance… The presenter is dressed as Baron Samedi, and he seen holding a bottle of liquor wrapped in a Voodoo scarf. Madonna and her dancers are also seen wearing black hats, dressed in black and white suits. I can feel something very mystical from this.
I think that’s certainly true, but that’s not what I’m talking about.
To get “rich fast” as the OP wanted, you have to contend with the ones holding the strings, the gatekeepers who are not easily swayed by magick because they also do magick, and whether you get into their circles via the occult or otherwise, they are the ones you have to “sell your soul” to. Meaning, you have to obviate your principles, assuming you have those, and do what they want, how they want when they want, whether or not it’s immoral or criminal or just distasteful.