I don’t know if I should. If it is not a good idea, please provide me link to non-Cristian version of LBRP (I could not find it).
Thank you.
It’s not Christian, it’s Kabbalistic. There is no Christian version.
As one demon to another, yes it’s completely safe.
But in classic LBRP we use names YHVH, ADONAI, AGLA, EHEYHE and names of 4 archangels. Am I wrong?
Which are Jewish. Hence no vowels. That’s because they’re translated from Hebrew.
Christianity is two religions tacked together: the old testament is pre Christian Jewish, and the new testament is the actual story of Christ.
Christian or Jewish… It’s just regalia. These names belong to the Spirit (YHVH aka God) and his pantheon. Which is the enemy of the demons. So are you sure it’s completely safe?
“Demons” is regalia, the names made up by JCI religions are regalia, so your fear of them is regalia.
Yes it’s completely safe. I’ve done it, I work with those angels personally outside of it as well.
You will not get struck by lighting, I promise
Hahah, we’ll see
They aren’t names and belong to no god or spirit. They are words of power, keys tuned to certain powers and forces, realizing this lets you separate them from the man made thoughtforms that accompany them when viewed as names. Think of them more as passwords to a network. As it is though a demon possessing a human body would have no need for ritual or such but would use its natural power if it has taken full control of the victim.
It is kabbalistic-christian.
For thine is the Kingdom(Malkhuth), and the Power(Geburah) and the glory(Gedulah/Hesed)
Now and forever(Le-Olam) Amen.
To form a cross, it is based loosely on the Lord’s Prayer.
No, everyone seems to do it just fine though there are certainly friendlier alternatives to working with the Pandemonium.
This is one that I still use and many have found it reliable.
This is if you wish to focus your magical workings purely on more Luciferian or pandaemonic ideals or energies in general. So if you are for that then you ought to use this.
This rite’s purpose is to invoke the light of Chaosophia from below and exhalt it to the above. The opposition’s way is drawing the energy from heaven above and calling it down, whereas the Chthonic way and primeval traditions have always called the energy up from below to exalt it above, as such with the Kundalini Serpent - a gnostic equivalent of our luciferian Nechesh HaKadmoni (Ancient Serpent of the Tree of Wisdom).
-Lotan Vovin
I struggled with this issue for a while long ago… it is safe. The danger is in your mind. If you perceive them as a danger, that could cause some issues. Angels aren’t necessarily “enemies” of demons… they are really strong energies, at least in my experience. Demons are still a part of the angelic realm. They have just chosen to “fall” into a more material manifestation, which is why they are so much more accessible than angels. They are closer to our realm.
I have successfully practiced Thelema and demonolatry at the same time, even though the ideologies differ. I find the discipline of Thelemic practice is hard to surpass and it gives me a lot of magical tools that I can apply over a variety of operations.
There are alternatives though. A relatively simple one is found in Liber Kaos by Peter J. Carroll called The Gnostic Pentagram Ritual. There is great banishing ritual by Jason Miller in his book Protection and Reversal Magick called “Sphere of Hekas” which I preformed on a daily basis for a while when I had the need.
If you are only interested in working with demons, just a basic elemental balancing ritual is more than enough. You basically need a demon to represent the elements. For example, you may call Lucifer as air to the east, Flereous as fire to the south, Leviathan for water to the west, and Belial to the north for earth, and Satan as the All in the center. Use the “DZ” sigil in the air instead of pentagrams. More info on that can be found in S. Connolly’s The Complete Book of Demonolatry. I will typically embellish this ritual adding a modified version of the the Qabbalistic Cross, and breath work. Hope that helps!
I recall doing it and feeling worse after I did it, so I did the star ruby for years. After awhile I decided it was more important to be effective than follow some particular dogma so I took the Belial contact ritual from this site, and my whole practice has gone in another direction since then. Belial's Gateway Symbols