Is it a good idea to make a pact with a spirit if you are a beginner?

Hello everyone this is my first post.
I’ve been reading about Goetia demons but also about Angels but what I have realized so far, the most important is to open your senses first, otherwise you will sit staring at a candle and a cute picture with shapes. :roll_eyes:
So basically, what I wanted to ask is if it’s a good idea to make a pact with a spirit (angel, demon , God) to make me be able to communicate with them. I don’t mind giving my blood as an offering, or whatever is needed.
But asking this from Mepsitahl for example, would be a good idea or…?


It’s like buying a house which you have not seen yet. While it is possible and can work it can have negative effects. You can create a proper protective evocation where even if you havent have the ability to see the spirit will be the original one due to the protection you have placed.

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Hello thank you for your reply and for your message. I will think about it

More experienced members have recommended against making a pact until you trust the entity you’re working with. I mean at the end of the day it’s like opening a business with a business partner who you don’t fully know or trust. It’s not necessarily a recipe for success…


You don’t have to enter a pact or even give blood in order for a spirit to communicate with you. You can communicate with the spirit without all that.


I agree with the above, pact making isn’t even necessary for most if not all things in my personal opinion. What you can do in a pact, you can also do outside of a pact - just as effectively.

I think because the word “Pact” sounds like a official word and big + the misinformation about demon’s and pacts THAT everyone assumes it’s super important and is some big thing that needs to be done to attain greater desires - or is somehow more powerful.


Thank you for the useful links :blush:

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Actually, what I meant is to make a pact so this particular spirit who will be specified in opening senses, will make it easier and faster for me to improve the clairaudience for example.
For what I have read here, it might takes months or years to achieve the level of communication
So I thought if i make a pact and set a time frame of 3 months for instance. So in those 3 months this spirit will work on my clairs and open them much faster and more effectively than a normal daily evocation of the same spirit(s)

I thought maybe Mepsitahl or the Angel Opfaal would be the most suitable for this task
If any of you has experience with them let me know :slightly_smiling_face: otherwise, I have plenty of information from this forum already!

You still don’t need to make a pact for that. Just interacting with spirits will do that for you. You don’t need a pact.

I have not done any pacts and I’ve been able to work on my senses just fine, a spirit isn’t gonna refuse to help you with long term goals just cause your not doing a pact with them.

Plus your senses are already open, you just need to work on them like muscles.


Oke then, Imma start soon evocations and let you know my experience. I’m aiming to build a stable, beneficial communication with Lucifer
I feel he is calling me but I m not ready yet…

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Um. You say your not ready but your gonna evoke? Confused. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m not ready for this communication with him because I haven’t developed my clairs

Ah, that makes more sense. Well then there’s only one way to improve on that situation. To work on them!

Remember it will take time, so don’t feel discouraged and most spirit communication is subtle, especially when your just starting out.

Lucifer isn’t gonna be bothered just because your senses aren’t strong yet, he’s more patient. From what I have heard. Be patient with yourself. Your not the first nor the last person to evoke/open communication, with dull senses to him.

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Thank you for your help! It’s true, your mind is seeking a lot @Mind_Seeker20 :smile:

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Let’s see… This forum made me get over all of my fears tbh, because Koetting (and many more Magicians) in his videos…
Yeah, he’s not always cool and chill when calling demons. Rather the opposite lol

Okay thats funny
The spirit I chose to talk to, Mepsitahl doesn’t have an enn available in YouTube, as all the other demons
Great :joy:

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I’ve never used enns personally. I’m sure there are benefits to them, as I read it helps you connect with their energy before you call, but I’ve never done it for myself to see.

I think @Healing_Heart is working with Mepsitahl though, maybe he can advise you on what works for him?

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I don’t believe Mepsitahl is a demon, she’s either a planet or a spirit so when you do an evocation for here you would use her name.


You are correct. She is not demonic, she is from the sphere of Neptune. Her sigil can be found in Konstantinos’ book Summoning Spirits, or EA’s book Works of Darkness. It is also provided in the evocation course workbook, and I think it has been posted to the forum as well.