Which spirit for a beginner to open astral senses?

I’ve been in here a while just lurking, learning and contemplating how and when to get started.

I’ve been on a journey towards self realisation, my mind is silent and I’m ready to get started.

What I’m needing is a spirit to start with, I need to develop my senses and basically start from scratch. So a patient spirit that likes to teach and communicate would be awesome.

Nothing overwhelming as this is just the beginning for me regarding contacting spirits.



Of course Lucifer! And king paimon! They might push you sometimes but it’s because they know you can take it! Also they will hold your hand through it! For me it’s literal! Opening your senses will hurt and it’s scary too! Feels like alien experiment sometimes so the assurances of your safety really helps getting you through it. They have opened everything from my head to the neck and I am still working on figuring how to use this! They always made me feel calm and safe :kissing_heart: love love


Hi MiKu

I knew the first person would say Lucifer and even kinda guessed King Paemon.

Okay so it is going to be scary and pretty tough as I’m starting from the beginning. So when you started did you not have any astral,senses yet and they helped open this all up for you?

I feel like I’m blocked somehow from seeing spirits etc, I can pretty easily meditate and be in the theta gamma state where things seem like static electricity but that’s all.

Finding someone patient, willing to teach you to communicate is hard, as many of them won’t even think of wasting their time on such a complicated operation. Truly opening one’s senses to the point they can communicate efficiently is a long and tedious procedure, often requiring a powerful gift.

However, these are some powerful entities known to do such things:

Naamah, Tiamat, Abaddon, Azerate, Paimon, Leviathan, Lepaca and Sameal.

I have talked to Abaddon, Azerate, Lepaca and Paimon.

Abaddon (AKA Apollo) is a very wise old man, an Advisor, he is polite and generally speaking willing to help. . He is also one of the four demonic gatekeepers, alongside Amaymon, Azazel, and Belial.

Lepaca is the demon of Openings and Disclosure. Modern practitioners of the Draconian Tradition, such as the Temple of the Ascending Flame and the Temple of Layil, often call upon Lepaca for the facillitation of invocations, evocations, and the creation of sacred space. He can also be called to facilitate the opening of Chakra points.

Paimon wasn’t really too eager to help me out since we have some conflicts of interests that better remain undisclosed, but he is very powerful and if he gets to like you, your life will be drastically changed.

Azerate (AKA Chavajoth, but don’t use this name, he doesn’t like it) is the shit. He is the most powerful entity I’ve ever worked with. In the book Liber Azerate by the ToBL (formerly MLO) Azerate is the hidden name of the “eleven anti-cosmic gods”, he is described as such because people can not comprehend his power (his words, not mine). He is, however, messy and scattered, but get his attention and you will unlock all that you desire.


Mepsitahl is a very sweet and patient neptunian spirit who can help with astral senses and all kind of scrying methods


Thank you for the informative reply.

I see you have worked with many powerful spirits and can communicate without any problem.

Hmmmmm, I was worried no spirit would be bothered to,teach me the tedious task of opening my sight. I’ve put in the work meditation wise, I can blank out the mind and be in void so not entirely a lost cause .

I don’t want to mess any spirit around or call upon them if they would think I’m not in a place worth them making time to teach me.

Bit of a dilemma tbh.

Plus even when I call upon a spirit I cannot even see it BUT I’m very energy sensitive and would feel it if it came I’m sure of that.

I had chakra blocked and am struggling with theta gamma state! I don’t know how to astral but all I was able to do is feel energy and occasionally get audible from Lucifer but I faint afterwards or sleep not sure!
Lucifer was the one who actually approached me and pulled me here so I count my self lucky! First time I petitioned king paimon for help he shot my kundalini… Lol was a trip for a week invoking Raphael to keep me standing at work… when my kundalini settled they kept pulling me out of my body and experimenting on my head… am just glade they knew how to keep me calm!! Sometimes Lucifer was telling me what’s happening so I don’t freak out! I had to live with headache for months! Actually still am… I am too clingy when it comes to these two! :sweat_smile: just hoping they don’t get bored of me anytime soon!
You are way further than when I started! I mean I still can’t go to the void unless someone throws me there lol!


Hey MiKu

Thanks for your replies, you seem to be doing really well from what you have said.

I’ve recently been gifted the ability to transmit energy that helps people calm the mind so entering into “void” or simply having no mind becomes pretty easy after a while.

I’m trying to spread the word and maybe make a little pocket money in the process.

Im making a landing page and will give free weekly transmissions, so far people are really enjoying it.

That aside just wanted to expand myself into working with entities and seeing what they are all about and can offer. But as I’ve never done this before I’m feeling a little apprehensive as it seems quite hit and miss. I guess the entity needs to be given boundaries and mutual respect to keep everything fair and under control somewhat.

This is probably a bit hard but are you able to ask Lucifer and King Paemon if they would be willing to help me out?

If not its cool not to worry.

Please can you give any example of how it came about you working with these 2? I’m still a bit sceptical but really curious about it in a big way.


Btw I’ve had kundalini for many years and it’s risen over that time, did King Paemon raise your kundalini?

Lucifer kinda showed up in my dream when I was struggling on the RHP! He told me “there is another way to life”… I was depressed and empty feeling like a sheep… one day Lucifer enn chant popped on my YouTube and I played it! When it’s over I was feeling high and heard a calm voice “hey there” … then I went deep in reading about all this and evoking/invoking! I worked with Belial too but king paimon was hypnotic to me idk why! Also I felt like I knew his energy! When he throws it at me my kundalini just bounds… that was the first time it awakened and my chakras opened?
They done wonders on my artworks! I invoke king paimon when I draw.

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King Paimon would be the best. or if youre looking for a bit of a tougher teacher, Azazel.


Your own :slight_smile:. All things that are seemingly external are arrangements of your own consciousness/spirit.
Okay, so you still want to use the “classic” occult approach…try the Arbatel of Magic and the 7 Olympian Spirits–begin with Och and Aratron then move on to the others. I’d say work with Phaleg last because that perspective seems more connected with the temporal/illusory will than the others…but it really is about how you interpret these ideas for yourself.
The textbook procedure is the simplest textbook procedure I have come across.

Next, I’d recommend the 50 Names/aspects of Marduk as described in the Necronomicon Spellbook. The procedures are not as simple as the Arbatel but still far simpler than most ceremonial magic procedures. Begin, despite the dire “warning” mentioned, with Marduk. If you feel put off by the “warning” (:slight_smile: it’s all about of how you perceive :slight_smile:) , then begin with Zisi, Tutu and Barashakushu. I’d then move to Luggaldimmerankia and go with your instincts after that. No absolute rules with any of this.

You can also try working with Nordic magic, i.e. runic magic, as suggested in the works of Edred Thorsson. Relatively simple. Spirits to evoke first would be Odin, Freya and Thor. Specific runic correspondences can also be explored, e.g. Ansuz, Kenaz and Isaz.

Please note: procedures are only as effective as the state of consciousness they produce, and all the complexity and action in the world will not compensate for a misaligned state of consciousness.


This. But Laguz specifically is the one you’ll want to look up for the goal you have in mind

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While you look for a spirit to aid you, you can start a meditation using the following incantation given by @Micah

For Astral senses
Mesh ka rel luhn sim ba ta rel luhn tin sughel

The link to the source is given below.


King Paimon and Astaroth.


Hi there,
In regards to Tiamat, which method of invocation or evocation did you use? Do you use a particular grimoire method to make contact?
Thank you

I also want to work with her so can you please provide me the ritual/methods to evoke or invoke her please