Invoked many of the 72 Goetia demons over the weekend- feel quite powerful... more women and money.. how to move forward, and special praise for Belial and Gremory particularly!

Hi everyone,

So over the weekend I invoked quite a few of the Goetia demons to help me specifically with longstanding money and love issues. And the experience has been fascinating. I’ve skimmed through some of the 72 demons challenge threads, and whilst I’m not specifically doing that, I am aiming to develop my powers to their full potential.

I did use Gordon Winterfields book as a reference to read through all their powers and then selectively pick a number of them (in the end I contacted nearly half of the 72 over a 3 day period)- I carried out very simple rituals rather than the full length one offered in his book (which I’m in the process of learning, though I’ve drawn significant power from some just by meditating, getting into theta, calling etc) so it was more of a- if you excuse the anology- big variety taster platter of tasty morsals of demonic power rather than an unamageable banquet…

I feel incredibly powerful, much more so than when I was before invoking them, though of course there’s undoubtedly a more pragmatic way to handle this as I’m at the start of this exploration so I’m curious as to how to continue developing a relationship with them, or the best way to proceed. Two of them I already have some kind of significant relationship with, Belial and Gremory who I can feel quite strongly and worked with before.

For those of you who have used many or all of the 72, did you make lots of initial contact before picking the ones you most related to, and then had frequent contact with the select few going forward? I have read some did all in one go with elaborate rituals which sounds pretty extreme (I’m not a fan of elaborate rituals anyway, 32 or so over 3 days was quite enough for me!) or one per day over 72 days (may not be neccessary in my situation or desire either)!

For example lets say you layer an outcome of a spell using multiple demons- which is pretty much what I did- I assume you don’t need to repeat the exact spell/command, but you could have ongoing conversations with the demons you invoked to see what else can be done or additional insights into the situation?

When speaking to Belial, I have invoked him as per the layered love spell to strip down my primary love targets fears and doubts about me, in subsequent contacts, whilst looking for the same outcome, we decided, to work on me “becoming more alpha male and more mysterious” He reminded me very much of Mike Tyson (minus the Tweety bird voice lol) and made me feel like a gangster when I went to a rave- and that day I got the phone numbers of three hot women that day (including the DJ who is a smoking hot model :laughing::smile:)… in the last contact he just said “You gotta learn to chill, don’t be an overemotional pussybag” :smile::joy::rofl: I’ve started thinking about how we can work together to make more money as welll… Gremory who has also been very effective for me, she seems to be able to help spike romantic interest in me at specific targets and situations and has also helped me win at online casino games as well- yesterday we spoke about treasures coming to me and I played 4 casino games and won out of 3 of them :grin::laughing: (I did invoke a few of the demons to help with money so maybe it wasn’t entirely her own work but nonetheless I give her public thanks too!)


Quick update, I’ve got my shortlist of Demon cammandos for each operation now, I’ve got their enns and I’m in a process to attaching a song to each demon so that each time I hear that song it acts as an additional power anchor to put me into a hypnotic state that the result is true already… anyone ever done that before :laughing::smile:


hello what do you feel as you mention being powerful I feel in my stomach this demonic energy like screaming and destroying everything in my way and feel as if I am a comander of legions and all people are my servants. I work with alot of spirits

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Haha, my power is not quite as intense sounding as that. It’s more a complete self assurance things will more likely go my way… that I can cut to the chase, break down any problems, achieve anything given time, its a very calm but yet alpha and leader like feeling… definately agree about being a commander of troops of some sort, I feel like a powerful general, though I’m not neccessarily at war as there isn’t any hate or bitterness inside… I think I’ve done so many self love and forgiveness exercises when i was clearing myself, it’s actually hard for me to have those kind of thoughts, yet I hold the capability still to fire a nuclear missile… I think my emotional control is far more too, but I’ve used the 72 Sigils book by Zanna Blaise to obliterate fear, negative emotions too so it’s a very curious and powerful combination of demonic and pure light energy… I would say the two books actually compliment each other very well, one is dark/demonic, the other is light, like a yin and yang…


Have you read 72 Angels of Magick by Damon Brand or The Magick of Angels and Demons by Henry Archer? The 72 Shem angels and 72 Goetia demons can work very well together


you guys make it sound so easy to talk to demons. amazing. Invoke and you have conversations with them already. haha. And me, i get nada conversations or voices. maybe when i’m crazy enough i can talk to them too. j/k. It’s just strange that so many talk of their experience as if they are talking to demons in front of them when i got nothing on my side other then sensations of temp, energy and silence. lol might just be in my own head. =o)


I have 72 Angels of magick but not the second one, not really read or practised it in detail yet.

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To be fair, I’ve never seen vivid physical presences either, I just draw energy that i sense. Now I think its subjective whether those that say they have seen them appear in their room or whatever are in very altered states, drugs, have a very vivid imagination, are not entirely quite there anyway, or a combination of some or all of these :smile::joy::rofl:

I would really recommend the other book, it’s a very good addition that combines the 72 Shem angels with the 72 Goetia demons, a lot like in Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield with the emissary angels, but it expands on that a lot, allowing you to use both the angel and the corresponding demon’s powers, so there’s over 400 powers listen in the book.


so you just admit it’s all in your head. good to know. ahaha. j/k. =o) Good job having done self hypnosis.


It’s good. magick of angels and demons book.give you some more descriptions powers of the combined demons/angels. And the process is pretty fast and easy too. As for it working. Still waiting for feedback. =o)

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I haven’t tried it yet either, but the ritual is simple and only requires minimal memorization, so I will probably try it very soon. I have a very good feeling about it, and it seems it has worked for many others. The ritual is also very similiar to the one in Ben Woodcroft’s Angelic Sigils, Keys and Calls, and many have had success with that book as well, although I myself haven’t tried the ritual in that book as well. Don’t like the author’s more Christian attitude (although the author doesn’t seem necessarily Christian (and also don’t mean offence to anyone’s beliefs, just not my taste…)), and seems he leaves out the destructive capability of many of the angels… 72 Angels of Magick and the Gallery’s other books come in handy if you wanna try that book as well, as it has a better description of the various angels’ powers than what Ben gives IMO, but both are useful.

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personally i don’t care much if he has different beliefs or views then me. i just care what i can learn from him. He can be evil and i will still learn if it helps me. Separate the tool from the person.


@anon74630111 @anon37593562 I just bought the Henry Archer book. Will read over the coming days! Also got his Occult money rituals… never heard of him before, he’s not part of the GOM by the looks of it?

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No he isn’t but it seems he takes quite a bit of inspiration from them, as he mentions Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield and talks a bit about that, but the system is rather unique I’d say, or at least I’ve never seen it before.

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I’d recommend getting into a training system for your astral senses, so that you can start to see the spirits that you call upon in your mind’s eye and hear them astrally as well.

A good one besides E.A.‘s methods if they are not working to your liking, is Konstantinos’ book called Summoning Spirits.

That will teach you exercises to train your astral senses, magical memory, ability to mentally and astrally project etc,.

It uses golden dawn rituals to help summon the spirits he mentions, but you can take the base abilities he teaches in the exercises and put it towards any system of magick you want.


I’ve skimmed through it very quickly last night after purchasing it, so it seems his book will yield very similar results, as it uses pretty much the same Shem Angel and Demon combos as Gordon Winterfield’s book, except his ritual is far simpler, I’m very excited as I was yet to do the full blown Winterfield method, and given the way I invoked the demons was a bit improvisational and taster like, yet fairly effective, this looks like I’ll be able to tap into the full potential of them without too much difficulty… exciting times indeed! :smile::grin::black_heart:

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That’s such a great idea !
How do you plan on doing that ?

There’s a simple ritual that just calls on appropriate angels and their linked demons in the book…


Another observation- developing a relationship with Belial is very helpful in terms of feeling unattached to outcomes, and having real courage to do things at the start of the day… so I have a morning pep talk with him and sometimes another throughout the day…as I said before he kept on telling me, romanticlaly, to be “More mysterious, alpha male care less aout what these women think” and I really did feel like a tough alpa male gangster type you see in the movies, I stopped overthinking things I’d said to them whether I should message them etc… I think he can help with a lot of lust for results…

As a result I now see him as my De facto deputy commander of the demon army, Hail Balial!!!