Invocation of Ugandan Knuckles

Oh dear Morrigan no.


Up next is Dora the explorer

Please don’t fucking tell me we’re actually gonna summon Dora at some point :joy:

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Wait would Boots be Dora’s familiar :thinking::thinking:

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DAMN RIGHT :joy::joy::joy::joy:
Taking this shit to the nth degree

But i am gonna do some serious invocations with Gods, and Demons, and Angels

Oh yeah what was that about you fighting yog sothoth?

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He came to me and started draining me by force. I didnt know who it was at first, so i did some divination and i sensed it was a Ancient entity. I mentally ran through a list of names (still being drained) and i hit on Yog Sotthoth. I had a student i was training do her own divination on it (with no prior knowledge of the necronomicon) and she confirmed the same thing.

So, i tried to peacefully get him to stop by asking. LOL that didnt work. So i threatened him. That didnt work. So i used the force of my will to kill him through soul travel. Hadnt had a issue since

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Interestingly, he would only show up at my grandmas for some reason. I go there now, and have no more issues

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Riiiiiggghhhtt. The guy who just evoked Ugandan Knuckles killed an ancient chaos entity and member of the old ones. IMG_1503


Perhaps he didn’t kill him, just made him back off?

Could be. I’m sure spirits can’t be destroyed however. And if they can, the process is probably so drawn out and long it wouldn’t be worth the energy.

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Do any of you know how fast deities actually move?

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Killed him from his universe, erased from his perception

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Yes I’ve been in brawls with them


That’s more plausible. I’m still doubtful though. I’m a necromancer after all.


Specifically pertaining to lovecraftian deities, they move insanely fast. If any of you have seen my in the astral I move faster than most spirits. They are far more faster than me.


You do realize yog sothoth is a remnant of the primordial light and killing him while possible could literally erase reality and existance from time, space, fabrication and concepts beyond our realm of knowing ive actually had visions of the old ones and primordials most of the time ive been in the lhp and shit like this is see why the old one hate humans so much not because they can die but because most humans make ignorant actions like this plus a himan cant kill yog sothoth more than likely whatever that was controlled your divination reading trying to scare you if you challenged yog sothoth im pretty sure he would just laugh and shrug it off as blind ignorance also your goals in magick will be the end of you believe me no matter how strong you are therrs still someone bigger badder and better but ig telling that to a guy who wants to become a god just to steal money is pretty pointless

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I agree wholeheartedly :ok_hand:
I was just thinking about this earlier :thinking:
I love how the Gods confirmed what i was thinking yet again :joy:

And how do you know my goals in magic? :thinking::smiling_imp:

Yog sothoth and me are connected ik everything i need to plus i keep balance i stop ignoranced in this world mostly

Ignoramce is very but there comes a time when people are self destructive i came across this post more than likely to tell you to choose a side or get your head straight