I’ve seen a few mentions both on here and in occult literature of people killing entities. @Lady_Eva has talked about how she and a group of others killed the troll god, Somnus Dreadwood mentions in his books the practice of devouring other entities during soul travel, and I’ve even seen claims on here recently of Yog-Sothoth and Zozo’s demise at the hands of magicians.
So how is this actually possible? People are obviously still evoking Yog-Sothoth, Zozo will still come if you call loudly enough with an Ouija board, and Lady_Eva even says that “the accretions of egregoric energy take a while to fully disperse” after her metaphysical assassination. So is the spirit death just in the subjective reality tunnel of the specific magician who “killed” it, while the spirit will still live on in the perception of other magicians? Or is it actually possible to permanently extinguish an entity in all reality tunnels simultaneously so that no matter how hard another magician tries, no matter how involved and furious the summoning, that entity will no longer appear before them in an evocation?
It also complicates matters that with enough intent and focused emotional energy, we create our own egregores and thought-forms that answer to the same name as the entity we are trying to call, so even if we do succeed in killing off a spirit, the act of another magician summoning it would be sufficient to create an egregoric “clone” of it. I suspect the only difference, ultimately, would be the power available to the clone, but this might eventually approach the original’s after enough time and enough worshippers directing energy toward it under the same name.
Thoughts? Canst thou kill a God?