So that’s great, aren’t we all?
(No, seriously, this is literally a human birthright. Some of us call it remote viewing, gnosis, revelation, channeling… there are no secrets.)
Unverified personal gnosis (UPG) is absolutely fine here, I will offer these words of advice, to help you with your mission of “sharing true light and knowledge of the darkness”.
Whatever the Alahim is, whatever you have decided you are, please respect the rules regarding preaching, dogma and soapboxing. We’re not here to be your platform, you should create a blog for that, and you are welcome to put a link that in your profile.
Be aware, that everyone has their own inner compass, even if they don’t listen to it, and the people on this form are more in tune with theirs than most.
We will rightly take our own inner guidance on whether to pay any attention to what others say. You might want to explain what you mean and why you think what you. Back up your UPG with where the info came from, who you’re talking to, explain how others can also talk to this source of information so they can verify your UPG for themselves. That’s just how we roll around here. No gurus; nobody needs them.
I’m sure you don’t mean to sound grandiose, but we’ve seen a lot of people giving themselves fancy labels in the past, they really, really don’t impress here. We call this LARPing, i.e., role playing, and this is NOT a role playing forum. Your posts will be judged on thier merits and most of all, results.
Help people get results, and we’ll think about believing in you and talking to your friends in the Alahim. Your ideas may find fertile ground here, they may not, that remains to be seen. Sounds fair?