
My Name is Max
I practice Light Magick(Lumimancy), Astral Magick and I was introduced to Dragon Magick through Qigong and Tai chi, I also work with archangels and Lucifer, Hindu mysticism and Ancient Egyptian Gods, I come from a magical bloodline of hybrid people so Magick was always there since birth just didn’t know it was Magick it was just normalized in my aura, I’m 21 years old, I’m a Leo, exposing false new age since day 1, I consider myself a true student of divine knowledge, I don’t claim to be magician, I try to stay away from titles as this allows me to truly be free and be no-thing, I’ve collapsed many false archaic realities on this planet via gridwork at place like mount Shasta, Hawaii, Turkey and Florida, I am an avataric embodiment for the Alahim collective consciousness, I first started my journey with real magick 4 years ago, ever since covid hit I’ve been asked to grow even more with more intensity and make serious power moves like moving to different countries giving up my dog, all for the sake of having achieve full ascension physically, and to become a demigod on earth for the future to come, this is the age of illumination and I come sharing true light and knowledge of the darkness, I am a universe decoder, I hope my participation on this forum helps all, bless



So, you just started “real” practice not too long ago.

You have a global grid thing going on? Where is the spot in Hawaii?

What does this even mean for practical purposes?

What does this mean?

What? What age hasn’t been an age of illumination? Wait, do you believe you’re a prophet, here to help us all out?


Well I’ve been guided by spirit to go to many places without actually having a choice, the flow would just take me there and usually there would be a mystic or a shaman waiting for our arrival, and that some of the strongest embodied souls would lead in this type of grid of anchoring the golden age timelines, me and my spirit team at the time went to Kauai to defeat the Kali demon, which is archon of the dark age or the Kali Yuga, and since Kauai is considered to be an island where it’s like the macrocosm of the planet thus also the universe, we went through severe challenges which activated a lot of our abilities, we went completely timeless to set up energetic structures and foundations for future timelines so that when everything atomically becomes gold people wouldn’t crash into chaotic world, I am a universe decoder in the sense, my third eye technology gives me the ability to decode any type of frequency into information, so I can basically tune into and decipher any type of information as long as I can pin point the frequency or path working, I do not claim to be a prophet because I do not come bearing information that is unknown to the planet, in fact most of the information has been here all along, the Alahim are celestial beings of pure light that existed before the Elohim, the Alahim become the Elohim and humans are becoming their own species of gods known as the Olahim or Alohim because of the divine DNA they carry from the Elohim and their celestial ancestors the Alahim, the age of illumination is time period where humans have path back to their divine 12th dimensional state built on a 5th dimensional foundation, many beings like myself came from future timelines to balance out the scales, because our extraterrestrial friends cannot come down here, so a lot of incarnate down here as humans instead, we take human forms but our spiritual origins are much older than this star, I personally come from a blue white star, your solar system is still considered as a child star hence the term sun/son, we are here as Gaia’s spirit guides and future selves to help her elevate into her next phase of growth but this mainly takes place by educating humans and helping them evolve as they are the lords and gods of this earth and what they do now will affect the future and the course of humanities evolution, beings like myself come down here to make it a smoother transition rather than a rocky one, I hope this clarifies your questions and if you have anymore I’d be delighted to answer them, stay blessed

I just moved from Hawaii. Spent 3 years there and have been to Kauai. Has nothing to do with Kali. Individuals might, though.

What? Have ever physically been to Kauai?

Haven’t heard it called technology before. Thankfully, we all have that.

Like, physical DNA? Are these spiritual beings you’re talking about?

Could you give sources for this so I can read about it? I haven’t heard of a 12th dimension, but I’m game.

That’s nice.

No offense, but isn’t she strong enough to do this on her own?

By choice?

I clearly am not. Could you kindly use periods and paragraphs when you put up walls of text?


Yes I have been to Kauai physically

and did many ceremonies, including the freeing of enki’s soul from the nothingness aka the blackhole that drove him insane.

Kauai doesn’t have a direct link to Kali, however because it is considered to be the earth condensed into an island, fighting off such a demon becomes much easier and inevitable as the demon was possessing people and attacking us and stealing our things. Most of the work we did there was quantum, we were there for a month but quantumly speaking we were there for thousands of years at least.

and when I mean 3rd eye technology I mean the DNA that makes up my Ajna chakra and it’s own unique qualities, is very developed in decoding universes, whether it be their natural functions, history, wisdom, experience, magick, eternal and archaic knowledge etc. as long as there is a trace frequency like a question, ask and ye shall receive.

as for the DNA, we have 6 strands of physical DNA and 6 Strands of etheric/angelic DNA, humans will literally become mythical gods once they access all 12 strands which can take lifetimes depending on the person.

I don’t recall many sources on the topic but I’m sure if you dig it up you’ll find some information that can be useful, the Egyptian deities play a big role, they’re actually the ones that initiated me and helped me with my demonic integration work then came my work wjth the dragons which I’m currently on.

Gaia is strong enough to cleanse herself but the issue is, humans don’t listen to Gaia, and we want humans to have the chance to change willingly because of free will and choose to live with the planet instead of owning it like property, humans could easily go extinct if Gaia decided to cleanse herself without divine intervention, there are many prophecies of massive floods, pole shifts etc. while this is a collective based reality, if enough people joined to change that belief the energy would decode differently, so we’re basically here to lend our own higher density frequency to Gaia because we came here as her future inhabitants helping her current inhabitants which is our ancestors, to become us, spiritually, technologically, mentally, emotionally etc.

But to activate 12th dimensional consciousness I’d recommend getting into more of meditation flow rather than sorcery, when you’re a 12th dimensional being you don’t need to even practice magick ceremonially anymore, you’re in a state where everything is already achieved and you’re at eternal peace and self realization of the soul that is billions of years old, you merge with the divine light of the universe, you’re no longer a fractal of a color soul, some peoples souls have colors like blue, or orange etc. but when you reach such a state you become fully emerged in the white light and the universal soul merges with your soul fractal, your soul breaks the cycles of reincarnation.

Best way to do this in my opinion is doing qigong for Yang energy, and lots thoughtless meditation for Yin

People with too much Yin energy tend to be love and light new agers that are too ungrounded and too much Yang energy creates dragon sickness, which makes people aggressive, violent, merciless and cruel, the Norse, Greek, Egyptian cultures deal more with the masculine Yang energy while the Buddhist, Hindu and South American cultures are more feminine and yin energy, balance between the 2 is essential to transcend duality and merge the micro and macro into your being and soul

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I do appreciate the paragraphs and whatnot. Made it much easier to read.

So that’s great, aren’t we all? :smiley:

(No, seriously, this is literally a human birthright. Some of us call it remote viewing, gnosis, revelation, channeling… there are no secrets.)

Unverified personal gnosis (UPG) is absolutely fine here, I will offer these words of advice, to help you with your mission of “sharing true light and knowledge of the darkness”.

Whatever the Alahim is, whatever you have decided you are, please respect the rules regarding preaching, dogma and soapboxing. We’re not here to be your platform, you should create a blog for that, and you are welcome to put a link that in your profile. :+1:

Be aware, that everyone has their own inner compass, even if they don’t listen to it, and the people on this form are more in tune with theirs than most. :slight_smile:

We will rightly take our own inner guidance on whether to pay any attention to what others say. You might want to explain what you mean and why you think what you. Back up your UPG with where the info came from, who you’re talking to, explain how others can also talk to this source of information so they can verify your UPG for themselves. That’s just how we roll around here. No gurus; nobody needs them. :+1:

I’m sure you don’t mean to sound grandiose, but we’ve seen a lot of people giving themselves fancy labels in the past, they really, really don’t impress here. We call this LARPing, i.e., role playing, and this is NOT a role playing forum. Your posts will be judged on thier merits and most of all, results.

Help people get results, and we’ll think about believing in you and talking to your friends in the Alahim. Your ideas may find fertile ground here, they may not, that remains to be seen. Sounds fair? :smiley:

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