Introduction + I need help!

hi guys!
I have a huge problem and I dont know what to do…

so it all happend on the night of Halloween when I successfully invoked Clauneck, although I’m new to magick and I cant hear what other beings are telling to me. basically I cant do anything yet, but I still invoked him because I have financial problems and I thought he can help me one way or another.
he didnt harm me or anything. he was quite friendly actually. I’ve asked him if he can communicate throughout my dreams until I’ll be able to be sensitive enough to hear him. (I’ve actually practised alot, but I’m still a long way till I’ll be able to do it); although I’m not sure if he actually did it. maybe. idk.
I remember seeing 12 and 7 and some symbol which my mind made 4 out of it bcs it had wierd a shape I’ve never see it before. but that was all.

anyway. he came several times and first time he came back I was so scared and I didnt know what to do. I’m a bit unstable when it comes to things like this and I did tried to hold my shit together, but I’ve failed and went to my father’s room to sleep there lol

keep in mind that I’ve also attempted to call a dead relative of mine before I’ve meditated on Caluneck sigil, but I thought it didnt worked. and it didnt. nothing happened.
basically what I did was to take a random spell from wattpad and try it out.

so when Clauneck came I thought it might be something else, so I just ran without thinking.
I’ve spent 2 days trying to puzzle this thing out, and I was 100% sure it was him when I saw the rope from a burned candle shaped into his sigil.

so long story short the day before yesterday I’ve felt some sort of touching on my intimate part. it felt like my spiritual body was touched and my physical body could feel 15% or so from those actions.
the night went ok I guess. after a while I was ok…
but last night was a nightmare.

I was in the kitchen and I started to feel some sort of tickling on my legs. after that I felt really disturbed by this presence. the place that spirit was staying became really cold and the touching headed again on my intimate parts.
I got scared after 10 minutes because all my prayers and all I’ve tried to do failed, so I went into my room and cover myself with the blankets. but it didnt work lol. I was still able to feel that shitty presence crumbling upon my legs…
I stayed like this and prayed and all until my father came home (I think I did so for more than 1 hour). my father came at 9:30 PM and I’ve stayed with him till 12 am because I couldn’t go to my room. I was still scared af. but when I finally did, the tickling began.

at some point I’ve felt like something was pressing really hard on my neck and I couldn’t breathe well, so I asked my father to come and stay with me till I fall asleep, but IT DIDNT STOP.

I thought it will go away if another person is next to me. BUT IT FUCKING DIDNT.

I’ve tried to be brave and act like I wasnt scared and praaaaay alot, but with no luck.
after awhile I felt how my energy was drawn from my heart and i couldn’t stop it no matter how I approached this situation.

side note:
I am super depressed, and I have major anxiety and my life is shit at the moment.
I read somewhere that something from my life might drawn them to me.
so I’m assuming it might be my poor lifestyle.

I’ll change everything I did before. I’ll do sport and shit to change everything, but something it tells me it wont be enough…
so this is why I’m here.
I want some advice. different points of view… anything that can help me somehow overcome this shit.

ps: I know I should’ve started something else, not invocations… but I was so fascinated about demons and everything related to them. I wanted to be able to connect and learn as much as I could from them (specifically from the 72 demons of goetia)

I’m just hoping I didnt offended Clauneck.
I was really respectful when I summoned him.
I didnt demand anything from him or do anything that could make him mad. but I’m afraid I was too weak and when he came I wasnt able to greet him properly and maybe he is angry because of that???

I really dont know how to interpret this.
I dont think he would go that far and do those things to me just because I’m a weak piece of cake.

no matter the case, something is fucking happening and I want to fix it.
I dont want this shitty entity to mess with my family in any shape or form.


No. Your intention counts, too. You don’t need to do everything perfectly in the beginning.

But I’m a little bit concerned that your immense fear might open a portal for lesser beings, parasites. I’d practice banishing and do a spiritual cleansing. Ward yourself from any unwanted spirits. Tell yourself over and over again that only the spirit you want to contact is allowed to be in your presence.

If you reached out to Clauneck his presence shouldn’t feel this disturbing to you.

Also, the most important thing is to trust in your own powers. YOU decide what’s gonna happen.


thank you so much, Helena, for replying so fast!
I’ll try my utmost to get rid of whatever is bullying me. also I’m pretty sure this thing is feeding from my fear, but I dont understand why my prayers arent workin at all.

how come is he so strong?
is he perhaps an incubus? because like I’ve mentioned above, he literally sexually assaulted me.
although this makes no sense?
I was wide awake when all this happened, and from what I’ve read incubus or succubus can only assault you when you’re on sleep paralysis.

oh and… can he possibly harm my dad???
my father believe in magick as well, but he doesnt practice any sort of magickal working.

Whatever it may be, you are feeding it with your fear and attention.


Stop watching horror genre or getting information from stupid websites and sources.

Also make sure u are adult and trust the entity ur calling.

Money is what every single person needs on earth but take some time to know these entities not just going after materialistic needs.


I dont watch horror movies.
I’m 19 years old.
and I summoned him not only with the intention to make money. I wanted to learn as much as I could from him. but yeah. I should’ve learned more before doing it.

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This path needs no rush, good luck.


In my experience, there are a lot of parasites that are just looking for an opportune moment to attach themselves to someone and I think your intention to host Clauneck might have backfired and you ended up with a completely different entity.

From your post I think its clear that the entity is interested in your sexual energy which is pretty much the nectar of the gods for these things.

If this is indeed a parasite then you will continue to have nightly visits in the form of sexual dreams and occasional sleep paralysis. Also, notice if you feel drained when you wake up in the morning, that’s a big clue.

I would say, start doing morning and nightly banishing, get some incense for your room and make sure your hygiene is on point.


thank you!

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yes, I feel drained when I wake up, but I didnt paid so much attention to this because I have a poor sleeping schedule and I thought that might be the cause… and fortunately I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis, but you never know once you deal with this types of entities.

also, I dont have sage or anything at hand, but I’ve putted some salt into corners and at doors and windows, and when I went to confront him I heard noises coming from a corner where I put the salt on, and in other parts of the room.
but this time my prayers finally worked and I felt a light protecting me.

I was so lost and confused, but now I feel happy tbh. ill try to dont let fear get in the way.
although I’m pretty sure when the night comes it will be more hard to deal with him, but I’ll do my utmost.


well i have called Clauneck myself several times but nothing like that never happened.
and i have summoned a lot of demons that i cant remember but none can just come to scare you like that. so whatever that you are passing through is not Clauneck doings at all.
but as others have said that i myself believe whether that is a parasite or some kind of wondering spirits.
so just use some banishing rituals and some protections i’m sure it will all go away. also you may try some psychic shields it will work out just fine though i can suggest some book if that will continue …you may try to find it online and things like that…

magical protection by damon brand … this one has rituals for protections, cleansing, banishing and more…


I think it’s great that you have such sensitivity. It’s more likely to be this sensitivity and not your lifestyle that draws entities. You’re on the right track learning how to clear your space and set up protections first, that’s fundamental. I’d say learn more banishing and warding techniques and cleanse your whole house, then re-evoke Clauneck free of the uninvited guests.


I’ll check it out! thank you very much

and… maybe they’re both?? parasites and a spirit?
like those noises I’ve heard they were moving around and also when I attempted to summon Clauneck my body trembled sooooo much. I thought this is normal until now. I like to read lots of nonsense and I stumbled upon a post from a girl who talked about astral parasites, and she said that at some point her leg and other part of her body trembled really hard and she thought there was an angel she was working with, trying to heal her, or something like that, but turns out it was a parasite. although her story is different from mine there were some similarities.

I might overthinking it lol. or maybe not.

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it’s funny tho. how can a random spirit have so much power to the point where he shape that burned candle to look like Clauneck sigil???

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thank you, I’ll learn as much as possible before attempting again.

and this is such a drag honestly.

I think it’s also worth mentioning one of my past experiences. maybe I can understand it better from another point of view.

so when I was around 7 or 8 years old, my father used to let me alone most of the times (mostly at night), and I remember how terrified I was because there was something into the pantry. something that had an incredible power.
it never hurt me tho. the only interaction i had with it was via dreams.

I used to have the same dream for 5 years or so. occasionally I used to dream about something else, but after 3 4 days the dream reappeared; it wasnt anything interesting tho. just a black background and in the middle of it there was something even more darker. and it always started as a small dot. but he was eating from that black background (at first it started slow) until it became a huge amount of black thing that was spreading like a parasite (and while it become bigger it was more faster).

I hope his makes sense. I’ve explained as simple as I could.

so my question is:
is it possible to be all connected? :thinking:

First of all I’m going to tell you, this isn’t Clauneck. Clauneck is nothing but friendly in my experience.

I’m thinking that when you tried to contact the human spirit, another slipped in. Another ghost, another entity of some kind. It sounds like an incubus, but I know that sexual touching in an intimidating way is not exclusive to that variety of spirit.

From this post, however, it sounds as if something attached to you as a child. Or maybe it’s even something from a past life.

Since it sounds like you’re quite sensitive to these things, I’d say it’s a human entity or another lesser entity that attached to you as a child, and now that you’re older, is getting sexually aggressive.

You need to ward and cleanse. Maybe ask one of the demons for help. Bune is good at controlling spirits. Bifrons can make them come forward and answer questions.

Best of luck to you. I hope it’s resolved quickly, this shit is scary.


It’s normal for parasites to not want to hurt you per se - obviously they do, but they need you reasonably well so they can feed off you indefinitely.

I’m used to thinking of parasites as entities that attach to you and bed down somewhere in your energy system for the duration - they don’t leave unless you expel or ‘kill’ them. An entity that is feeling off you but not directly attached, I’d call ‘vampiric’. Both can be attracted to people in the first place when there are emotional difficulties in a house.

So my first thought is the pantry entity was vampirically feeding off you and you watched it getting stronger and closer in your dreams. Maybe it attached after a while and make the relationship parasitic that way? I’m just guessing.

I myself had a deeply buried parasite that I had maybe since I was about 7, and only discovered recently with help. It had learned my every trick to scan myself and knew how to hide from me, and was also doing all it could to block my astral sight, for obvious reasons, so it took another witch to see it.

The fear isn’t helping, but some of these entities engender fear on purpose, some are just attracted by it and feed it. Either way, it sound more and more like a thorough cleansing is important.
If you search here for ‘parasites 101’ there are also good ideas on parasite removal. Fire eemnt work is often effective - burn them, burn them on as many levels as you and anyone who can add to the working can see them on. IME It can take several workings to full get a deep parasite to disengage or die, so don’t worry if it doesn’t go away on the first try.


As the operator and mage you dictate what happens you could banish this entity. I’m sending it wasnt clauneck but possibly something else angry and ill intentions

Plus when you invoke you are taking on the attributes of the spirit that involves feeling and sending the spirit realm which is probably what your experiencing.


All the things your recounting are not danger points but the deity is simply alerting you to his presence. Demons are incorporate beings and use psychic messaging with mind power, that your ritual was a success, you have been heard and he is present.

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ur right. this shit scary af. it feeded on my fear for years and then he suddenly vanished. or maybe I wasnt able to sense it anymore. who knows.

and I would love to try contacting another demon, but what if I fuck up again? it’s really frustrating that I cant hear other entities.

there is something that’s blocking me.
maybe me, maybe something else.
maybe both.
whatever the case its really annoying and I cant seem to find the root. :expressionless:

and thank you. I’ll see what I can do.