Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hey Abra! Sounds like the path Iam on myself and also looking for others to share knowledge and experiences with. It’s kind of like… Well when you go to the gym to work out by yourself what usually happens lol… Stop going and lose motivation. But when you have that friend who goes with you each time you find a source of both companionship and accountability to show up and Rock it lol. So with a partner or partners along side one another on this path… I can see it being a real positive thing. About to head out but hope to keep in touch Abra. Stay focused be safe and have fun! Keith


Absolutely Keith! A very big welcome to you and Kimmie. There’s a very large group of awesome, educated mages here from all walks of life that I learn new stuff from everyday, even with the experiences I’ve had lol. I hope you have alot of fun here. I look forward to seeing you on the discussion threads, you both seem like amazing people. Hmu anytime! :revolving_hearts::metal:


More than a little sexually frustrated group of individuals if you read some of the threads (stapler porn??) but an awesome group of people nonetheless lol! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ugh don’t traumatize them with the stapler :joy:


No, we were attempting a thread derailment through the use of surreal stationery sensuality @succupedia


It didn’t work lol

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@Abra-Cadabra at least I didn’t mention the mousetrap. Wooops just did


O wow how could I forget that?! :joy::rofl::rofl:

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No, sadly no. I found it a distraction to what I needed to do so muted it.
My path remains solitary and silent for the time being.


@HermesHorse do you perchance know how to find out your own true name?



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Well, y’all seem like a fun and interesting bunch.

I am Levi Levi Sheppard and I’m currently dedicated to the objective of becoming the Greatest Magus of the Age. How’s that for hubris?

Things come easily to me. My personal belief system is made up of many parts from many sources - Hinduism, Kaballah, Thelema, Quantum Physics, Cosmology, etc. At the end of the day, all that’s really important is that everything is quite literally connected at the molecular level and when we are able to feel that connection, there is a lot we can do to manipulate reality.
To that end, I find the most effective magick to be the stuff that I create on my own, by tapping in to a greater consciousness. The knowledge is all there. Most of the time, when I come to a revelation, it’s really more of a sense of remembering what my Self already knew.

So, I’ve decided to start writing my own methods down, in the interest of sharing them with the world and maybe others will “remember” as well.

I enjoy writing, and I intend to inject humor into the work so as to weed out the too-serious-for-their-own-good and, at the same time, make it so the ones who really deserve to learn will be the ones who are really paying attention. It should be fun!

I’m also a lifelong artist and I’ve been doing a fair amount of “esoteric” art these days. Here’s some examples…

Lots of snakes and spiders. I’m a tetch obsessed with them as symbols for…everything. I’ll go into greater detail on my personal theories regarding those critters when I write my book. In the meantime, I’ve started a blog so that I can cut my literary teeth, honing them to razors before I dive into the book writing.
The blog is here: lemnisc8

While I’m hesitant to share images of my physical self on any forum, much less one filled with demon-workers, I do have a very soft spot for the Left Hand (I’m a southpaw myself) and I like you folks. So, this is me…

That cross-section of images should give you a pretty good idea of my personality. XD

I occasionally use art as a vehicle for creating the world I want to live in. The other night, I harnessed the power of the supermoon eclipse and produced this as part of my ritual:

Happy to discuss the ritualistic use of symbols in visual art, if anyone is interested.

Here’s a shot of my primary altar. My entire living space is my temple. I have this place packed with mystical shit and I’ve literally consecrated the entire thing as my palace.

Well, I’m sure I’ve over-introduced at this point, haha. What else? Not into long walks on the beach. I love Die Antwoord. I just got a BMW 135i twin turbo and it’s fucking awesome. This particular version of the thing that is me is in his 40s, so the car seemed appropriate, even if I don’t quite look my age.

Nice to meetcha!
All the Love,

  • lls

Welcome! I love the artwork, altar and personal pics! :heart_eyes:


i am J0KA ( my alias) and i have arrived here to research and learn more about the spirit realm or spirit world as no one talks about it when it clearly exist and while my introduction is short, thanks for having me here :slight_smile:


A friend of mine @AlphaC recommended me to this site and its peaked my interest in the occult.


Hello. I’m Detha. I am from UK. I’m 19 years old. I’ve been practicing magick for 3 years, getting stronger & loving it. I wanna thank this forum for many things. Thank you ( :slight_smile:


Hi Sophillia! Read your intro. For what it’s worth… You’ll find your way. The hardest part of this journey for most is the ability to stop… And be in the now. What that means is going back to basics… Meditation. You must create that moment where the internal dialog of the mind stops. Whether in just sitting in a quiet place and closing your eyes… Or using forms of chanting to calm your mind. Once you reach that place of quiet… The answers will reveal themselves to you Sophillia. Always… Keith


I’m from a little place called Arsehole in Australia which is conveniently down near the global bum. If ignorance is bliss everyone in Australia should be ecstatic! Here everyone is dumber than they look and believe they’re better than they are. Where a lot of the self-entitled women are so ugly that if they gave you oral sex it’d count as anal - ‘Do you want to share my diseases?’ I’d like to buy them at my price and sell them at theirs.

The days repeat like a cheap pizza. The fucking scene is fucking sad. The fucking news is fucking bad. The blood pubs are fucking dull. The bloody clubs are fucking full of fucking girls and fucking guys with fucking murder in their eyes. It fucking hurts to look around anywhere in my home town.

There are some piss weak, incense burning Wiccans because that’s about all they can understand. A lot of them have suntanned teeth. Thankfully they don’t work sky-clad.



That’s really fucking nice. I don’t have an altar, but yours looks great!

Your High Priestess is great also. Shit, a magician creating their own Taro images. That’s truly great! I’m heterosexual but I think I’m falling in love.

People like you give me hope!



Hi everyone, I’m 23, french, and I discovered this forum very recently.
How I discovered it ? Because I was looking for power, and entities like Sitri who could help me in some aspects of my life :wink: I’m also into Gnosticism, and have a real passion about this topic #WorldIsAPrison #Illusion #Matrix

I’m not new in magick, I study esoteric for 10 years now, I have read many many books on many topics, I’ve wrote theories about many things like Egregore, Tulpa, the « ectoplasm », the mystery of the 21 grams we lose at the moment of death. I’m a good theorician and I’ve worked with several praticians in order to experiment. My only problem in esoteric was that I’m not good at practice.

That’s why a month ago I decided to become a real magician and meditate each day, trying also to perform evocation. I think I can do it. I have to remove my doubt, in order to become powerful and what I learned reading here will help me. I will probably work with Lucifer, I will probably change my life, but I have to work for, and my motivation never has been as strong as today.

Thanks for reading.