Welcome, fellow country man @Akashiel And others too!
hello Rain,
Welcome aboard.
Hello! My name is Marc, and I don’t know what it is I am practicing but maybe you do.
I’m not exactly new to this. I’ve been independently practicing visualization based magic for about 10 years. It started at adolescence, when I stood outside before a storm and could feel before a gust would blow. I could push the air and the wind would blow. Not necessarily control but unity. I felt empowered, electrified.
I went on to practice any magic I could visualize and create. From wind, to fire, the arcane and mystical, portals, corruption magic, shadow manipulation, divination, electrical manipulation, barriers, entity control, purification, light(healing) magic, telepathy, etc. If I could see it, I could learn to control it. At least when I was alone. In company, I’m nearly powerless.
I once had a demon in my dreams attack someone I thought had the Gift, and when I tried to bargain, he just screamed profanities that seemed to silence me. A name was on my tongue the next morning. Malphas. I believe he took up residence in my mind, taking my anger and hatred from me. Symbiotic really. I didn’t want the hatred and the negativity. When I was in that state, he would take over. I cleansed myself mostly but I think he is still kicking around. He was active 3 years and dormant 6 months ish.
I frequently have divination dreams, and today while on prescribed alertness meds, I fell asleep during the day. Odd. I was visited by a Prince or lord, who told me to visit Death in the underworld, and to follow his orders. I did so, and I was tasked to contact a great spirit beast from inside the realm of spirits. I entered the realm and there was the Prince in a female form. Called herself a Murmur, or a shape-changer. She followed me to the beast, who charged me to slay creatures defiling the waking dreams of men. I did. I was rewarded somehow and was betrayed by the Murmur. I awoke and researched and found that Murmur is an demon. Look it up if you’d like, different sources say different thing.
I’ve been alone and randomly caught myself saying “You there, Mage.” and talk of battles and my magic. Like I was a war mage of sorts. My daydreams are littered with stories of magical exploits and strengths.
God there is so much I want to talk about. Please folks, respond to this thread, ask me questions, give me answers. I’ve never been able to speak with magicians that didn’t tell me I was being reckless.
My prime deity is Lady Fate, who has marked me as her instrument. I do own and have created various protective charms to keep ouy evil. I am, for the most part, safe.
Be safe, strike true, and live.
Hi I’m Rin!
I’m fairly new to all of this. I found myself on this path because although I’ve been raised on such a very strict monotheistic home, I’ve been talking to spirits for as long as I can remember. I learned to astral project when I was 6, although it’s been brainwashed out of me by my parents, and I’ve seen auras and spirits for as long as I can remember. The thing is I didn’t know that those things had names until a little over 2 years ago. This whole time I thought I was crazy. So here I find myself on this path chasing down answers to other wild experiences I’ve had in my short life so far. I’m only 18 but I feel I could write a 3 volume novel on the things I’ve seen… beings I’ve spoken with. I’ve lived in my own little world of magick and spirits and psychicness that I thought i was absolutely insane I used to cry myself to sleep every night. But now I’m discovering that this world I was born into… isn’t as small as I thought. That there are others like me. I’ve recently started creating and casting sigils which has been going extremely well. I’ve only ever casted a couple of spells that I created. It’s hard living at home with parents that would likely start up the Salem witch trials again if they knew about me, so I’m limited on what I can get away with. But I’m learning more and more every day.
Well done! Proud of you.
Thank you so much! It’s exciting cx
Welcome and congratulations! You’re only 18 thankfully. I just turned 40 before I started truly following the path and realised I had been contacted by Lord Rosier some 15+ years ago. Early childhood skills and abilities are having to be relearned. Small towns with big religions - yay NOT!
I can relate. It’s so irritating to think that if I had just listened to my heart I might still be able to astral project.
I just think about all the time I wasted in this place where I am still stuck.
Hi my name is Dakota.
I like religions of the near east such as Egypt, and Sumeria.
I also like Mathematics and Computer science.
Hi all
My name is Hassan
From Egypt
18 years old
I’m keen on learning about magic … black witchcraft and demons
My goal is to get all sciences or most of them at least because sciences are the real power
Hi my names Lauren Im 27 and i live in north Carolina. USA. Im a beginner at the left hand path. I was brought up in a Christian family. Im not that interesting and ill add pictures when I get a new phone lol this one sucks
Hi, my name is Beverley, also go by the name of Gypsyleo. Have been a xtian many years ago but have always been attracted to demons. I have certain abilities, like seeing past, present and future and do things more with my mind than using tools but would like to know more about demons. I read up about them but don’t really know how to somehow work with them. I don’t seem to know much about how to invoke demons or spirits although I do speak to them at anytime but mostly at night. I would like to enhance my abilities in being more psychic and especially calling for help on those demons who can enhance my abilities in seeing into past, present and future. Also I have a yearning for telekinesis and mental telepathy. How can you help. I have made a pact with Satan but I do not feel anyone’s presence with me for guidance in the abilities that I want to enhance. I guess I have been searching for a long time as I do not have friends who can help in this regard. Please can you give advise on these matters. I do things on my own as I have no outside or inside help. I have yet to learn alot.
Hi there im Jesper.
Im 45 years young right now and came because of one reason (from the beginning) and that is my wifes health problem (crohns disease).
I have two kids and a lovely dog and work full time.
My first contact with magic was when i was 18 years old and met a man that made me a Talisman with the help of woodoo.
Today i work part time as a magician but un the simple way that we use sleight of hand to fool peoples minds and spirits.
Im a kettlebell instructor and love the woods and the dark.
Hey! So my name is Nova.
I am interested in angelic magick and as well as green magick. I am still very new to this, so if someone could help i would be very greatful.
I was raised catholic but have always had a connection to the spirit world. Now, religion just makes me angry.
Current stuggles i have are anxiety and lack of confidence.
My current goals are to gain confidence and not care what people think, and to get a job after my college program is finished.
Hi all, I come from an exotic island down South Africa. I have been in the occult for nearly a year. It started when I was on a point of desperation that I have tried various ways to achieve results. I started by going to different kind of gurus and teachers in different religions, some in the most dangerous part of the island. To imaam, pandits, tantrics,… But I could not achieve results even if I was committed to the goals. I am originally a hindu, without any kind of belief since birth. Then I decided to do my first evocation with a demoness at the point of total breakdown and no fear of death. I achieve one hundred percent on the first evocation (later she became my favorite demoness) I would say I love her but it only means that I respect her. I feel confident and calm and so powerful when she is around me and when she gives me signs.
Three four years ago, I visited a haunted house with my gf and I disrespected them and taunted them, and as a result I was slapped in my face during the night lol. And my gf had scratches marks all over her thighs. I clearly remember that. I also had various astral projections happened to me in the past but I only remembered them when it went wrong and then I would wake up feeling totally shocked remembering what just happened. Sometimes I used to see things happening in real time in the house of my parents. I never knew what to make of these experiences until I started this path. I used to live alone. Now I am living in the most prestigious region of the Country with my parents together in a bungalow constructed in the British era.
I have seen things following me. Instead of feeling insecure or afraid, I was curious. And then it all made sense when I started the left hand path. Now I am completely devoted to the left hand path. After various messages from ascended masters and angels lately, I know that life is going to drastically change positively for me in the near future. I am never going to change my path. And I am working on making my temple the most strongest temple in existence. I already know that they accept me, that they excuse me and that I am at home with them and that I am loved.
After successful rituals and evocation, I kind of turned to candle magick. And in that field I would find success almost immediately. Like as soon as I close the ritual, the phone would ring. Things that I desired were actually manifested spontaneously. This only boosted my confidence in magick. I have had various types of significant meaning during and off ritual that actually made me realise how strong I am!
I am living currently without a cellphone, social life, Television for over three months. I was not using social media and watching television for over three years now. I am working really hard to achieve the body that I have always dreamed of and I am 1/3 way their. At least I started. I am getting employed in a reputed bank in about a week. I am confident about the way that I am going in life.
My only current struggle is the woman that I love. I can’t seem to get her out of my mind even after closing the rituals which hinders the success. I wish I had occult friends that would help me ! I went nearly 4 years in a relationship with her. No, I never cheated, but she did. Like 7 different men… But she always made it to me apologetically and I loved her so much that I will let it go. But it all worked out badly when the last time she came over with a man she was hanging out with and cheating on me and she did not knocked at the main door and came and disturbed me in my temple, took me by shocked, slammed the bedroom door and it backfired completely, leaving me with a simple assault charge. How sad that the man was so pathetic and afraid of his life when my anger completely took me over and he could just stand up like a douche not knowing what to do even if he was bigger than me… I am thankful that things did not went completely bad ! She made various promises, even swearing on the head on the head of big deities that are not a play things in the past when I was not even in the Occult. There is a deity that I look forward as a mother figure and trust and respect her. Made promises in my temple that she broke the next day. But I did not broke my promises. The way that I acted the last time she was here was only to defend my temple and privacy that she invaded by force. Going into Court in the next few months. Yet I want her back. Because the way that I see it that it will be of greater good if we get back together. I will achieve my goals spiritually since I will not be devoting my time to finding another partner, and we both are well into each other. Even though she has no idea what I have become or who I really am back then because with her the good little boy of myself was always shining bright. And I will also help her in accomplishing her goals. The last I heard of her was after various rituals with the same objective to have her back that she kept calling me and quoting her words : " I fucking miss you man ‘’ But I could not say anything else and not even reply to missing her too since my family is under investigation, for the blame that she put on us that we are going to change the case into my favour with power that we hold. My phone is being tapped. But maybe she was trying to frame me into a confession that she would use in Court. Or maybe I was on a live radio podcast with the entire Country listening. When she asked me why I was violent, I denied completely the fact and told her that I will see her in the Court with my lawyer and to not call me again. This is probably the first time I ever lied to her straightly in her face.
But in another way, I am sure and certain that life is going on great for me. I am working hard like really hard in all aspects of myself. Tomorrow is the blue moon or the super full moon and I am charging my circles, my gemstones(that I never actually used) and everything related and do some evocation for growth and one with my favorite demoness.
I have a vision for the next five years and I am not going to let it down at any cost. I have developed passion into drawings and everything that happened significantly spiritually with me I have it in pictures, and even the evocations that I make, or the face of my favorite demoness. I have everything in pictures and the best part is that they are all something that I have already seen. And I know that in this sketch pad, everything else is going to be materialise the way that I see it and interpret it when I am drawing. So I drew myself in some years time, where I want to be…
I am really glad to be part of this forum. I was browsing here through a long time before actually now making an account. If other magicians can offer a helping hand to me in the problem that I am facing, I will gladly accept it and I will be here anytime for anyone who needs help.
Same to you
Hi everyone Eisheth Zenunim is only a pseudonym, it’s a sick nod to the etymology of my real name : נָעֳמִי
I’m 21 and become interested in occult related things when I was around 6 years old : the first book I borrowed at a library was about Egyptian mythology, it was about a hundred pages and I read it in a night. Since that times, I’m really interested in mythology, god, goddess, spirits and demons. I started to devote myself to Lilith about a year ago, mainly to slice the throat of my enemies and bring to their knees those that hurt and defiled me.
I’m interested in moon, blood, sex and black magic and more lately, gemstones (I use crystal qwartz). Lilith appeared to me several times in a form of a quite big spider after I called hear (more precisely in my bathroom ) , and got results soon after.
But lately, it seems like she stopped supporting me and my life became really hard to live.
I’ve been reading this forum for about 6 months or so, and came here for help, but also to share some of my experiences and maybe, help other people that suffer the same struggles. Oh, and have a good time too
My long time goal is to be able to get past my human needs for contact and approbation and to never, ever be manipulated again
Looking forward to talk to you guys !
Good morning Peeps.
I’m Sai residing in South Africa, i have practicing Magic from Golden dawn aspect and Kriya Yoga for over 10 years.
My goal is to become an African version of Franz Bardon Frabato the great magician. lol
Hello. My name is Amanda. I’m somewhat new as in I’m just now able to practice whenever I wish. I’ve been told as a child that I have ancestors that were witches and that I would come to understand more about what I am once I’m older. I do understand but I need a little help and guidance. My whole life I have felt as though something was missing. Now I realize, I have a gift and I want to embrace it and learn as much as I can so I can help guide my daughters when they come of age.