Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Here’s a list of the BALG Rules basically, be respectful, tolerant, and refrain from asshatery.


People get banned from being trolls. You’ve got nothing to worry about.


Occasional asshatery is fine, just not constant, as well as within limits. Take me for example :laughing:


awesome thank you


Wait what is the term Troll? I am internet ignorant

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A complete jerk that just comes on the forum to cause fights and trouble. They don’t last long.


oh dear, I say a spell for them is in order. Thank you KOH616.


My name is Mateus, i live in Brazil
I am very interested in kaos-magick, goetia, kaballah and the national forms of occultism of my country
My goals until now are low but i think i’m progressing.
My problem with magick is my anxiety to learn and do things.


You know how to use google don’t you? You found this place? OK


Hey there! :slight_smile:
Im interested in many form of magick. Egyptian, black, white, Voodoo, Santaria and more. Im also interested in the occult and demonology, I’ve been looking at the Goetia demons for some time now. My goal is never to harm someone. My type of magick would mostly be resumed to chaos magick.
My personal life goal is to become a psychologist and discovering my magick abilities definitely help me towards that goal.
Something i struggle with would be my sensitivity towards energy, but i have a nice intuition id say.
So ya, thats me :stuck_out_tongue: im a good fellow overall and often use magick to benefit others, myself too.


Greetings, I’m Norski. (My stage name, I’ve been a musician/composer for 14+ years ever since I discovered how to layer sound)

I’ve been a lurker here for nearly a year and decided it was time to join the discussion.

I used to be deeply devoted to the LDS (Mormon) religion and even served a mission for them. I’m no longer a part of that herd after a rather ungrounding change of perspective that took years to get over.

Given where they got a lot of their structure from (Freemasonary) they’re debatably the only “magickal order” I’ve been a part of (reconciling the results I did witness and experience with their system with my current model of reality was a twist of the brain for a long time.)

I’ve averaged a book per week since the 8th grade and I became fascinated with the occult before I even knew that’s what it really was. I’m mainly into Chaos Magick and have taken a strong interest in the Goetic spirits lately. However I started by reading material like Mantak Chia’s Taoist energy works on Qigong, Neigong, Tantra, the law of attraction, and the Tao De Ching. I started with simply making a list of results I wanted, imagined each as best I could and generated the feeling of having each. Looking back on the list nearly all of it has happened.

My main issue is I have severe OCD (official diagnosis) that involves a very strange relationship with Cause & Effect. I experience intrusive thoughts and I can’t tell if it’s an omen, my subconcious being a dick or, my own thought. What’s maddening is when the thought is dysphoric and I challenge it by not performing the compulsion… Often it manifests.

I’d like to develop my intuition and divination to where I can discern what I should consider real or not.

I have many other goals, I run a successful company, I’d like to grow more, I enjoy producing and performing music, as well as being 26 and practicing BDSM with fun adorable women. (One of my nerd girls compared me to Molag Bal, Daedric Prince of Domination hahaha)

I’ve read almost everything by The Gallery of Magick and highly recommend their material.

Talk soon,


My name is Kamarov,

I’ve been introduced to the occult world by my beautiful girlfriend which always had my back and supported me.

The things that I chase in life are evolution, knowledge, true freedom and a place to call home. I believe in humans and in their potential and I want to significantly shape the form of humanity. I enjoy reading, cooking, and helping people whenever I can. Things that I’m passionate about are the depths of the unconscious mind and the capability to influence someone’s thinking to your own linking. I consider myself to have a lot of strength in this domain, so instead of manipulating people for my own advantage, I unmask what other people do and expose them.

I simply love learning. Anything, from cars to how to make explosive devices using cleaning products, it will all be helpful one day, so I absorb information like a sponge whenever I can.

“My mind revolts at stagnation”



Just joined not long ago. Lady_Eva recommend this thread to me. My real name is Brian. I have dabbled in the occult here and there throughout my life and although the subject is still fascinating to me, I barely dabble these days.

The main reason is I cast some pretty nasty curses that got a close friend of mine killed and harmed one of my children. Not to mention the psychological damage that’s been done to me in the process. I obviously didn’t know what I was doing and didn’t bother protecting myself properly. Always wear protection folks

I have no interest in any single belief system. I think it’s best to fit the pieces of the puzzle together by looking into them all.

My current goal is to get out of a particularly nasty situation with a couple of practicing ex’s whom are casting a lot of negative energy my way. I’ve been trying to protect myself without fighting back, but I am very tempted. I’ve been struggling against taking a lead tablet I bought off of Amazon and etching there name along with the incantation, driving 13 rusted nails into it and burying it down the road in the forest next to the graveyard. Props to anyone who knows of this curse and the significance within the symbology. It’s an ancient Roman curse.

However, this is a last resort as I just want out of my current situation and would prefer to live out a peaceful existence for a while working on my hobbies building, painting, etc.

Anyhow, lovely meeting everyone!


Pleasure to properly meet you, brother. Welcome.


Hi I’m Ethan,
I’m a beginning Mage. I stumbled across one of E.A’s videos and thought I would visit this site. My current work with magic has been through candles and incense use.


awesome… i am from india too… welcome


Unfortunatley no. But persistence is one of my strong points


Hello, I’m Akashiel, otherwise known as Joni, A witch from FInland. I got started on the occult before I started primary school, with meditation and some Finnish spellcraft I read from a pamphlet. My grandfather was a member of the theosophical society of Finland and had a rather large collection of books(for the time) on various occult subjects which I devoured whenever I was visiting my grandparents. By the age I was 16 I had a solid grasp on meditation along with runes and magickal techniques of various types. . I think my magical study had already taken a darker turn by that time, but I cant really recall that time very well. What I can remember is finding a book promising me the secrets of the darkest sorcery imaginable…The kingdoms of Flame by Archaelus Baron. Me and a friend of mine both got a copy(by the way, there are less than 200 regular editions of the first edition now, reportedly most of my friends occult collection got burned at one point).Not really that dark by todays standards but it lit a flame so to speak. I started studying dark magick in earnest at that point buying works of darkness, baneful magick and evoking eternity as they came out. At some point I purchased Mark Alan Smith’s Trident trilogy though I just recently started working with the primal current in earnest. I tend to see myself as a trad witch of rather dark persuasion, though I use whatever works. I’m best at runic magic still, though I have a rather large repertoire by now. I work primarily with the Primal current now for my ascent and plan to take the witch’s mark on my next birthday(in July, 31 by the way) I’m currently in the process of translating and modifying the trident and sacrifice trilogy, Black toad and much of Eric’s work into a cohesive Grimoire for my own own use. Also I’m gender fluid identifying more strongly as female though born as male.Just thought I’d throw that in,


So, My name is splixAmoreon.

Its really hard to explain my situation. Its really odd of sorts.

So, a very long story short, I started a path of study into Neo Paganism a few years back, though my story doesn’t start there. I have always had a dark streak thru me and often at times my energy would become unbalanced. As people would tell me that things around me were dark of nature, I scurried to the light. I would get dark heavy, then swing like a pendulum back to heavy light (thought it never fit my purpose.) Light and love comments always barked my ass.

I have always had dark presences around me, for as long as I can remember and people would have me horrified over it. Though I would always want to peek and see what was stirring. For the dark presences never brought me harm. It would be other things. Even when I would dream and have nightmares it wasn’t the demons after me (I knew they were there but always at a distance) Now I have seen some other things that scared the hell right out of me. But never what I perceived to be “my demons” I have had a manly presence in my life and he has been with me strongly. The symbolism I have that surrounds him, I wont admit did make me uneasy but I wasn’t in fear with him around. I get smells when he is near, I can feel his presence pretty quickly. Now, I did not summon him. Actually, after I did a ritual asking for help from another Deity did he actually come out and reveal himself to me. And speak. He did not speak but would point in the direction I needed to go. The odor I smell is quite intoxicating and my heart and throat chakra become on fire then the energy swells out from there. The first sign of his to me was in peacock form. From that a hooded man who would seem lurking. But when I asked Lilith for help with a matter, lets just say she didnt come alone. He came into the for front and basically demanded things move. VERY cryptic in speaking but sweet yet deep. More or less kind of shoved Lilith aside and said I got this. The next night. I walked into my living room only to find 2 large (sitting 4 to 5 foot in height.) That scared me and I walked back into my room. I felt someone grab my shoulders and whisper lets go. There not hear to harm you, their mine. Protection. I walked past those dogs only to look into my front yard and see more. I went to the back of the house and looked the back yard and there was more. I think about 7 in total. I was never without at least one of those dogs. This lasted for weeks. I was beginning to think I was going bat shit nuts. when I looked under a mirror in my living room about 4 1/2 feet off the ground was a DOG print in mud. it was 3 or 4 inches wide. I left it on the wall. The more research I find the more, I ABSOLUTLY know who it is. I just didnt think that he would be that source of protection. I have done research but I have not really studied in depth. Lilith has been in my life for years. I guess, I am on a mission to find out why.