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Welcome @raR

In what? Do you practice any specific systems or traditions of magick?

I have years of experience, but haven’t had that great of results compared to when I didn’t do anything. Imo, the great results are in the small things, like being able to draw energy into yourself to give you motivation to get things done. I’ve had great results when looking at the small things, like that. Meditation and mindfulness meditation help me to change myself (to be able to think clearly and make decisions and probably other good stuff too).

So, mostly my experience deals with directing or drawing in energy to achieve realistic goals.

Not at the moment. I’ve practiced spiritual Satanism, Christianity, and Buddhism in the past.

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Then how do i achieve my desires if not selling my soul?

You spend the time to actually learn how to properly do magick. It’s not a shortcut though. Pacts are possible, but you can’t just sign on the dotted line and get what you want. It doesn’t work that way.

the only way is if i summon Belial then?

Hello! I am a freshman at my local high school.
I am around the part where whenever I put a good amount of focus and energy into purely trying to teleport to the other side of my bed, I kind of feel my energy depleting. And I feel something happening in my heart, but don’t end up teleporting, which is very understandable considering I started practicing magick around the first of October this year.

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Dude, read the article I linked. Belial has no interest in your soul. It takes time to learn how to properly summon a demon.

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@Nata1 It is a rule here that all posts must be in English, as it is the common language and helps to facilitate moderation. Please introduce yourself properly in English.

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i used google translate to convert english to text but i don't know why it was copied in spanish, now i fix it

Hi, I’m Nata, I’m new to this topic, two years ago my mother taught me to read Spanish letters and to my amazement what I was reading was fulfilled, so I began to get involved with the subject of rituals, entities and to read, I experimented with the goddess Ganesha, san la muerte (indigenous cult of the north of Argentina and south of Paraguay), the goddess Ashera (duality of Astaroth) and some other deities, I began to like the left hand path very much, recently I made evocations of Sallos , Gaap and Raum.
I could already see the result of Sallos and now I have to see those of Gaap and Raum
Hi, I’m Nata, I’m new to this topic, two years ago my mother taught me to read Spanish letters and to my amazement what I was reading was fulfilled, so I began to get involved with the subject of rituals, entities and to read, I experimented with the goddess Ganesha, san la muerte (indigenous cult of the north of Argentina and south of Paraguay), the goddess Ashera (duality of Astaroth) and some other deities, I began to like the left hand path very much, recently I made evocations of Sallos , Gaap and Raum.
I could already see the result of Sallos and now I have to see those of Gaap and Raum


Thank you @Nata1 and welcome.

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Thanks to you

I’m Max.

I’m quite new to magick, honestly don’t know what new means in terms of the practice of magick.

But so far so bad, nothings working.
I do practice a whole range of things from ritual magic to plane old meditation.

Aside from those, hobbies wise.
I go jogging, so my condition is fair.
I also study whatever I feel the need to at the time.
From psychology to religions and cultures.
Lol I even had a biology phase.

My ideals are rather pessimistic.
I view the world as cruel and messed up.
But, thats me being me aswell.

Iether way, I do prefer it to be multiple choice.
Makes things less boring.

Welcome @Randomstuff Roughly where about are you from? What is your age bracket, and how long have you practiced this whole range of things?

If your ideals are rather pessimistic, I would directly relate that to your Nothings working, and take a moment to get my mindset in check before proceeding to practice any method of magic. If you are rather new, you may find it more beneficial to select a path and stick to it for a length of time than to study whatever comes up in the moment.


Hi am from Nigeria, interested to join, offering money financial help and job, wealth protection and success in luck money magic.

@Solomon46 This is not a proper introduction :slight_smile: please let us know how roughly how old you are, what experience you have, if any with magic and which systems of magic you are interested in so that we can properly guide you to the resources that will aid you in your quest.

Hi am from Nigeria interested in luck money magic,I’m 34 year I lucky money magic New

There is money magic, pretty much within every system of magic so I am going to advise you to check the link already given to you in your thread or being with this as you seem to not have any idea which system might suit your needs, you will need to do some research and figure out what fits for you. Perhaps once you have read over the beginner tutorials as well as the link @Lady_Eva provided you, you will either have an idea of how to approach your goals, or which system you would like to delve into. Otherwise you can use the hourglass, in the top right corner of your screen and type in money, and find all of the random resources we currently have, and there are quite a few, so you should be able to find something to your liking and skill level.

I’m solomon

I’m quite new to magic, honestly don’t know what New means in terms of the practice of magic,

But so far experience, nothing works,
I do practice with whole my time and life to range of things from Money magic and success luck money to plants.
Old meditation, I also study whatever I feel the need to be there in time from religion and culture law. Nothing works.
Please help me seriously I need money urgent to pay house rent receipt.

I appreciate that you further elaborated on your experience, however I can’t discern much from the statement that nothing works. For beginners that is often the case, and even when things do work, often beginners have no idea whether or not a spirit heard their request and will aid them.

If you have practiced your whole lifetime, I am slightly confused but whatever I guess.

Meditation only goes so far towards manifestations, but it does usually help the beginner learn how to get into trance and develop their claire senses. I am going to assume if nothing is working that your sense have not yet developed.

This statement here, tells me that there is not much, that I myself can do for you. Desperation will thwart your attempts in many cases, and fuel them in others, and it is not my place to determine which it will be for you, but you have said nothing works so many times, that I lean towards the desperation in your case will hold you back.

If you are that desperate, then now is the time to dig in, do some research and take this life into your own hands, as none of us can do that for you, all we can do is point you in the right direction, which is something I have already attempted to do. If you hit the search bar up, and type in money you will find all sorts of rituals and spells, and many if not all require little to no skills and often only a few tools, which may not even be necessary unless you need them to put yourself into the right mindset, which at this point you may very well need that.

I believe in the post you created that @Lady_Eva linked to you a fairly comprehensive thread- Money Spells (And Other Workings) That Yielded Results

so if the search bar is just too complicated to hit up in this desperate state, then I highly recommend starting there, or looking into magical books by authors such as Damon Brand, Corwin Hargrove, and Henry Archer to name a few, that have covered the subject of turning your poverty into success with little or no tools and using almost entirely your imagination and few minutes of your day for a period of time. Hargrove probably has the simplest and least dramatic approach of any author I have read, and is rather beginner friendly, even to the desperate. In fact, all of that desperation would likely work well within his system of Djinn magic, as the drive and need being rather flamboyant is something I see that makes his system work particularly well with the djinn.

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