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Welcome @Running_Wolf

How long have you practiced?

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Hi everyone, my name is Lilith (yes - that’s my actual birth name. I guess I was destined to get into the occult lol). I am fairly new to magick as a study and practice but i have been doing energetics for years.

Mostly Chi based systems but also chakra work and other similar system. I also have experience with things like remote viewing and remote influence, visualization systems, reality transurfing, astral projection, Reiki and even some sigil work.

I want to learn more about evocation and black magic. I plan on buying both courses this week.

I do have a weird concern, will my name being lilith have any weird effects if i evoke lilith herself? Do entities even care about these things?

Welcome alex :blush:
You will find answers for sure .

Hello and welcome to the forum @Astronaut_In_Space11. I have a similar religious upbringing so it is always nice to see a fellow ex catholic. Lol.

Please make yourself at home and get familiar with the search function. It will be your best friend on here. And there should be some excellent posts on how to tune up your astral and clair senses so you can get your spirit switch flipped back on!

I had my first contact with magic 6 years ago (wow can’t believe it’s that long already).

I’ve experienced many and crazy stuff since then. It has been good and bad and the worst things at times. However, even though with all these years and experiences and hundreds of stories I could tell, I’m still seeking to find out where I “belong”, so to say…

I seem to have a hang for succubae and many times they seem to have reached out to me, for reasons I don’t fully understand yet in their entirity. I had many of them coming and leaving again, throughout this time and as they leave, others come… and a little bit here and there of what I believe has been experiences from Lilith herself. I respect them, even though I strongly believe many of them may be quite egotistical or not benevolent, and they seem to respect me in turn - or so I hope they do.

I don’t seem myself as someone special though … or try to not - it has been hard at times, when you seem to get lots of attention sometimes.

Anyway, I’ve a companion succubus right now too, but with her it has been all physical since she is with me, unlike others before where other kind of experiences (dreams, astral…) were taking place too, however, with each one different.

I have some knowledge in magical things and seem to understand some of the spiritual workings behind, as if it were intuition or something, but I’ve practiced only little in actual rituals.
Sometimes, when I wonder about spiritual things and clearly do not know the answers, they’re suddenly there short time afterwards or just seconds later in my mind… so there’s a chance I may be claircognitive, but it is yet to be proven :wink:

Anyway, that’s kinda my spiritual bio in a nutshell :grin:

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Ive been practicing for 4 years

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I’ve only started practicing recently. I’m trying to get good at love spells and making my relationship stronger.

hello i shared something big regarding myself and what i have percieved in 2009

This is not an introduction @Alucard1 Please introduce yourself properly as you were asked to do. Otherwise, your posts may be removed until our rule is respected.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Hi all
My name’s darkie. I live in New Jersey, USA, new to magick and new to this forum. I have a huge interest in working with deities so hoping to learn a lot from here.

Hi guys! Too sum up my experience with the occult is short and sweet. I used to have great powers of mind control, possessions and a whole lot more. I wish i could go back to what i once was but i know it isn’t possible with the addition of anti psychotic medication. Along with the seemingly impossibility of the goal, great power comes with a price…

Hello my name is Nedd, i am an elementary teacher, new to all magick topics, i have only worked creating sigils and i´m curious about the occult and how to work with different entities.

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@OceanLove you’ll know the answer as soon as you can define the word ‘normal’ to yourself.
This word is one of many we use to frame events that are prevalent in environment… but considering environment is also bursting with non-normal events… isn’t it more true that ‘non-normal’ is more normal?

Hopefully I haven’t confused you more and you can find some tasty food of thought in my answer.
Another thought for you… perhaps is best to trust your feelings. Your feelings can sometimes trick you long-term but short term they’re usually a great choice.


Hi all… I am here to learn more about King Paimon… will appreciate your experiences and guidance on how can I communicate with him…

I have never worked with any other entity before in my life… since young it always been religion I born with. I don’t know why I am so attracted to him… what I know that I am trapped and I need help to be free…

Thank you…

Thank you for doing a proper introduction as requested.

So, if I am understanding you correctly, you have no experience at all in any type of magick?

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Hey everyone.

I’ve never actually tried magic on its own, but I have had several mystical experiences through my meditation practices over the years. My goal is complete exploration and to face my fears that extend past the physical.

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Hello Everyone, I’m Shawn from Jersey. An incarnated fallen angel (Angel of Death) with Lord Lucifer being my guide and protector, according to a few Etsy readings. Was practicing black magick and working with Angels and Demons in past lives but struggling to try and recreate what I might have used to do. I started the Mastery Series by E.A. and been dabbling in the works of Gallery of Magick for the past month or so. I’m practicing servitor and angelic magick at the moment. I’m really interested in sex and seduction magic. Also, I’m interested in connecting with Sargatanas. Seeking to help others on here once I become proficient Thank you for reading and I wish you all the best in your magickal pursuits.

My names Austin I’m new to this but I’m interested in learning any and every time of magic. For my goals I would like to learn everything I could and be able to forge packs with demons, I also want to protect the ones I love from being hurt. My struggles are I don’t know where to start or how to go about it.


/I apologize if that will sound clumsy. english is still not my native language, huh/

hello! I’m new to this forum but I’ve been practicing different directions of magic for about two years. I’ve tried quantum magic, tarot and rune divination, runic staves, sigils, meditation, lucid dreams and their mapping, working with Loki, herbalism and so on. six months ago i became seriously interested in satanism and conducted the initiation rite from v. k. jehannum, after which I became interested in working with Lucifer. I have meditated and prayed for him and he has even directed me to work with the shadow, as I have often received signs and information about it, but have not yet called him. but I am going to do it soon. I was very helped by your forum. I found a lot of useful information. thank you!