Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi, I’m Britney, call me Biba.
(I’m a young adult) and a traditional and digital artist. (I have a patreon)
I’m a practicing Satanist and started 6 years ago but did the dedication ritual about 4.5 years ago.
I specifically am great at curses, communication with spirits and Demons, astral work and am practicing to become a satanic priestess one day to be able to help and give back to the community.

I specifically work with amdusias, who reached out to me personally, for two years. He reached out to me when I had the sudden urge to learn to play instruments, dance, love birds and all that, together with 8 of cups falling out of my deck constantly and pulling 8 of cups together with the devil all the time.
Although I never had the chance to buy him some great offerings due to an abusive household I left recently, he has a little shrine now with his candles and incense and of course his sigil.

My first ever pendulum is a rose quartz
My first ever stone is an amethyst
My favourite is sodalite and lapis

My first deck is the rider waite deck.
And my first ever incense was coconut orange

Hope this explains some about me,


Hey @WhatEven

Not necessarily. It does, but only to those who are willing (or ignorant about better/safer ways) to pay it. That’s usually ‘the condition’ or ‘the name of the game’ for everything.

I’m really sorry to hear of your medicaments. I know this can be heavy on a person. Did the underlying condition result from practice of the occult? Or was there any other misfortune that caused it?
I don’t want you to get me as being too nosy, but there’s usually an underlying cause for everything in existence… that said, if you can find the cause for your current state… you can change that state (if you’re not OK with it) to the better with applying some changes.
That doesn’t mean you have to stop practising the occult, but perhaps rather learn how to practice it in an unharmful way. It’s been told that misuse/abuse of the occult and magick may bring about certain psychological problems like depression or even develop schizophrenia or other psychological deviations from ‘normal’ state. This would normally happen to uneducated learner who wants to grasp results first not paying attention to all the necessary details… not knowing what he/she is really doing and how to perceive the things that happen while and after practising)

Please check here:

This man new what he was talking about… he also refused to work with the people who ignored that fact. They misused the occult on a grand scale.
Start with the first chapter of his first book to see why…

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First time was a spirtual awakening, taken too far with weed. Second time i was taking shrooms daily to have constant possesions from over 100 demons and angels. I took it too far and i know that. Im slowly creeping my way back into the occult. And question, if you dont mind, could you do a reading for me?

I am Wintergreen Raventhorne, should you speak my name out-loud, say it with solemn respect, for these are the sacred words that affirm the true identity of my soul, not assigned to me by mortal tongues, but by Nature herself.

I am a Necromancer, I specialize in magick relating to the powers of Life and Death, and I find comfort and solace among the dead. I was a Wiccan, and I still maintain my union with Nature despite the fact I have strayed from that path to my current one. That is why my name, Wintergreen Raventhorne, is still sacred to me. “Winter” represents the fact that I was born during that most frost-bitten season when Nature enters a deep deathlike slumber, “green” represents the resurgence of life in Spring. “Raven” is a tenebrous and feared bird that represents many things, including death, wisdom/cleverness, and witchcraft. “Thorne”… well… sounds like “thorn” but the “e” at the end makes it fancy. Haha. I used to relate it back to Nathaniel Hawthorne who wrote lots of stories about Witches and the supernatural, but I’ve pretty much outgrown my “Salem Witch” phase since then, especially since I live in New York and I’ve never even been to Massachusetts. lolz

So with all the dramatics out of the way, long-story short, I try my best to practice “ethical” Necromancy, being a guardian for the dead, only raising spirits that consent to being returned to this world and always sending them back when I’m done with them, and banishing evil/harmful spirits and demons. Still, I have my fair share of experience calling upon demons to give me power and placing curses on people I felt truly deserved it, but that experience has taught me that there are always consequences to things like that. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and letting yourself be possessed by demons even partially causes you to be a psychic vampire and leech the life-force from everyone around you. I have learned my lesson, and no longer curse people or employ a demonic servitore. At least until I can find ways to do such things safely and avoid any negative consequences. Haha.
I also often find myself feeling not fully human, so it would be nice to discover what I truly am. Nowadays I’m stuck between thinking I’m just a really powerful wizard, or a God of Death bound to human form so I can learn to truly appreciate every facet of the impact Death has on mortal lives before I transcend all and take my throne in the Celestial Plane.

Anyway… aside from all that intense eccentricity, I’m a huge nerd that loves D&D and video games, and I’m a pretty big Metal-Head. My favorite band is Dimmu Borgir, and I always feel charged up with arcane power whenever I listen to their songs. lolz

Hi. My name is Melissa.
I’m what you could call a curious cat. I like to consider myself as someone with a soft heart and a vicious mouth (only to be used if necessary). I love animals and plants, probably because life and death fascinates me. I’m interested in astrological and crystal magick. I’m admittedly not completely sure of my future with magick except that I would love to pursue it further on.
My current goal is to live my life to the fullest and find happiness is what I do and who I am.
I struggle alot with mental health, specifically bipolar disorder and depression, but so far magick has really helped me feel better about life and increasing my happiness.
I’m grateful to be on this forum and to learn from so many wise before me. Vicious

Welcome. Where do you hail from?

Southern Africa

My name is serunset
Interested in chaos magic, General lhp and others
Goal is to attempt to connect more with my godself
No struggles yet

What is your experience in magick beyond your interests?

You’ve been talking about the HGA, so what, exactly, do you practice and how long have you pracitced it?

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My name is Tolga Yavuz and I am 20 years old. I have been practicing Magnified Healing as a master teacher for about 3 years. I am very interested in black magic and feel very connected to it. I am currently only performing candles and sealing magic and hope to expand my knowledge and skills. best regards

I connected with my hga as early as 6 years old
It was unconscious or rather he attempted communication
Would enter a trance state suddenly and scribble his sigil
Then i consciously went to learn lhp after some time and mostly studied crowleys workings
Chaos magic somehow just found it and learnt to after repeated practice
Was in extreme denial on that since he forcefully possessed me on multiple accounts but has since been under control after communication
Haven’t spoke to him directly in aabout 2 or 3 years after I made my boundaries clear
Now would like to reinitiate the link between me and him that’s why I am here


Thank you for elucidating more, and welcome to the BALG forum.


you are welcome

Hello my name is guillermo. I have never practiced magic, that’s one of the reasons I came here.

My current goals are actually getting to know this kind of things better like for knowledge. My main struggles at this time and another reason I came here is that I’m kind of seeing spirits all around me. It all started like a month after I moved out from my house. They are 3 spirits: 1. a human with an owl head (I think I identified that one it’s Andras) 2. A tall man with a long cow skull and a Wolfe (don’t know who he is) 3. A man with 4 wings a sword and his whole body is shining. So I’ve been trying to see who they are and what they want. I think that’s all.

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Hi There! :wave:

My name is Jenna Elizabeth, most of my peeps just call me Lizzy. Momentarily, I am living in Northern Utah as a simplified hippy princess. :crown: And I’ve loved every single minute of my life in Utah from the Southern to the Northern.

I’ve been lurking in BALG for about a year and finally decided to join. For now, my studies into magick have been concentrated on very simple things, like tarot cards, horoscopes, and understanding the moon cycles. My magick isn’t strong nor something to be in awww about, it’s mine though. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have a thing for elephants and birds, and am mostly silent on what I learn from them. While I believe this is a non-judgmental space, there are some things better left unsaid until the timing is right.

Currently interested in learning about numberology. And am learning about Freya, as I have a connection with her.

Fun Fact: Classical music rocks my world. :violin: Although, live music in bars is where I meet my soulmates! So, excited to be here. Probably will not post a lot.

how come everyone else gets the cool ones? :thinking::face_with_monocle:

lol. I was just minding my own business one day when i thought: i should work with Freya.

and i am not a viking nor of their decent.

good luck. :kiss:

@jennaelizabeth Do you have any experience?

I’m actually scared of the owl one hahahah.

Very little experience. Enough to know not to piss off others.

I’m still at the Newbie Stage, so, of course I’m not going to work with those who’d make my childhood nightmares pee their pants! :joy:

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Photo Credit: Unknown

Is this him? If so, he’s kinda cute. :kiss::heartbeat:

Maybe he needs a hug!