Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Your name- Glenn
• Photos if you’re comfortable
• Kinds of magick you like- I’m not even sure what all there are but I know there is one called chaos magick but I would prefer to call it chaos Force. Mainstream media and society has made the term magic( out of respect I will clarify that you used a different word magick) but our society has made a mockery out of that word.
• Current goals- clarity.
• Current struggles- I don’t know if I really know what is going on, whether it be that I I finally learned to open my eyes and actually listen and see what’s really happening, which I want to believe and even do believe then I’m right yet I’m constantly second-guessing and doubting myself from the youth I had growing up with everybody trying to make me believe a fairytale laced with ideas to to discredit any argument of it’s blatant lies.

I am zoey. I am female in my Late 30s. I find this forum through Google when I was searching for more information. I know of no one else personally to practise magick. I like black and dark magick as I think is more Effective. Current goals are to get more Loyal friends, maintain my business , attract the person I like and take revenge on people who give me problems in life persistently.

I practice magick for few years but on and off , only when I need it and mainly from books with good reviews. Currently no real struggle but to get the person I have a crush to like me back.

I am really sorry that I am not comfortable with photos. But I do answer any questions you have.


Hi everyone…I’m just getting into all this stuff and I am a big fan of EA Koetting and Become a living god. Thank you all admins for letting me on this forum

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @Redpillmagick but you haven’t told us anything about yourself.

Where do you hail from?

Do you have any experience at all in magick?

If not, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

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Hi I am from Singapore. I did few spells from books, I think they worked but took some time. The stronger your feelings, the more energy involved, I think more effective the spell. I am interested in dark and black magick, mostly on revenge and control. Do feel to ask me more

Hi my name is Maree i am interested in magic to bring my ex of 27 years back to me. so i’m searching for the right spell to cast or someone to help me by casting for me. i’ve been suffering from depression for 1.5 years & his best friend who has passed ex girlfriend has seduced him & he says he has feelings for her. he says he loves me but he can’t help the way he’s feeling for her. he was cheating on me with her for 3 months. Anyway any help would be amazing because i need my soulmate back

I’m a complete newbie I have some experience with root work but no nothing about ritual magick. I am from Huntsville Alabama…and I’m a new student of all things occult I guess you could say

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Hey All I’m going by the name Kingcrow for now

Here because from the age of 14 Magick has been an incredible tool that has made my life better than anyone copuld have imagined for me. Im really into sigil Magick and Meditation Theyve absolutely been the foundation of my practice. As well as primal natural currents of magick I really love the Idea of a God of The Hunt and the idea of “getting your hands in the mud” hunting and living one with nature. And Im sure like most who started as teenagers I have to give thanks to Bucklands Big Blue (not my foundation of practice but give credit where credit is due)
My current goal is to perform a proper invocation of Vasago and exploring the Diety Hecate as much as possible
My struggle at the moment is letting go of some JudeaChristian subconcious beliefs and guilts and not looking at the witch gods the same as those of the JudeoChristian Faiths (ive been working on this for nearly a decade old habits break hard)

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helloooo im katie, im 17. I think I stumbled upon here looking for answers to incubus stuff and saw how much I can learn from here while trying to practice witchcraft… yea that’s abt it lol

This book will cover a lot of very useful; ideas that might help you sort that out: The Kybalion PDF, archived link (we don’t trade PDFs on here as a general rule but this one is okay, the text is out of copyright and the edition was given for download from the site that created it).

Also, you say you’re 13: while most people on here are sincere and serious students and practitioners of magick, like all online venues, predators may exist and therefore, please notify me if you have any concerns about any PMs you receive or anything, we can’t net-nanny minors (that’s the sole responsibility of your legal guardian) but please exercise caution, just as you would in any other setting. :+1:

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Do you now…

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Do I know what :slight_smile:

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@DarkPhoneix No I said now as I am suprised count of people from Turkey is slowly increasing,welcome to the forum. :smile:

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Thank you so much :upside_down_face:

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Trust your insight and calm your mind. It’s natural to second guess yourself at first. As you affirm and confirm your insights you will build confidence in what your minds eye will tell/show you. As always keep an open mind.

Ritual is easy, as long as you have intention and you take it seriously. The entities that can be summoned will take your ritual seriously, so as always treat them with respect when working with them. As with anybody else, they have no obligation to do anything so always show your gratitude when they do. I’ll leave you to formulate, but a sacrifice of some kind is usually appreciated.

Thank you very much !
As I said I am new to everything so this would surely help me attain the knowledge and understanding that I was searching for. :grin::heart:

Hello, i am Widmaer.

I am new to magic. Completely new. I have 0 experiences. What got me here is an interest in to reinventing myself. There are certain areas i would love to improved on, certain skills i would like to possess but seem way too hard to achieve in a normal fashion.

So, i figured why not try to get some help with magic if possible.

Although the things i have in mind, i have no way of knowing if they will actually manifest but would like to see if it is possible.


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, and welcome to the forum.

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Hi everyone,

I am George and I am glad to meet you. I have read Koetting’s books and they contain a lot of truth. My experience with the occult started 20 years ago when a gypsy woman put a death spell on me. In fact she had stopped me in the street to do divination but she was pulling my hair . I was like hypnotized. I beat her in the street.Things started happening after, bad ones of course, I was on the verge of death. Gypsies practice a form of voodoo, cutting the throat of black hens and invoking spirits. At that time I did not have anything in common with the occult. Lilith appeared to help me, she took me out of the body, my first out of body experience. She was taking the form of my girlfriend. I did not know who she was, but I felt the power. She initiated me in sexual continence. I started having powers, people were telling me I am god, I was asking myself, why do people say I am god. But she had conveyed the powers to me as I was healing by simple touch, friends were scared, saying I work with the devil.
After doing some courses of meditation, I understood better. My girlfriends were telling me that I was bilocating, appearing in physical form in their houses.
I became interested in black magick and had tremendous success. In fact, I was trying to understand and protect myself. I soon realized that the best protection is the attack. One guy who was continuously upsetting me, was put to hospital same night by transferring my etheric body and invoking the four princes of hell-he had a heart attack. I was chanelling the powers, becoming the darkness, not doing any circles for protection. In one case I separated a couple next day by concentrating on a black candle’s flame. The wax melting was like blood in the darkness.To my surprise, I found this method in one of Koetting’s books. He is really into business and knows what he is saying. Unknowingly, I was tapping into the knowledge from previous lives. At that time I had opened a portal in the room I was meditating as one night I saw a group of black hooded people in a circle. I was wondering, what’s wrong with them , why do they do rituals in my house.After that, I was saying to myself, harming people though they deserved , did not make me happy. But yes, I felt the elation of a god when that person had a heart attack same night. A voice was telling me , you cannot stop this now even if you feel sorry because that person has to die otherwise it will be on you. You have to continue. I stopped as his soul was begging for mercy. In a couple of days, due to a cut in a mirror, I was at emergency. There is no play with black magick.

After a while, I met a master, whom I meditated with a lot. He told me, if that man had died, your soul would have been lost. I do not believe in that.
Lilith, she is really great. But she had some sort of jealousy, attacking my girlfriends. One told me that she was awakened by a woman with red eyes wanting to crush her. Lilith made it express not to tell anyone what she teaches me. At the same time, she said, I will intervene for you if your life is in danger only, otherwise you will be lazy and not grow. Some other explorations of mine include parapsychology , reiki, yoga. I do yoga for physical body and meditation on the 3rd eye as well.

Voodoo dolls seem to be working fine as in one case someone went to all the doctors and did all investigations and they could not find a cause. What was more weird, the person said that one night he opened the eyes and saw a horned goat in the room. I am sure it must been Baphomet as we talked a little and his voice was like thunder. First, he was snapping, what do you want…then he told me, Command me, master. I can’t explain his change of attitude.

Necronomicon , despite being treated as a forgery, is working. I invoked Barashakushu and had a instant win of 4000 in minutes in a casino. Just went inside and went out. He appeared to me in the shape of an old wise man, telling me , you don’t want to settle yourself. He asked me to do his sigil in gold.

Magick works, I cannot treat those as coincidences. A friend, internationally renowned as a Tarot reader, told me, there are people who would pay you a lot to do black magic. I told him, I do that on those who deserve to bite the dust and send them to the other world, not for money.

I guess everything is related to previous lives. I saw myself beheaded by the Spanish Inquisition, as a Knight Templar, as running occult orders of black magic. One night, while in Malta, I saw myself surrounded by people with black hoods. At that time, I got scared as I was lying in bed as on a ritual table. Then I realized they were my people in the astral.

One master of yoga with long experience told me, you cannot just do things like that, you were born an initiate.

There is one thing coming over and over to me. Someone telling me , you will have to do the circle, black candles around, and invoke the powers into physical appearance. You will have to be alone in an isolated place, far from the world. Meanwhile, prepare yourself for that moment, meditate a lot not to have any fear. After that, you will be king of the worlds.

I went through every book, starting with Abramelin, Eliphas Levi, Crowley, Gurdjieff, Osho Ouspenski, chaos magick, Blavatsky, Dion Fortune etc . Some are ok, some are just ,bullshit…to fill the pages. Koetting got to his knowledge through personal experience which is long and full of trials and errors…best way is to tap into previous lives.

However, as Lavey was saying, man is a carnal animal. We live in a world full of animals, many times wearing a human face. I wish everything would be peace, harmony and had never been forced to draw the sword out of the sheath.

Peace to everyone