Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hey all. Been a lurker for a good while, practicioner of a good few years. Located in central eastern europe.
Decided to join so I can swap ideas, ask questions, offer help and whatnot.
I strive to not limit myself to a single “method” so I try and practice a lot of things. Have experiences in no particular order with shamanism, rune casting, sigil magic, angelic, planetary, goetic and elemental entities. Some notable examples include Archangel Michael (very closely by nature, not only by choice) and Raphael, Cimejes, Gremory, Paralda, briefly Belial.
I have many spiritual and material goals, one of them is amassing wealth. (Yes-yes, easier to bend reality with magic than materialize money, but it is part of what I desire.)
So there’s that!


Where is “central eastern Europe”?

Meant to type eastern central europe.

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Hey, my name is Raj.I’m a beginner in path working with father Lucifer. I have been in trance practice for 4 years.Hoping to meet new friends and get some knowledge regarding occult practices and much more. Peace and blessings from Malaysia.

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Good Night, I’m new here.I’m from brasil, and i’m here to acquire knowledge. i have instresting on magic in general.

Welcome @DragonReborn

Do you have any experience in magick? You haven’t told us if you practice anything.


Thanks! I don’t practice yet, I just read a little about magic systems and magic in general.

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Hi! I’m Zaf from Belgium, black alchemist learning the secrects of sorcery. Zaf


Hiya! I go by the alias of Rogue more often than not, or Fox, when it comes to these types of things. I’m 23 from Australia and began dabbling in all this with crystals and tarot around 5/6 years ago now. I’ve only just began to venture into contacting deities more so because they spoke to me first haha. I’m here to learn more about what I’m experiencing and to venture further into my lil magick journey.


Hello. My name is Siren. I’m an eclectic witch. I love all kinds of magick, mainly Hoodoo. My current goal is to open my third eye. I have a hard time hearing from and communicating with spirits and patience. One of my main flaws is that I know how to put the energy and work in but I don’t like to wait. Everything has to happen on my time. Could be because I am fire and air dominant haha. I’m hoping to make some friends as well as gain knowledge on the occult.


Okay so here I go
Hi there! My name is Kitty!
I experiment around with magic a bit but not to often! But I really do love necromancy its probably my favorite magick. My goal is to get better at necromancy at the moment even though people tell me this is just a phase of my life. My currant struggles so far is my connection with spirits about two years ago I had a pretty good connection but it seems to have gotten worse even though they still like to try and get rid of me.


my name’s matthew! and im from wisconsin, I’m new and trying to learn so right now I’m not sure what kind of magic I like to work with as im just trying to learn and get better, my goals would be to learn as MUCH as i can as i have a huge interest in what i like to call the “void” or the parts of the universe we cannot see and understand partly to being medically dead one a birth and again at 15 due to heart conditions "both times being brought back, I’ve had a massive calling to the left hand path ever since I could remember, as of my struggles its gunna be a I don’t know as im still learning all I can but when I find what i struggle with ill try my best to get it right, as of life struggles it would be depression at a job i hate and not doing what i want for a living though I’m working hard to change that.

I hope i can learn from everyone and share what i know no matter how little it may be

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-Your name: You can call me Lephy
-Photos if you’re comfortable: Nope
-Kinds of magick you like: Not really sure. Like most people here, I seem to be drawn towards the darker side of life. We’ll see where that leads me. Heathenism has held my interest the longest, but I’m still wandering around.
-Current goals: To get a more solidified practice and/or routine, and find something that’s both appealing and fitting. Also, to find some answers to some questions I’ve had for a while.
-Current struggles: Frequent doubt in what I do and the legitimacy/reality of it.

Not sure what else to say. I’ve read a lot, I’ve had some interesting experiences, and this is something I’ve been interested and dabbled in longer than this lady cares to admit. I’m just trying to figure out where I fit in all of this. This looks like a good place that I seemed to have stumbled upon “accidentally,” so hopefully I’m in the right spot. I’m always up to meet new people and talk, so I’m looking forward to meeting some like-minded people.

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Hey guys, My name is Steve, I was exposed to the spiritual stuff at too young an age and it freaked me out, so I stayed away, most of my life Ive tried to be the good christian boy, whilst struggling internally at the hypocrisy of christianity, what tney taught us about Lucifer made others hate Him, but I could understand Lucifers point, after serving for eons at an ungrateful gods side all He wanted was a bit of recognition, and tired of being a slave He knew His true worth and made a fught for it, this is what planted the seeds of respect, love and a secret desire to follow Him.

Ive had very littel magic experience at the levels of you guys, some basic healing, light intuition, when I was a kid I had a natural gift at maybe 6 years old I could hear spirits, or perhaps demons, they would wake me up, it was like a million voices all talkng at once so loud I couldnt make out what they were saying, it freaked me out so I tried to block it out and convince myself angels Demons etc dont exist.

Lately I been readi g stuff here, Im being drawn toward, King Paimon the Magnificent Morning Star Lucifer, I desire to work with them, learn black magic, hence why I desire to work with King Paimon, And basically enter a pact with these magnificent beings.

Sorry if my intro is too long guys but thats me, I am very new to this and would appreciate any help offered.


Hey I read your post great stuff, Im hoping to start a path of blood magic, necromancy and summoning, can you suggest what are the basic stuff I need for blood magic and is yourmown blood ok or do youmneed an animal etc? Any advice is appreciated, good luck with the transition, my friend

Thanks my friend great advice, this stuff is so amazing, Im hoping to build up to being able to working with King Paimon, glad to see people who are real, I wasted half my life chasing hypocritical god

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I’m glad that I could help, and the King is wise indeed. Don’t forget to show him gratitude and respect for his services.

Hi , My name is Brianna I’m 13 and I’m new to Everything .
Magick , Summoning and etc. I would more likely prefer black magick .
My goals are to attain knowledge from the past and who I should really follow ( God or Satan ) , Try to understand the REAL world and try to find out more about myself .

My struggles are that I live in a country and household that is not really on the same page as me especially my mom and there is no one that can lead me on the right path to attain what I desire . I’m also struggling to find answers and I am not in a good mind but I’m very stubborn . I’m also trying to get rid of intense fear.

I’m also troublesome but sweet if we get to know each other better . I always find myself dragging spirits names in the mud especially satan and god and I’m always talking to a voice in my head that I think I made up but we always argue ( I’m crazy sorry if I offend anyone. It’s not my intention) and I forgot to say this but I’m a scorpio born the 18th of November. Bye :wave:

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I am 26 years old.
I live in Turkey
I am into Angels&Archangels and divine beings
I have having trouble to gain money and keep a relatuonship alive,
Everything is going awfull.
Seems like I do need a help.


Hi! My name is Jorge and I´m from Portugal. Black magic is a new thing for me. For year I´ve been told that is something you don´t want to get involved with, but I no longer believe that nonsense. I´ve been trying to learn so that I can achieve what I want.