Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Thank you for your introduction and applying the rules, cooperation leads to perfection. :smiley:

You at Welcome! Thanks to you, I was able to understand!:goat:

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Hello everyone I hope everyone is doing well in these scary times! I’ll eventually reveal my real name later but as of right now I will go by screen name but just so its easier to say and type you can call me doc. Im 25 years old and new to magick. I dont have a specific kind of magick I like but I do want to learn as much as I can. I want to be able to help out people one day just like I have been helped. I am hoping that I can learn something soon to help me with my relationship. I am honestly open to any and all suggestions on where to start or if you have any questions for me I will do my best to answer them. Hope everyone has a great day!

Hello Everyone …
Happy to be part of this forum!
While reading others introduction I just got a flash memory of first time I did a magic trick.
I was still a kid , around 6 years old and I really wanted electricity to come back at my house.
So i closed my eyes and spelled from the bottom of my heart Abra-kadbra light shall come back again in my house! 3 2 1 they came back…
Everyone laughed for how funny it was…
I laughed too , but deep inside I got this feeling of having a power.
I started my spiritual journey about 2 years ago after my darkest nights of the soul.
And since then Ive been wonderin’ into the rabbit hole…
I’ve always had this feeling that I have magic abilities or may’ve been a magician into my past lives.
Because universe always used to send me magic tools as a gift from others.

I’m trying to improve my astral projection skills but I feel like not having too much luck with that , something is stopping me.
It’s been almost 3 months of reading tarots , Ive just tried to use my intuition and ask angels help for that.
I’ve tried to guide people with all my heart.
Im a virgo with scorpio ascedent I dont know how it may affect my abilities.
And just last sunday I had my first experience of angelic presence while meditating.
It was one of the most beautiful experiences.
I’m trying to understand kabbalah these days and understand hebrew language importance into that.
So please if you have any informtion or experience on how to work with angels,white magic,astral projection and tarots please help <3

Light and love to all the beigns !


Please any advice on astral projection?

Hello everyone, I’m John. I live in Texas. I am a Tata in Palo and an Olorisha in Lucumi. I am white, ex military, ex martial arts instructor a husband and father currently looking forward to retirement

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Hi I’m bee. I’ve been a witch for about five years, though I have magical memories as far as I can remember. Even when I was little all I wanted to do was go make houses for the fae or things like that. I’ve been doing a lot of kitchen/cottage witchery, but recently have been feeling called to more luciferian traditions which I never expected. My main goal is to find inner peace and power within myself, I suppose.


Hello everyone! I am Ishi. I am not practicing magick but I see things. Not spirits but like alot of weird things that I am seeking answers to. So I hope I could find something here. :smiley:


Hello everyone my name is Benedict, a 2nd yr college student whos currently taking BSIT, I dont know stuff about magick or practicing magick because this is the first time i heard those stuff, and i was wondering contacting a spirit that can help me with my studies

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Just like many others I’ll stick to my username. I became interested in mythology and especially the metaphysical at a very young age. After I became 13 or so I decided to delve into the occult and really see what it was and what could be achieved through it. Although I would mainly classify myself as a truth seeker and a scholar/student of the Occult. I have experience with enchanting items, mainly augmentations and energy trapping and transfer. I am very interested in evocation, but am struggling with the actual process. As I would prefer to use a summoning circle, triangle of truth. You know the very goetic summoning “rituals”. For precautions, we are dealing with the spirit realm after all and with my close encounters with the supernatural I’d prefer to take ALL the precautions I can. And while it’s good to be safe I truly feel that it holds me back from a lot of my true potential and my ultimate goal of ascent.


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, and welcome to the forum.

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Hi by name is Robert I’m a devotee of the goddess Hecate, queen of magic queen of the crossroads. I’ve been practicing over 10 years now and still thrive to know more knowledge from the other side.

I achieved the art of spellcraft and learning on divination with the tarot. I don’t have a label per say on my magic it’s just whatever I feel at the time. Light or dark it’s all the same to me.

I work with clients of mine from my hometown and read people’s cards and help with cleansings.

The goetia is my work right now that I’m trying to access, I’ve only summoned a few demons for jobs I want to expand my horizons and deep further into the abyss.

I want to work with Lucifer in the future or any god of witchcraft would be new to me and an experience.
I cannot figure out visualization yet, I can barley meditate, hopefully my awareness will grow and be more open. I would love to speak with the dead and demons without tarot cards and just simple face to face contact.


Hi my real name is Kate and im a complete begginer in magic. So far ive done few spells but none worked so i decided to make the account so i can get help from experienced magicians. Im very inerested in spiritual communication and necromamcy seems great too. But i know im not ready and need guidance. Thanks for having me here!


Hello my name is Cynthia. I am fairly new to everything. I recently moved into this world after a break up. But the more I read the more I realize I have had this power of magic my entire life. I dabble in everything because I’m still learning. Recently I have chosen to take myself into the world of occult.

My goal is to use my powers for good and a bit of bad.

My current struggle is finding a demon to work with to help with reconciliation with my ex. :black_heart:


Hi my name is Rich. I am fairly new to magic, have read about it a bit, but haven’t really tried to put much into practice. I have always been a believer, I just never stuck with anything or put forth the effort.

I’m 30, I live in New England. I have been feeling stuck and having negative thoughts so… my goal would be to try and get myself sorted out, I’d love to be able to contribute more to the world and family.

Sorry I didn’t think to do this before jumping on the free reading post. Thank you all for having me!

My name is Andi but I used to go by Lilith. I’m into blood magick and Necromancy. My current goal is to complete my transition (I’m mtf transgender) and my current struggle is finding people who accept me.


Hey, i am zane,

i am here seeking friends in the craft as my family are non believers one thing i want to do is change my face so if you can help please do, its not a insecurity / accpetance problem i just want to look how i want to so it represents how i want to be like an outfit or fashion choice, i am very hardworking and caring , if you need me im there , i am loyal and i have a scratch my back and ill scratch yours mentality if i give you give back to , im only 17 :slight_smile: and gay , i love chaos magick and tons of different paths i combine it all . star sign is capricorn :slight_smile:


would love to talk more

Believing you are not ready is a fallacy. If your endeavors brought you here, you are already well on your path. Just trust yourself and the guidance of those among us.

If you feel inclined, you may direct message me.