Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

. He before whom the sky trembles is eminent as always… Why do you ask? I’ve never had any problem with that communication channel. It’s straight up conversational to be honest lol should it not be?

@darkwolf Why did you just repeat your post?

I asked you how long you have rpacticed.

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I was just curious. No worries.

Hello everyone, my name is Allan and I live in Africa, the eastern part of it, I’ve had interest in the supernatural for as long as I can remember but never made any conscious attempt on practicing most due to my religious upbringing and fear of the unknown. But that all changed about a month ago when I came across a topic on this site about succubus summoning. I did the letter of intent and got good results,
Now with all that been said I have had some strange experiences in the past 3 weeks, it all started when I started developing this strange interest in chakras, mostly in what they are, how they work and where there located. After I followed through with this urges and understood the basics of chakras, is when things moved from 0 to 100 real quick.
To summarize, I think I meet Lilith, then Lucifer, then some very familiar voices claiming to be me, then I meet some djinis and the strangest of them all that made me sign up to this site is, and I’m still not sure that is the case, but I think I met my maker, (the Christian God) and a few hrs after my supposed contact with God I had a weird hallucination in my room when I was with my succubus about a legion of spirits that just came to my room through the window, and everything made everything in my room seem bright.
I should also mention that I can’t see much but I have this sensation that sweep over me from time to time, but when I get high this sensation get way stronger. I feel emotions and urges that are not mine, the touches feel almost real, and the voices in my head become more clear to the extent that they sound different from my own voice and have a distinctive attitude and character to them.
Now with all that said, someone please tell, I’m I going mad?

I tried to break it up like you asked sorry for writing so much, I look forward to your advice/response.

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Thank you, don’t mean to come off rude, just everyone reads on different devices and that on a phone screen is a couple of days worth LOL TTYL

I didn’t take any offense I imeadietly felt bad for posting so much and no spaces exc, I wrote it on my phone btw.

Hello, I am Izzy, but many people also call me Sol and Fen, hence my screenname. I have only just begun my Path, and I’m still trying to find my way. I do believe that my path may lie somewhere amidst the same concept Paranormal Research is founded upon, going out to seek places rife with spirits crying for help and demons luring in the unwary. I hope to find a way to help them all. I am also seeking answers for some happenings that have occurred both inside and out of my mind, I am deeply hoping that I haven’t just gone off the deep end like my family seems to think.

Some things I should perhaps warn y’all about:
I struggle sometimes with blocked emotions due to a certain issue of mine that I will post about later, so please be patient with me if you want a truly empathetic or emotional response to something.
I am always available if anyone just needs someone to listen. If you want someone to rant to, some advice, whatever the case, I will not turn you away. Just tell me you want to talk and I will be a listening ear. I am a very logical person to make up for my emotional issues, so keep that in mind if you require advice.


Hi! My name is Jully, I am 25 years old and I live in Romania. I can`t find so many people in my place interested in magic other than Reiki, Yoga or Astrology. I am interested in other fields such as divination (Tarot, Pendulum, Runes) and I would like to learn Astral Projection and also some simple spells to gain some spiritual growth.

From those described I think I am better at Tarot, the rest of them are fields I am interested in but don`t know how to actually start…

I believe in the law ,as above so below" so I think light and shadow lives in our souls but also above or as energies. In this respect I wold like to understand and work with both paths, as being neutral helps me to be objective.

Nice to meet you all! :eye:


Hello. My name is Miranda, but you can call me Mira if you like. I’m 21, live in Kentucky and I have a few mental problems such as ADHD, Depression, Social Anxieties, and other things that I would rather not get into until I know you better. My mother was a white witch and my father’s sister is into magick as well and I hope to walk in they’re footsteps, but I have a hard time tapping into any source of magick. I have a mate named Abe. He lived all the way in Ireland. We’ve known each other for 6 years now and are in love but have never met face to face. I know it may sound weird bit I’m hoping to summon a Incubus to not only keep me company and to be a companion, but to also help relieve sexual stress. I’m currently struggling with my weight and it’s not that I mind being heavy, it’s just that I want to be healthy. I really hope to learn more from people on here and to hopefully get that Incubus I so desire.


Hello friends,

I’m Alucard, or @Neuromancer here on BALG.

I found BALG a year ago, and have decided to join the forum. I’m relatively new to ceremonial magick, but have a strong interest in the study and application of evocation, scrying, soul travel, and divination. Currenly, I’m reading Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig and learning a lot. I want to engage with others, and share my experiences, successes, failures, revelations, etc. I guess you could say, I’m taking a new step in my journey into decoding the mysteries within myself, and accessing true power in the world around me.


Im just new into magic and i want to find the things to fo my want

Welcome @Neuromancer, love the screen name :slight_smile:

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I would say you are in a lot of danger. Deities, especially things like Lillith are actually the manifestation of interdimensional predators.
You may see yourself as insignificant, but that is a ruse to make you susceptible to their intentions, which is to harvest your energy at the least, your entire being and seed of life at the worst.
In the grand scheme of the energetic multiverse, energy is at a premium, and harvesting it from us is the goal. Note: an in-house ‘harvest’ is also a form of sadistic entertainment for them. Like a pay-per-view event.
I went through a very hardcore version of this during the winter.
Engaging in astral sex is dangerous. You can be utterly drained as was Donald Tyson. Not even your ghost will survive.

Welcome to the forum, I would say that you’re not going mad. None of this will happen unless you invite it. It’s one thing to have an interest in the occult, it’s quite another to start a ritual with no experience.

It seems to me that you got what you asked for. But you’re letting this whole experience take a hold of you and run away with it. You need to remember all times that you are in control, the things that happened to you are because you gave permission for those things to happen.
Other than the fact that you’re not going mad LOL what is it you’re seeking in your introduction post?

Thanks i was waiting for a reply. So in short ur saying im being fucked over?

No I never said that, But it does feel like you just summoned some thing without any knowledge or for-thought.
How much do you know about banishing?

Not much, apart from it being a ritual used to expell unwanted negative energy and entities.
What do u have in mind?

I certainly was. Others might disagree, but yes, and in reviewing my journal notes over a few years, especially those in the two years leading up to my ‘event’, I understood that I was under the influence of deceptions and glamours. There is a book ‘The Psychic Defense Manual’ which is useful in this. I am writing a series of manuals on this as well, to warn others.

Well firstly i needed confirmation that i wasnt going mad, so thank you for that. Second, i got that feeling that im suppose to be in control. Ima try to explain how i understand it.
Imagine a man who owns a piece of land, and in ‘his’ land he has 2 gates, one that leads to his land and another into his house. Now this owner has the authority to decided who he wants in his land, and who to invite in his home.
Also I have been hearing this two voices in my head that have been sounding a lot like me down to its attitude and character. One claims to be my shadow he tends to talk to me from time to time. And the other said, and I quote, " I’m you, but not the physical you, I’m that voice that is at the back of ur head, that gut feeling in stomach, that movement deep in ur bones, be attentive to what you feel and how u feel it."
Mind you all this was not said verbally, it came to me like a package of some sorts with memories and feelings, I understood it the moment I noticed it.
I apologize if am writing to much I just feel this strong urge to express what I’m experiencing, no matter how dumb it may sound, so please some adivice or input will be highly appreciated.