Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi, I’m Jamie. I am 29 Years old. Female. Sagittarius with a serious fire inside of me that’s dying to be released. I am new to all of this and am searching for a different Avenue seeing as nothing has seemed to work in the past. I am interested in working with Bune. I’ve heard great things, but I am not sure where to begin.

Hello everyone!

Here’s how I found this forum. Sometimes life has a way of making you remember.
In my teenage years I was experiencing OBE, Astral projection involuntarily.

Before Google we had bookstores and libraries to search and so I did. New age was the catch phrase of that era and I had no trouble finding many works by a multitude of authors all claiming to be master’s of the art of astral projection.

As you know this small niche crosses over many disciplines, so I was introduced to ritual magic as well. Levi, Crowley, the various orders of their time consumed me. I remember I intended to become an expert practitioner, I’ve forgotten much of what I read, but there was a time I was devouring information on Magick. Performed a few rituals and spells…I just knew the great mysteries of life could be answered and this was the way.

After a few maddening months I was progressing in my astral traveling, however I could not control my OBEs

I guess it was the fear of the unknown, floating a mile or so over my house that did it, or rather the uncontrollable descent, a snap back faster than thinking rush of slamming back into my body (painlessly) but with a feeling like a decent bounce on my matress that created a fear of continuing. I tried to remain calm but my heart started racing when you so vividly see and feel yourself floating. I could control it momentarily but having a fear of heights, well, control gave way to panic.

I decided to take a break. Didn’t happen.

The next night I awoke to find myself floating over my then one year old daughters’ crib.I was having another OBE, I tried to see my limbs but could not, the feeling of floating upwards towards the popcorn ceiling struck a chord of terror, I couldn’t stop, I rotated myself around saw that I was passing through the roof now…

The memory of my last OBE came to me, and instantly I snapped back into my body. Hours before I could sleep. I even woke my wife up and we decided I should stop.

The next morning I gathered up all my materials and “moved on”.

However it didn’t really go that way.

I’m a first gen American, my mother is from Europe, and we have Gypsy blood deep in our family line on her side. Many people in my family have gifts. However for me it was for a time a curse.

I’ve seen many family members who have passed on, including my father, who came to me when he passed so that we could find his body. ( That’s a longer and crazier story for another time.)

Fast forward. I’m older now, I know a lot more about life and the use of logic in pursuit of truth.

It all adds up to facing my fears and gaining mastery over them.

I no longer fear what might happen. I want knowledge. I’m here for answers! I seek truth from those who have come before. Google led me here, and here I am.

I am Bronze form Minnesota. I prefer magicks of the mind and over demonic beings and animals. Not necessarily for power though, more for wisdom and protection. I admit that I am rather new to this form of stuff, but I have decided that I want to he involved. What I do know how to do at the moment mainly is read emotions around the room by focusing for a moment or by touching someone. I also know how to dispel/kill many types of spirits and demonic beings. I have had many many experienced with these kind of things, and I want to know more on how to communicate and control these types of things.

Good person right here folks, I’ll vouch for him and I don’t do that lightly. :+1:

(Will try and catchup on our convo soon btw, things have been crayayayayayzy recently! :laughing:)


I am new. Looking for someone to help me with an important spell

This is not an introduction. Please introduce yourself properly @Shane_Prigmore

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I am new. My name is Shane. I have been practicing magick for a few years now.

I’m not sure why you are finding an introduction so difficult, as it is a pretty simple task.

What do you practice? It’s not enough to simply say “magick” as that is such a general term that it tells us nothing about your experience.

How long have you practiced? A “few years” is very vague.

What methods and systems of magick do you have experience in?

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I practice white magick. Have been doing so for four years. I mainly do candle magick

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Hey everyone! My name is Sean – I’m 28, I’ll be 29 in Sept.
I’m a Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon, & Libra Rising

I officially started practicing last year but always heard the call but ignored it out of fear. Now a fully embraced self-titled WICCAN, I pray to my ancestors and the spirits of light and love. I work in manifesting and spell casting. A novice but I feel my power growing. I am open to most forms of magic as long as its purified with light and love. I only want to spread happiness, that same light and love, & information to others. Just recently bought a deck of the Tarot last week and most recently I had an experience meeting Maitre Carrefour/Kalfu

I am pretty sure he came to me on his own. He literally rode me and did not say a word. No hat. No suit. He was naked, on top of my body. I looked up after I wiped my eyes to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing…he just had a look of pleasure on his face. After I looked up the second time, I bowed my head down as if I didn’t want him to notice me. I just want to know has this ever happened to anyone before? I didn’t summon him intentionally and I didn’t make any deals with him. I just want to know why he chose me on that night, in that moment. I wouldn’t consider myself a full fledge badass practitioner of witchcraft, Santeria, Vodun or Hoodoo but I do dabble in witch craft as far as saying good luck and money spells that l’ve created. As well just speaking blessings and light and love into myself, 98% only in the shower. I do have an alter for my ancestors that I keep in my home as well with only 2 photos on it. If anyone has any idea, or more information or can point me in a good direction to learn more from, I would really appreciate it. Ive spent legit most of my day today trying to find answers. Originally I thought I was meeting Papa Legba but I came across some information that if the encounter happened at night, it wasn’t Papa Legba but Maitre Carrefour

Hello, my name is Olena but I go by Lena.
I’m 22 and from Canada.

I am a baby witch just starting her practice.
But from what I know I’m a chaos witch.
Looking into black magic currently.
I have a guardian demon from the goetia and I’m slowly starting to work with him.
My goals currently is to do more research and create my own book of shadows as currently I’m reading the necronomicon and The keys of Solomon.
As well work on my divination tools such as fire scrying, pendulum, tarot cards, and meditation.
Another goal/struggle of mine is meditation in which I’m having a hard time clearing my mind.

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My magickal name is Baeldona IO, I have been working with Magick since I was a child not so much actively until 8 years ago. My main source of divination is Tarot which I am very good at deciphering and forming into stories of their own for my clients. I am very much part of the left hand path and have been from the time I was young. I look forward to speaking more with everyone and I’m excited to get to know others in the process

Alright so my name is Ash, I’m 18 in just over a week and I’m from the good old town of Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.

Previous family friends and foster carers have practiced dark magic around me but I never really had an interest in it until my pops funeral, I wouldve been about 12 at the time and for just a few seconds i was almost certain i saw my pop and someone else, right infront of his tombstone. They both looked at me and he gave a wave, being so young I went to tell someone but when we looked again nothing was there and that’s really what started my interest

I guess my main goal here can be broken into 2 parts
Part 1 is to call azrael, not for guidance or any personal gain, just the enlightenment of waving my pop off once again, now I’m old enough to understand

And part 2 is to strike a deal with someone
I dont quite know who would be the best to call for it though

Welcome to the forum fellow Queenslander

So hello I’m new here. My real name is Diana and I’m here because I’m having a really difficult time and I’m tired of praying to a God that doesn’t seem to listen or care. I was raised Catholic but I’ve always been interested in the occult from a very early age. I recently became more interested in Lucifer through a reader who is Luciferian witch. I’m currently struggling with work and romance issues but I’m ready to reclaim my power, that’s why I’m here!

Well welcome to wonderland. Falling through the rabbit hole and now here. You will find magick and mistery and a lot of information. Just find What calls you and become good at it. There is no right or wrong but only what is right for you. Remember there is only one you, your job is to become the best you, you can.

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Welcome. May the flame of the adversary raise you to new heights in power and wisdom but more importantly in knowledge of your true self.


Hi! Awh thank you!! And yes I’ve been reading the necronomicon and it’s so interesting. I’ve been also reading chaos witch and witch basics as well so I am covering my bases.
I connected with my guardian demon/entity last night and i believe that I’m on the right path. I’ve been working a lot on meditation and just unfocusing my mind, if you have any tips I would love to hear!!

Hello I am John from Southeast Asia, I am a former Catholic and Muslim. I have always been interested with the occult since childhood, given that the country that I am from is very superstitious with strong syncretic practices of christianity and indigenous practices.

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested.

Do you have any experience in magick, before the pact on Feb 24?

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