Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Maybe he will leave once he knows that when he does your body without him will be strong enough to maintain sobriety.

You have to offer something better than yourself. He isn’t going to just jump ship because you got yours, you see?

hi my name is nadia i live in armenia
i’m interested in magic but i’m new to it
and i just evoke spirits and communicate with them for 2 years and i know some spell chants but i’m new to this things

Hi there, I’m Alexa, I will put this out there now, I am completely new to pretty much most of this, though I have known Azazel for half my life at least.

I have a knack for nature based magic, according to my roommate, I can become a tree and disappear in the middle of a yard when I focus right (cant quite do it intentionally yet), and I’m also very curious about healing, and most other types of magic :sweat_smile: I’m a very inquisitive person lol

My current goals are to learn more about myself and the types of magic that sync best with who I am. I like to learn as much as i can, so I have a tendency to lurk in the shadows and read.

Main struggles I have are mental health and self esteem/ confidence issues. I have been to years of therapy, and work on replacing words and phrases, but it is something I struggle with, and have struggled with…most of my life if you want to get technical…I didnt have the best up bringing and don’t have many, if any, balanced individuals around to give me an example so to speak.

As for picture, one of the more genuine smiles of mine :slight_smile:


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, and welcome :slight_smile:


Welcome to BALG…Are you looking into Baneful Magick to combat this?

What is your agenda?What are you looking for help with accomplishing?

In my opinion one should always use a system that works in their own way and I agree with you.This is my opinion,If it is effective for me and I am successful (even if I feel it is only a little bit at a time)Then I would continue to use it regardless of any other method or System of Working.I am simply telling you what I would do because I can only speak for myself. [quote=“Chirp_Woof, post:7223, topic:3232, full:true”]
You are entitled to your own opinion and I respect that. The drug related experiences have inspired me to pursue the occult practices. Keeping my practices private with other practitioners of the occult on a forum like this may sound pretty silly but that’s just how I feel about it for now.

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Thanks DakkelKur. Thats expected. Most Christians stay away here, those are not open and unaware of the truth. Not religious, I guess should I say Im spiritual. =)

I’m Destiny and I’m from the central US. I’m relatively new to wicca, magic, and paganism so I’m still learning what I like as well as developing my craft. One of my goals is to learn more about different Gods and Goddesses and finding the ones that I connect with the most. Currently, I’m struggling in finding a good source to learn from, and I’m hoping this site helps!

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Welcome Destiny. You came to the right place.

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Greetings All,The name I was given at birth is Tara.Even though the site isn’t registering my location correctly,I live in and am from New Jersey.
I’m pretty confused as to what Type of Magick I practice because I have read that contact with any spirit requires some sort of ceremony or ritual but I have been making things happen without even knowing Ritual or Ceremony most of my life and that I have have been contacted by a being that I had to find in a few books among other sources of information to learn who that Was and because of my being forced into Catholicism most of my life it was Fear that kept me procrastinating the start of my Magical work,I very shortly after my revelation of who it was I was hit by an SUV and was injured.It is and was my base belief that was a legitimate push By King Belial to begin and to abandon my fears I make these things happen and that I have studied the occult in search to find out what this is and what I can do about it to control it and properly exercise these Things because I had Studied all kinds of RHP ways and tried some of them and those proved usually Crippling.Almost as if when I Was trying to change my life with Prayer,Opportunities for improvement went backwards and I felt cursed my thought is that it was my inaction to change anything and leaving it all for someone or something else to change it,I think that led to do much of the opposite of what I wanted and/or needed to happen in change. I have Been working on Evocation and Invocation.I have only been in Practice of what I prefer to call “The Dark Arts/Works” for a little over 6 months.I have only performed 1 Invocation and the results are astounding to me as I have spoken to an with others and have read their own findings here on BALG to be nearly identical to mine.The changes are happening to me and my life in the ways that I have even cried for…
I look forward to working with all of you at one point or another and will be working on becoming a valuable asset to whatever the goal of the Ritual at hand is(Whichever we may be working on at the time)
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work with all who are willing to take the opportunity for change.

I’m confused @Tarable Why are you introducing yourself again? I already old you your first one posted fine.

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I was prompted to intro myself, so will gladly comply.

I will probably mostly avail myself of the private messages part of the forum, but if I occasionally pop in, here’s my intro.

I’m Provenant. A chaote for going on 40 years. Lots of this, a little of that, and a smidge of something else. I have seriously worked about everything. Don’t claim to be an expert at anything. I get by warping my reality to mostly suiting my intentions.

Dabbled or more in Kabbalah, Witchcraft, Rootwork, some Voodoo (not initiated, but close friends with a Mambo), quite a bit of grimoire oriented Demon summoning, and things I’m probably forgetting.

Think this is my second intro actually, as I intro’d once before under the old forum. I’m sure I have friends and acquaintances already here.

I’m also admin at StudioArcanis (Used to be Evocationmagic). But no worries, not here to lure people over or play bullshit forum political games.

Oh … And I consider Lady Eva a good friend who I don’t get to talk to as often as I like but we have mutual workings that continue on without constant contact. She’s brilliant, and you lot are lucky to have her.

Any questions I’ll be glad to answer but might be awhile, as I don’t get by as often as I like.



Ars non Fortuna


Thank you for doing so, @Provenant :slight_smile:


Because every time Post anything,admin has sent me a clear picture of what an introduction should have in it and I am confused myself as to why I would have to honestly I am frustrated with it…

Your intro is good, man. The only ones who can tell you any different is @Lady_Eva or the Boss of Bosses, Timothy :+1:


Many thanks for that.I did work hard on it as I have to fight through severe nausea and the screen gave me a pressure headache but I felt/feel that at it was and is so important to get that done thoroughly as I am very serious and to even be honest with others completely and and to have a compliment on it means something to me.I am not used to compliments on my work or what I produce…I get hailed down and hit on constantly but that is not a complimenting and disgusts me.Thank you it means a lot.

Well that is exactly who sent me the notifications TO make my introduction every time I’d post on this group/topic so I still am a little confused but I just see the movement forward and take I.It is my nature personality-wise
