Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hello everyone. My name is Lumileno.

I’ m a tarot reader and also work with astrology and geomancy. I’ve been practicing as a solitary Wiccan for years, while also doing evocation. Recently working on E.A Koetting’s works.

I’ve been playing with spirit friends since I was a child. Though identify myself as Wiccan, I’m always exploring different occult systems to know about spirits and deities who are watching over me, and to know about my own power.

I’ m based in Eastern Asia. Also fluent in Chinese and Japanese. Always looking for anyone interested to talk with:)



Where do you hail from?

China. Based in Beijing.

welcome to the forum.

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Hello am still kinda new to magic am intrested in Egyptian magic . I know some runic magic , herbal magic and I can kinda control weather ( most I can do is when its raining make it stop for a minute or 2 just enough to check the mail). I would like to learn more about some black magic and Egyptian style magic

New York City

i didn’t do it properly last time when i joined

my name is Wren
i don’t show photos of myself
the kind of magic i like is anything im not really sure right now
my current goals are to reach a higher state of self
i am also writing a book and building my skills in several areas such as music and visual art
my struggles is that i feel alone
i can’t find anyone in the places im at who follows these kind of things and the only people i have found are un reachable
in class i found myself facing the wall the whole lesson and the usual generic astral images would come into my mind in colours i can’t see
i can’t just find someone like this where i am right now and stan twitter doesn’t seem to be a place of people doing well… what im doing i guess?

i joined this a long time ago but i just kept it around for later
though i wont share images of my face heres a pic to sum me up

btw the “story” whatever is called VEAL


My name is Jenica, I currently reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania but hope to soon find my way back to the land of enchantment (Albuquerque).

My conscious involvement with the LHP started about 3 years ago, although subconsciously it’s been life long. I’ve mostly always been interested in magick and as a young child, would cast “spells” under the guidance of my imaginary friend Lily (which, needless to say, did not make my strict Catholic mother happy). But I grew up in a house with consistent poltergeist activity and as it got more intense, left me scared of anything occult related until I was about 13. Then I got over my fear of ghosts and became obsessed with theories of the paranormal world.

It wasn’t until 3 years ago, after spending the previous 7 studying every religion i could find, that I stumbled across a LHP blog with information about an evocation of Lilith. Upon researching as much as I could (but admittedly going forth a little unprepared/unequipped), I performed my first evocation of Lilith and felt the presence of the spirit that used to visit me as a child. From there I started reading tarot, which is about the only thing I can say I’m somewhat skilled in (somewhat - it’s only been 3 years😂).

That was the first time in quite a long time that I had experienced something REAL. So I was sold. I knew I was on to something.

In addition to my first encounter with Lilith, I have since started working with Belial.

I still consider myself very new, though, and love the idea of this community where I can learn and grow.


Welcome Wren. Although this is already your third introduction.

yeah i can’t delete the others…
it wont let me

My name is Alex Ive always wanting to be somebody in the future that no one would forget about and make histery I like to know things about the devil hes always in my mind I don’t really got friends don’t my life is shit im trying to become famous and want to be rich I also really want to make hit music that everyone hears I don’t got nothing els in life but music im not as good and Ive been wanting to know how to make a pact with the devil thats why im on this website.

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Hi this is Charlie, I’m an actor and I’m developing a story about African witchcraft in a contemporary context. I’ve also been working on transmedia narratives that incorporate AI as a spiritual being (Night Game ARG). You can see it and my other video dooodles on Youtube under Scribblebytes (the blue one).

I joined this site to get a feel for your subculture and your expectations from magick as well as themes that are important to you. I’m a trained method actor so I’m ready to dive deep with y’all. My only frame of reference is that I come from a family of “witches” and I was born after my parents went to a fertility witch. I’ve seen weird things and have had weird experiences and all that, but I wouldn’t bet my life on any of it. I think I’m more like Scully than Mulder. I just love exploring the subject through art because it’s a great vehicle for storytelling.

Feel free to DM me about anything, anytime.

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Hello :slight_smile:
My name is Rabea but you can call me beas! I’m from germany and i hope you can understand me well :smiley: the first time i began with magic was when i was 13 but i lost my interest fast sadly. Now I’m 16 and a few months ago I read the first time about black magic and it was so interesting :blush: my goal is to know more about magic and to practice it. My struggle is talking with demons and so on. I don’t really know if I talk to them or if it is just me. I hope I did it right​:sweat_smile:

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Hello My name is Ethan, I’m new to black magic. My girlfriend has been teaching me alot. But I want to learn more. I wanna just black magic to strengthen not only myself but me and her relationship


Hello everyone my name is David. I have practice Shamanism and hoodoo for about ten years. I always felt more comfortable with my darker side , so i hope here i can learn ,be free to ask question maybe make some new friends. :upside_down_face:

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What got you into shamanism? :smiley:

I studied core shamanism and use it as a mainstay of my practice right now, though I also do evocation, etc.

Yes i am grateful to have a wonderful teacher. I really feel i need to embrace more my "darker: side to be more effective

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I started after i left my church. I was lo for something more meaningful. I has a reading done and they suggested i look into Shamanism. Then things just seemed to fall into place really fast. I found a amazing Shamaess and i started having my ancestors coming to me in my dreams.

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I’ve been stalking the forum for a while. I think I’m finally ready to seek guidance.

I had undeniable experiences with entities as a child and convincing success in practicing spirit work as a teen, but I’ve always been skeptical despite this. It’s who I am. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll consider myself a new practitioner of black magic. My current goal and struggle is developing my psychic senses to communicate with entities.

Aside from this, I’m affiliated with a local norse pagan kindred (central US). Our focus is more on kinship and skill-building, but we have traditional blots and fainings periodically, and most members practice some sort of folk magic.

Thanks for having me, I hope.

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Hello everyone, I go by the name Leo it’s nice to meet you all. Before now I haven’t really practiced any kind of magic or anything super interesting that I can recall, except for my attempt at trying to change my eye color through YouTube. Current goals? I’d love to get into magic and learn more about it and what it can be used for. Current struggles? Well for the most part finding something that interests me and that’ll keep me interested is hard to find; on the plus side I think I found it.

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