Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, @Casper250, and welcome :slight_smile:


Hi there! I’ll PM you, since you were last on the admins enacted a rule against any kind of political magickal working, but people are still permitted to work in groups off the public form, so I’ll drop you a line. :+1:


I’m Mike. I believe that I began the LHP in 2011 with demonolatry. I invited King Paimon into me and ended up taking a break. Definitely new, I can still feel his presence when I focus. TBH, I don’t fully understand how to work with him though I want to. Perhaps someone who has experience with him would be willing to help?

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Sup I’m Jango

Been doing just basically energy stuff since my teens. First i thought it was like just empath abilities then realized it was just ki/chi/prana. So began practicing energy bending others emotions and such. Like when a homie felt bad I would alter their mood for the better. Along with practicing qigong, tai chi and reiki healing. Have always been able to lucid dream at an early age thanks to my grandmother. That helped me learn how to go into astral in the begining (realize I’m dreaming, wake up in sleep paralysis, meditate gather energy, and go). Meow when i do go astral I can go from straight normal awake consciousness meditate for for a quick min and straight go to astral. A while ago though i stopped helping peeps when they were going through a rough emotional patch, I would be there to talk however I would not take in their energy alter it and replace it to make em feel better. I figured in the long run that does them no good. They gotta go through it experience it or they learn nothing.
• decided to expand my abilities and gain more knowledge. Always knew “black magic” was something not to fukk with cuz of a convo I had with an exes mother who practiced grey magic and told me about rule of 3. Then one night hanging out with a really great friend of mine we got on the subject of wizard stuff. I told her I don’t mess with black magic her reply was “why do you gotta be racist yo?” Same week learn that Alex Grey is into Satanism cuz watched that hall of cosm mirror thing. Then started learning that Satanism isn’t what i thought it was. Started reading up on that. Learned that they believe magic is magic no good bad left or right. Just intent. So finally understood my home girls joke. Then after that just been reading up expanding knowledge of occult stuffs. Learned new energy meditation techniques such as aura programming. Idk why i never thought of that since i new about programming shiny rocks. And meow I want to work the Qliphoth spheres mhmm.
• even though been reading up on the shell tree don’t really know where to start. I dont wanna go in half ass. Found a forum on here just learned there are mantras to recite to conjure up the being that over sees that place wasn’t even aware of that. I had the planned to do like a sphere every night. Before i went I would use their sigil try to contact em tell em im on my way then go astral and yeah. I don’t wanna do the whole Solomon force summon trap em just to introduce myself. Sounds like a dick move. So yeah I just would like an out line to go about it. What are the mantras per each being, and i just go astral and think the sphere and teleport there yeah? Then just wander in when i get to it or whuh?
Thanks in advance. Also im down to help answer questions as well with stuffs i know. Any time any weather rain,sleet,snow,
hail Satan =)

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I am Clair. I like voodoo, astral travel, and divination. I’ve been practicing for a few years now. My goals are a secret :slight_smile:

Hi Claire, have you initiated in voodoo, and do you use any specific method to astral travel? :smiley:

I’m just attempting to learn whatever I can about it from books and the internet before I find someone to intiate me into it. I used to bilocate quite a bit but some extentuating circumstances have led to me not being able to so now I’m aiming for OBE! I’m still seeking out my path but these are the these are things I’m most interested in!

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Morning beautiful men and women. My name is quite not fitting so i prefer to say Dori(off finding nemo) best suits me or Queen of pentacles is also okay ill be changing my name here soon because i want to be unrecognized if someone were to :eyes: marijuana7. I am a beautiful lovely Headstrong determinated Aries. I am a fraternal twin to which i am older to. I come from a Mexican- american househould that struggled due to new ways\living in the midwest of an American township and mexican strict morals never came easy to escape. Im proud of my race im proud of who i became just of my own choices because i was given that ownership to present myself like that in life. I love books and love that i have a grandma who tells me of herxreams and vividness but i alwaysgrew up knewing demons and some extraterrestrial type of understandings. Along with that my grandma made sure we do our punishments or else nothing be permitted. So her way of handing us many pages of hieroglyphics was ever since i remember my family was just as unbroken as can be. But there be it not much time pass just like ot was yesterday i was always facing hardship, I was not supposed to really have lived after all, past generations in line too only one had. Ive felt till this day love be challenging and incompatible for me to have and receive like any relationship has. I learned alot of hustling and money and math my favorite subjects through and on my real soul travels like a fire desire with successful desires in the past. Ive known too but didn’t know how i was not interpret and mouth stromg before now when before 8 i was curting my hair like a army buzz … Ivebeen intersted in understanding santeria but i despwrately have to do some othwr shit for that % .im a skngle 1o to be 20 yr old mom i graduated from chester w nimitz sr high houston tx ans … My cousin had been responsk0for a mental. Breakdown that led me here but dont% and … She was using H. And blahblah. Shit anyways she tried n dare gp thrpugh aportal for some desire cause of my love trutb n power . my daughter is 3 now wtf u know but the santa did and will always be responsible for letting me know that she could not take an innocent life like my daughter’s how she was in the bathtub of my first realest and most of a friend i had thens house who was blessed with her santa i feel only been why such be prevented shit but if it didnt what my saughter never have the chance of knowing how to teach me to be the mom and love im supposed to be with. Smh my friends kid younger and one older definitely know what they grew up to know of the beauty that saved the grasps of my child having life led me to believe she wanted me to notice her. My daughter beforr i paint my walls in my room had a chance to paint marker what she want and she drew her … I never knew my life would be so making or taking u know… Things like portals arent what i want but desire understandings to repent any typw of ways one might seduct. but optimism never came hard or anything just that i am a very smart ypung lady and self taught on most of what i tend to do everyday… Im so bright i wish i could say it be true that im probably an old soul of nikola tesla or possibly of a very old indian women … Frida khalo or idk. I want to be able to know what to do right now for legal purposes with protecting me and my boyfriend’s past and current state since we met to be completely avoided any further proceedings … I fucked up his life this past year just by one careless decision of a mistake.
Lifes a trip. But i can explain more… Its not enough time in a day i suppose.
There u have it Forum please address any respond u feel to make or feel not to make. IM NOT WEAK… IM NOT A BOOTYHURT TYPE OF PERSON… Please know i need what i can get in responses of all types… Im just not wanting to take a lhp buy i doo see some asserting tendency
I wouldnt mind making my bitch …


Hi iam trisha.I started practicing magick since i was very young!In my early teen years.I never had any mentor,it just happened.I started with Wicca then abandoned it because i didn’t like it any more.Then i got into goetia and demonology but left it too because i didn’t feel comfortable working with demons.Now i just work with my patron diety and follow authors like Damon brand and ben woodcroft.I have been the victim of a heinous love me or die curse which has ruined me in everyday even though i have gotten rid of parts of the curse.Thats all

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Hello, @AW4U I am DezRa welcome to the BALG community, and I wanted to thank you for sharing with the forum. You have found the right place for learning, teaching, and obtaining knowledge in all areas of practice. I know you will be a great addition, and you will find a wide variety of knowledgeable people to aid in your path to ascension.

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Hello, @Riya I am DezRa welcome to the BALG community, and I wanted to thank you for sharing with the forum. You have found the right place you can find assistance with getting your balance back, I am very sorry for your loss. I know you will be a great addition, and you will find a wide variety of knowledgeable people to aid in your path to ascension.

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Hello y’all :wave: I’m cynthia, just turned 26, from a muslim country (don’t even wanna say its name if its fine with you). I was raised a muslim but never found any interest in it or other religions or gods and stuff. I became an atheist for a while and then i got into spirituality and witchcraft but my spells never worked lol. But im still into it and i do believe in magick and spirits. But im sorta scared as i don’t want anything bad happen to me or my family while practicing magick or witchcraft or working with spirits. English isn’t my first language im sorry if i made mistakes.


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, and welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:


Good luck in getting a succubus partner :heart_eyes: I believr that is can be a beautiful love one day :heart_eyes:

Am Asante Michael Am Asante Michael I been working for so many years. So my ambition is love money and black magical. I need help forfill my destiny

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Welcome to the forum.

Do you have any experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice and how long have you practiced it?

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No am newcomer


My name Im new to this entire thing of Magic ive done some but not a whole lot, My current Goals are to become more powerful than I currently am and accomplish what Ive dreamt about, My current struggles are trying to unlock my power and regain what I used to have,

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested and welcome to the forum.

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