Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

So I’m writing my petition to Lucifer since he can do just about anything… my petition is long is that okay it’s about love and money

Long is fine. However, the more things you ask for and the more caveats you put in for their fulfilment, the less chance of success.

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Ah man… I really wanted this to be successful, go thing this is a practice writing… I’m going to write one only for love and I’ll talk to another demon about money

So is it fine if I do this where I’ll write to Lucifer about the love and the woman… and for money I talk to another demon

Hello everyone!! I am completely new to this forum. I have literally just joined a few moments ago. I do not practice any kind of magick or anything. But I have fully believed in all sorts of supernatural beings for as long as I can remember. My Name is Matt (or Matthew, either one is fine to call me). I have had many experience with normal and unexplainable “things”. I am not sure what to call some of the events I have been through or some of the things I have seen. And here recently, I have experienced some things I have never even had before (but have heard of). I am here to learn more about the spiritual and supernatural realm(s) of our lives.


@Danieltoraw14 please ask your questions about petitions in my petition thread. This thread is for introductions, and needs to stay on topic.

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I’m not sure this is the right way to do this, but here goes.
I’m Soliana from Venezuela, I’m 36 I’m an English/Spanish translator and work as a bilingual assistant for high executives in the oil industry. I have always been irresistibly attracted to the world of magic ever since I can remember. I’ve always wanted but at the same time feared to follow this path due to my religious upbringing maybe, although I’ve been told that I have this huge power within me that I should take advantage of. It feels as if a call is being made, and I’m ready now to see what I’m capable of. I’ve always sensed things and presences and had amazing dreams that made it clear for me. I need guidance as to how to start using this energy for my own benefit. I have great respect for demons mentioned here.

In recent years there’s been a critical situation in this country, I have been tempted many times to do unmentionable things to get money, but as if it was a miracle, before I give in, I’ve always managed to get things going for me and my family. I feel this energy that makes things happen to me. However, I’m not doing so well lately (maybe I have a spell on me?) and I’ve always had a horrendous love life and self esteem issues. I initially started looking for ways to pact with Lucifer in order to become beautiful (I’m slightly overweight, always have been, regardless of starvation going on here), and most importantly, I want to have a LOT of money to give my family a better life. I want to have the looks and the job of a highly successful woman as I’ve always wanted to see myself as.

I’m really looking forward for the knowledge and experience that I’m sure I’ll get here.



Hello my name is Demire Satim and I’m from Pakistan and I like learn about invocations

Was in Pakistan special forces 2

thank you for doing an introduction as requested, but you haven’t told us if you have any experience at all in magick.

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None experience about magic, only guns and bombs

Hello. My name is gray I’ve been working with magick ever since I could remember. I have no specific kind of magick I’m interested in however at the moment I am studying summoning rituals.My current goals include being able to lucid dream on a regular basis, maybe some energy work, and as I’ve stated before summoning. My current struggles are the lack of information I have at my disposal. Along with my age, and lack or proper resources. I hope this was a proper introduction. I’m not used to doing this sort of thing so I’m at a loss for words currently.


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, and welcome to the forum.

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Hello forum, my name is Bryce. I’m from the United States and I’ve been studying the occult and paganism for about six years now. I have dabbled some, but only recently had the means and privacy to gather ritual items and practice regularly. My introduction to the occult was through servitor/thoughtform creation, and an interest in the Qliphoth. I am especially interested in the LHP, invocation and possession.
My current goal is to undertake the 9 Gatekeepers pathworking, and my current struggle is making contact with Belial.
I look forward to learning with you all.

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Hey I’m jay. Kind of a new comer to magick. But I’m really excited to learn and share my own experiences with yall. As I grow and become better at these arts. Hope that was okay for a introduction without getting too personal. :grin:

I wonder too. He’s gotta hone in on that first without a doubt. “Devil” could mean a few different things.

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My name is Patrick. I’m not sure what types of magic I like, as a very very new to this. Financial security and the love of particular lady are my current goals and also my current struggle

I am Nikolay
I don’t know how to proper introduce myself but I will say that magick and the occult really grabbed me.
I’m 15 years old
I want to know and practice every type of magick
Possible. I want to become a very Successeful
DJ and probably a politician.
I start very soon to learn magick and hardly find a time when I can be alone to practice magick.
The kinds of magick that I like are
Shapeshifting, telekinesis, alchemy, mind manipulation, control over every of the four elements,etc.
And what I really love is the knowledge.
That’s all
Have a nice day.


hi everyone :wave: this is Tia. it’s not my real name but it’s a name I have been using during my time in this forum. I have lost my previous account and had forgotten to introduce myself with my new acc. I am not comfortable with posting my picture in an open forum. last time I was here a lot of people were kind to me and I want all of them to know how grateful and thankful I am. I am from Iran and I have been struggling with Magic since 2014. I have achieved some few goals and failed most of the time but unfortunately because of where I live I have limited space and conditions to practice. as you guys know or don’t know these are perilous times for my country and my people and I decided to come back here and ask for your advice if there are ways to help a nation with magick.I will post the situation for the ones who might not know in different threat. although I need to know under which category should I ask about how to stop the slaughter of one nation.



Hey everyone my name is teagan I’m new to the magic scene currently trying to work with lucifer started a few days hoping to go somewhere with it looking to work on how to see/hear and communicate with him hope to learn lots here and share my experiences thanks to everyone who is on here all of your knowledge
is super helpful .

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