Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Welcome, Tiptoe.

Where do you hail from?

Nice tattoos, by the way.

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Hello, I’m Liam and I’m 24. I’m from the UK but currently live in Portugal. I’ve been an off and on lurker for the better part of a year and for the most part I’m completely new to all this stuff. Up until the past 3 weeks ago or so I’ve had no experience in magick. Right now I’m trying to maintain a daily meditation routine while experimenting with different forms of meditation and energy work while attempting to build a connection with Lilith as I feel it’s a decent starting point without taking on too much.

My interest in all of this basically started with my father’s suicide several years ago, as a medium I met helped me communicate with him. From there I became interested in mediumship, which somehow led me to demonolatry then down the rabbit hole I went. I still have no idea what I’m doing or what half of the things I read on this forum or books mean but I’m trying even though it seems a bit daunting. :slight_smile:

I don’t know what form of magick specifically I’m interested in, not that I even know all the different forms yet. I’m just seeing where this path naturally takes me. I think I might start a journal thing like some other people have done but I’m not sure yet.

Anyway, it’s pleasure to meet you all.



You son of a bitch. That is a shame.

Thank you, and nice to meet you. I’m from the U.S

My name is Jimmy, 22 years old and ended up here looking for astral projection resources but have been getting a strong desire of working with both my guardian Angel’s & demons (I’m not well read on this yet so I’m not quite sure if I have one).

I’ve been meditating & doing chakra balancing/strengthening for a few months and have found fulfilling results and I know that’s an important part of a lot of this. I’m also an empath if that matters.

Do you truly believe there is a difference between light and dark magic

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Hello, my name is Milan, i am 24 years old.
First of all, my english is not too good, sorry for that!
I was away from magic, until now.
My story in a nutshell: i’m fighting an astral parasite, and I met someone who recommended a banishing ritual. Now my fear of magic much lower.

I’m working on a wooden ouija board right now. The paper is too flexible to equip with it:

This idea by charles19, i hope it offers great protection!

LOL that’s too funny


My name is Tina. I have been a practicing occultist since 2007 but for the last several years have felt adrift. Recently I have felt a sort of spiritual (re?)awakening and as if I am on a path–I’m just not entirely sure what it is yet. But I feel revitalized, have been reading and researching excessively, and this forum kept popping up in my searches–so here I am!

My path is weird and twisting:
Like many, I was born and raised Christian. When I became a pagan, I started out in Wicca, but quickly fell away from it and wound up a Northern Traditionalist. I worked with elements of seidr magic and considered Freyja my patron for many years, but eventually it stopped feeling like it was “right” for me. Early this year, I started having strangely intense dreams regarding angels and demons, which has led to a period of intensive research in everything from Archangel magick to Demonolatry. I am not yet committed to any one path and am simply researching and trying to understand where I’m meant to end up while enjoying the spiritual lessons to be found on the journey.

The most interesting thing of all to me is that for years I had Christian (and Wiccan!) baggage about staying away from anything “dark” and doing no harm, yet I have increasingly worked with darker deities and am fairly firmly on the LHP. Interesting how a year ago demons would have sent me running and now I can read about them in the dark without fear.

I have always worked most heavily in protective magic, divination, and lucid dreaming/astral projection.

I’m excited to be here and look forward to getting to nkow you all!

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Hello guys,
I have been practicing the last 14 years with some ups and downs. I am a Grey witch and the last months I have been trying to improve my financial situation.
I am a Farsee and an empath

Hello everyone!

you can call me Violet!

im a crazy plant lady - every room with a window is a garden, and every inch of bare soil has potential so plants are literally everywhere, and i have three beautiful cats that follow me in my dreams.

My roots with magic started with sympathetic magic - the age old poppet. i prefer wax to cloth - i like shaping with my hands. Poppetry served me well for many years, and i worked with hoodoo and brujeria. i still hold them in high regard.

Currently, Im a Hekatean, and it all started with the simple beauty of wanting a garden. anthropology inspired me with a question regarding sacred/magical plants - does the cultural context create the magic/sacredness? what happens if i create a context? so i did.

i keep Hecates Deipnon monthly and celebrate her holy days, and the garden has inevitably become hers, and with planting i focus on magical and sacred plants - which i try to tend according to folkloric customs (gather periwinkle only on certain days of the moon after cleansing, leave offerings for the elder - i dont use a dog for mandrake but i sing and talk to them when ive had to move them). i spend a great deal reading about plant folklore, medicinal and magical uses, and while i do harvest plant matter for magic, i find power in being near the living plants and have been working on connecting with the plant spirit that way, without need to take from it. still, when the leaves bow, ill thank them and take.

some of my favorite current magical green children - Mandrake (european not American and the only one of the weird sisters i currently tend),Angelica, Hellebore, Hyssop, Elder, Mullein, Calendula, Foxglove, Vervain, Periwinkle, Yerba Mansa, oleander, bay laurel (both california bay and greek bay - nobilis), comfrey, hollyhock, borage, larkspur, and rue.
I intend to add mugwort, enchanters nightshade, wormwood, valerian (officinalis, not centhaurus), rowan, betony, sweetgum (to harvest storax), asphodel, belladonna, henbane and datura next year, but im sure ill end up with more than that haha!

i use my plants for practical as well as magical - i make healing salves, skin and hair formulas, breaking down resins and gums for their healing uses, and am currently experimenting with tinctures. i dry my own herbs, store them, and use them in my practice.
My garden can heal, and my garden can kill. While i dont have queen annes lace by water hemlock, i wouldnt want anyone ever picking herbs from my yard unless they know 100% how to identify them. :wink:

Current goals:
Refine plant harvesting practices - take more consideration for season, planetary association, day, etc.
Find out what spirit angelica archangelica was sacred to pre-christianity.
Continued study under the guidance of hecate
someday - id love to tend a shrine/temple in honor of her to serve the community and grant more access to those who need her - with a much bigger garden (and sacred groves :grin:)
I know i ended up here to learn some (or many) things, so i will be open to why i found my way here.

Hi everyone.

My name is Raynard (Last name omitted)

I am new to the world of magick and I am interested in chaos/chaotic magick.

I’m from South Africa and I am 24 years old.

I joined this forum because I’ve read a lot of post about people’s experience and how they’ve evolved within their practice and find it very interesting.
I would need help in the area of chaos/chaotic magick. I do not have any experience and cannot post about much hence I joined here.

I am absolutely in love with music. I like videographer/photography. I also like art and into visual arts. I do not have much experience in all of that I’ve mentioned but one thing I know for sure is that in this journey I will excel within all of it and find my path of which I should dwell in.

That’s pretty much it from my side. And one more thing I’d just like to say thank you to everyone in the forum you posting about your experiences and giving advice means a lot to everyone.

Here’s a link of my first ever evocation that I did. Please feel free to message me and give me advice on it.

Thank you

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, and welcome :slight_smile:


Hi, I’m Moni and 22 years old, I found this forum while researching into astral projection. Since then I’ve been coming here on and off reading others experiences on magic but never introduced myself. I was raised into a very religious family but I was very skeptical about religion since it induced a sense of fear and retribution making me feel like a weak being and I hated to be a follower of religious leader. So I began my journey on self discovery which lead me to believe that my true self is actually one with god or a god just like others. Now I working towards becoming a living god by living my true will. And thank you a lot of having me! Pleasure to meet you all :slight_smile:

Welcome @cocopook. Do you have any experience in magick? You haven’t told us anything about it.

Hi DarkestKnight, I’ve been practicing law of attraction and subconscious programming for development purposes. I was practicing techniques focusing on magic using mind powers such as visualization techniques, symbolic meditation. Now recently I started
looking into damon brands books and i’m currently working with angels of omnipotence. I am reading a lot about invocation and evocation of spirits from this forums and learning a lot too . Thank you for reading

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience. How long have you been practicing?

Well i got interested in magic its been 4 years maybe then i practiced it for sometimes but was not really committed to it. I was still looking for the best technique for me. Nowadays I began to seriously commit myself to working with angelic magic after i found out about the author damon brand


Greetings everyone,

Just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My Pagan name is Ravenfire. My real name is Justin. I’ve been a rather eclectic practitioner for 12 years now. I embrace anything from Reiki to Goetic pathworking. I’m a sucker for knowledge and tend to lose myself in my work for days at a time…Suppose that’s why I don’t do too well in the physical world. I am an entrepreneur and have tried on many occasions to start my own companies. I live in New England and would love to venture out into the other corners of the world. At this point, those who know me have realized that Magic is my life. It’s become such an integral part of my daily routine. I look forward to getting to know everyone at BALG. I’ve been following EA for awhile and his works inspire me in many ways.



Uhm hi there, greetings to everyone my name is sihle

Just a new seeker of the light of Lucifer I am in love with this new world in my life I feel its gods plan.i love black magick
Wish just to know more of Lucifer and more of other gatekeepers
I struggle with contacting Lucifer haven’t spoken to him yet hope to soon

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