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South Germany. Though, I’m currently visiting Northern Germany now.

Cool. I’m living about an hour away (by train) from Nürnberg.

I’m in Bamberg. Yourself?

I’m envious.

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Yeah I’ve lived in bigger cities but returned to my village. Not gonna leave again :smile:

A wise choice. The students are taking over in the city where I currently live.

:face_vomiting: Just buy a nice house in the countryside^^

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I would, but I’m returning to England very shortly.

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Will you be able to return after Brexit or will you be trapped eternally at some airport? :smiley:

:joy: I hope so, but I’ll probably just end up in Limbo, the environment taking the form of a closed airport.

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I will play “Time to say goodbye” on my Kazoo when you take off

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Hmm. That’s rather endearing. Make it your best effort.

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you already low-key witnessed what happens when I give something effort. Trust me, the last thing you want is some random weirdo coming after you at the airport with a Kazoo and a teary-eyed eulogy about your departure :v:t2:

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Want to learn about the Qlippoth and this whole new field of study. I want to understand the concepts and praxis. Not sure of what steps to take

Hi everyone!
I’m totally new in all of this, but I’ve always felt this strange pull to learn more. The thought that we can harness this incredible power inside ourselves to better our circumstances just fascinates me. Also, earlier this year something happened that shook me to my core, made me doubt who I was and question my own worth, so I figured now would be a good time to start learning more. I’m from South Africa, but currently living in Texas.
Thanks for having me


I was in Nürnberg and Bamberg a few months ago. But home is in München.

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I practice traditional craft, more of the work presented by Robert Cochrane. I have been reading a few books around the goetia, nightside of Eden, Qabalah, Qliphoth and other bits

I am a stranger, I am here to have a little glance at everyone’s journey. I never believe in modern online-fueled gatherings, or groups, anything new yet permanent confines our progress, anything fresh but solid materializes things of ever-changing chaotic nature too early on.
I don’t believe in any online collectives, believing any cause of “good pedigree”/trustworthy origin is discovered by word of mouth, and inherited in successful hiding between the threads of modern history. There’s also the persistent danger of self-proclamation of influential-looking individuals leading others down a path of superficial spiritual fulfillment but ultimately wasting their time. This is the core value that makes my journey endless by choice, I trust no one who claims to be anything, for those who truly were needed not to yell their title at the top of a mountain, be this a real one or a virtual one. Nevertheless, genuine or not so, it is fascinating to me.
Lessons are everywhere, observation is everything.
I have been fortunate in the past to witness very wholesome gatherings of people in the dusk of their lives, watched pass on their knowledge to fresher generations and kept going my merry way with deep gratitude for their trust. This is what I do. I never live in the same country for more than 5 years, never join anything, and I trust in cunning more than spells for my given purposes. Anything I’ve ever get out of my way to improve my life or anyone else’s is one hundred percent the tool of cunning sharpened by observation. I don’t borrow power that isn’t mine to borrow, and I don’t really believe anyone can.
I know there are forces of nature but since an early age I believe not everyone is born with the ability to harness any of them. The more distractions modern life brings the further away we drift from awareness of this as well. I am not here to harness anything bigger than myself, my life consists in humbly witnessing the possibilities and all I can hope for is dying with a deep appreciation of all things felt true, that is the only unmovable thing in this life, for others did way before me and many will, way after me.
Let’s continue our journeys, shall we
A pleasure meeting all of you.


What first got you interested in magick?

And was that recent, or has it been an interest for a few years? :smiley:

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Hello all,

I’m Silenda. I am very drawn to the Draconian path but still in search of knowledge in regards to that path and others.
I found this forum today and am pretty excited to meet others who are into multiple forms of dark/black magic- I do not know any body who is into this kind of stuff where I’m at. I am very knew to the subject but want to learn more and grow on the draconion path, or any other path I encounter that suits me.

If anybody has personal experience with the draconian path or would like to introduce me to other paths, I am more than open, and in fact welcome it.

Looking forward to meeting you all and to make symbolic and impactful connections :slight_smile: