Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

It has been a long time since you were on. You dropped off the forum completely for 2 years and not a login. What have you been up to?
How did your group COKA GROUP AFRICA progress?

PS: Reaver was banned from the forum.

Hi @Aprentiz, thank you for the welcome! Yes, the New Magician forum has helped tons. I’m not great at staying focused, so I’ve been bouncing around from thread to thread. I’m not really sure where to begin at the moment.

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Hi my name’s Mya. I’m 18 and I’ve always been into black magick but never practiced. I would like to start practicing. My goals are to learn as much as I can about black magick. As of right now I’m trying to save to leave my house hold to live on my own. It’s not a lot but I don’t know what to say really. But that’s me.


My name is Hidden Star and I am 44 Years old and I work in the medical field. I came seeking knowledge on King Paimon and ran into this so I figured I would just sign up. I have been practicing for over 29 years, and no matter what I always find new gnosis. I love to learn, but I mainly stay in the shadows and to myself. I walk a path of healing (Hence my love for the medical field) and LHP. I use my own teachings that I have been taught through the Ancients as they direct me in my magic. I live a magical life as much as I possibly can. I have been working with King Belial, Malphas, Marbas, Lilith, and many others. I love to teach. I also make dolls and use them as a vessel to deliver hexes, curses, protection, and healing. I also use whatever art I can to reflect my magic either in my own life and the life as others. Recently I have been having trouble due to my job. It is highly stressful and I am suffering from burn out. I wrote a friend asking for advice and just vented only a portion of what I have been going through emotionally, mentally, and physically because my work is starting to manifest into my life. I have worked with King Paimon in the past (over 20 years ago) and for the past 3 weeks he has been nudging me to work with him again. They always know when we need them most. It’s funny that way, but here we are being stubborn and putting ourselves through unneeded stress. No I don’t turn to magic for every little thing. That’s a fool’s errand, and that is why I am having such a hard time right now with having King Paimon assist me in cutting those cords to liberate me from my job. I have gotten to the point that I hate nursing. I have tried everything. I have worked 3 days on and four off. Taken 8 month breaks, and even worked home health to veer away from nursing but something always happens that seems to rip me right back leaving me worse off. This time I had a break down and vented to another magician who probably thinks I am a nut case right about now.
After meditation with Belial last night he pointed me in King Paimon’s direction. I know it is unusual for King Belial to show a softer side of himself, but he did. I think he felt bad for me and wants what’s in my best interest. I have a good feeling King Paimon will assist me in my endeavors. Looking forward to meeting some of you. Have a great night :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum @Mya_Miles and @hiddenstar :slight_smile:

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I’m Prudence :raising_hand_woman:t3:

New to LHP. Reiki master. Intuitive. Lil bit of green magic. Shamanistic. New to seriously studying any path, so BALG is hugely appreciated!

Goal: to become a confident, prosperous, and effective magician and healer and to financially support myself this way.

Struggles: lack of confidence. Too chickenshit to do shadow work at the moment. Stigma.

Hey there, I’m Phoenix! I’m an eclectic witch. I would consider myself a dark pagan and also a theistic satanist/luciferian. I’m 19 rn, gonna be 20 in February, and i prefer to be called by they/them pronouns.

I tend to do divination work a lot, along with spells, pacts, and prayers. I work with various Pantheons and deities, including Pop-Culture ones, as i believe in multiple universes and also take a more medium-polytheistic approach to things (all deities are their own entity, but can also be part of other entities, if that makes sense. I don’t really feel comfy calling myself a full on soft-polytheist). I got my start in the occult with Wicca, and it still influences my working today, however I take a more LHP approach to things. I’ve been practicing the occult for about 6 years now. I started in February of 2013, however dabbled in it prior to realizing it was my path.

I honor Satan, Lucifer, and Azazel as Horned God figures, along with Pan, Cernunnos, Seth, and others. Goddess wise, I’ve been honoring mainly The Morrigan, Lilith, Babalon, Hekate, and Persephone. I’ve also worked with Sekhmet in the past and plan to start working with her again. My path is ever changing and it’s taken me 6 years to realize that that’s a normal part of life.

Hopefully i can make some cool, like-minded, friends here. There’s a lot more in my spirituality as well that I haven’t gone into detail on quite yet here.

Best Wishes to all of you,

Greetings, all. My name is Serenity. I’ve always had an interest in black magick as a teenager but remained as a “lurker” and dabbled in a few simple spells. I consider myself a “grey” witch, but of the darker variety. Now I finally have the guts to practice it lol. I stumbled upon this forum a couple weeks ago and ghosted amongst the different threads, and my oh my, it’s so much information! I simply couldn’t refuse.

My main interest is love and beauty magick (I know, sooo original lmao), and seeing as I’m beginning my path of enlightenment and discover my true self and all that jazz, I wish to practice reading tarot cards, meditation, and perfect basic skills.

More information about me: I’m female, I’m a Cancer sun Pisces moon Sagittarius rising, I’m an INFP 4w3 9w8 6w5 SP/SX, and I enjoy writing, drawing, watching anime, cartoons/kids movies, collecting plushies and dolls, astrology, MBTI, fairytales, self-deprecating humor, memes, lolita fashion, and uwu pastel shit.

TL;DR: I’m boring and basic. Yeet.

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My alias that I will put down is Thuvas Kalevk Somewhere in the Pacific… My preferred magick is astral projection I know a lot about it but some things I have learned is meant to be left alone when I was little I noticed that I would always have people watching me even when I was alone I recall asking my parents if God was there many times but they always scolded me for saying his name so after awhile I left it alone but when my parents started to fight I started to meet the ones watching me they started to introduce themselves one by one by the time they were finished they taught my many magicks certain ones are to be left alone till I was older I also learned what the astral plane was and doing so they helped me cross through multiple gates throughout the years. Looking back now I had 4 guardians demon and archangel but one was sent toward another person in this realm and the rest told me I needed to study. I am on BALG because I was given a task something only soul healers and soul menders can do and I am neither I am just generally asking if there is anyone that can help me I’ll explain more in another post I just need help in transferring energy from a crystal to a being

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Where do you hail from, @Mya_Miles?

Cool hat.

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Michael and Im from Texas

At the moment my preferred topics of study is chaos magick
At the moment i need help in trance
Im glad to be apart of this forum , Ive been lurking for a while and Ive seen a great amount of knowledge.

Welcome, Michael.

Hello, I’m Ethan. I want to learn as many kinds of magick as possible just to see which I’ll fit into best, though I rather like most non-ritual magick. I’m having a great time looking around on the forum and finding different interesting things and trying to memorize them. I am struggling to complete any ritual and yield results, hence my current preferences to types of magick.

Hello, You can call me Serina. That was my magic name when I properly started with magic. haha
I have wondered into different paths during my spiritual journey.
Since I was a child I always had an interest in magic. I was sort of influenced by my aunt who was trying to teach me how to read cards at the age of 5. Bless her.
I started as a solitary witch studying wicca. I was on/off because it wasn’t expressing me The wicca redee wasn’t for me. Then I proceeded with Hoodoo and for the last year I have started working directly with Angels and lately Goetia demons.
I found this forum searching for more information on working with demons, angels and djiins.
My goal is to better my life because it has come to a halt.
I am here to learn on how to work with Spirits.
Greetings to all <3

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Hello I have been exploring several different magical paths for about 10 years now and I’m always looking to learn from like minded people. I currently practice mostly hoodoo.

Hi all!

My name is Karyn and I have lurked for a while, decided to join and here I am. I have had a bit of a journey with spirituality. I was raised as a Baptist, church every Sunday. I stopped going to church as I didn’t see any evidence of God in my life and became an atheist. That was fine for a little while until I came across some really difficult career challenges which led me to hoodoo. I followed that rabbit hole and found Magick with angels, didn’t see much success with that and started dabbling in black Magick and demons. Saw instant success with Demons. I’ve just been reading different grimoires and doing EA Koetting’s books and have found them to be incredibly helpful, insightful and fascinating.

My successes: I’ve found great success in demon work in getting people to cooperate with me at work. I don’t currently love my job but it pays the bills and demon Magick has made it bearable.

What I still struggle with: finding my ideal job. I’ve done some rituals with Paimon and Lucifer but to with interesting results. I’m looking for something that will pay extremely well in my field that will also give me leadership responsibilities. That’s all I’m really focused on now.


Welcome to the forum @KnightRider, @Karyn and @PriestessLayla!

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Get yourself an inexpensive, hardcover, ruled page book. Use it as you first Magickal Journal. Record your dreams, weather conditions, astrological data, etc. as and when these dreams occur. Let us know how you get on with it.
O! And welcome.


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