Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hello. :relieved: I saw you were located in BR, I am very close to your area. So I just wanted to greet you and welcome you to BALG!

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Greetings back :slight_smile: .

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Hello everybody. I’m a 22 year old male who lives in Canada, I have been on the LHP for about 8 years now. Have had many visions and manifested many creations of what I desired. What I struggle with currently is depression and not knowing what I truly desire. My hopes are that I find what I truly desire and to rid myself of depression and to be at peace. I also hope to make friends and to have conversations.

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Hello everyone, I’m new here, I hope to get along with everyone.
My name is Thiago, I’m 25 years old and I’m from Brazil.


Hello to all
My name is Francesca and I live in Italy.
I’m Luciferian and I’m here because I’m interested in all the topics covered in the forum and to interact with other people who follow the left hand path. I am passionate of Norse mythology especially the god Loki.


My name is Mikael but my closest friends call me chaos im 27

The kind of magic i’m most into are mostly summoning and evoking and Chaos magic im probably more on the left hand path, also i try to find technology and science magic so if anyone know something about that please tell me.
my current goal is to summon Teftin for a project i’m working on and Ladilok for you can probably guess but i struggle it is not going so well.


Hello sweet fellows!
My name is Crystal, I’ve been into magic all my life and it’s a huge part of my identity. My craft centralizes around art, foreseeing and knowledge in general. I’m a whole being, not a witch and a person, so magic is always present in my everyday life -one way or another.
It’s great to finally have these communities to meet other people who have went through similar things. Most of the time I don’t have anyone to share my experiences with. Tho sometimes I don’t need or even want that, other times it feels important.
Nice to meet ya’ll, I’m waiting to get to know you better!


I’ve been interested in magic from an early age, most of the stuff i learned was from the few books I could find. I’ve been part of a voodoo/hoodoo group for a while, but that is not my path. I’ve learned a lot, but those deities don’t work for me. I’m European and i have a bit of gypsy blood.
I’m interested in tarot cards, but i never seem to be able to learn the exact meaning, i just say what i see in the cards. Also i like candle magic.
I’d like to learn more about about Slavic magical practices. I find it easy and relaxing to power up my vibration in the woods.
I’ve been working on my empath skills as well, now I can shield myself so much faster from bad energies.
I used to ‘walk’ in my sleep with the dead, till i had my first child, now i no longer travel there.
And i’ve been told my blood is too sweet.
I hope that here I’ll be able to learn even more. About myself and the craft.


Hi, My names Derick I’m new here. Just want thoughts and opinions on what I think is going on my life is just coincidence or is it driven by some other force. There appears to be alot of negative syncronicity in my life and there is no getting away from it, I’v basically accepted. At this point it’s hard not believe there is some other force that is attracting negative experiences into my life. I’m basically a magnet to people that are self destructive which inturn makes me be self destructive. I try getting away and someone new will come into my life with the same destructive tendencies. Could some spirit or other force be attached to me causing this to happen or is this just a coincidence? and if it some other force, I want to accept it into my life good or bad.


I am new here so I figured I should introduce myself. I’m Kevin, I live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. My interest in the LHP and dark magic has been a slow development. I’ve been drawn to the darker side of things since I was quite young but it’s taken a long time to finally decide to learn more and open myself up to the possibilities. I’ve read extensively about philosophical interpretations of Luciferianism and Satanism, but I’m also a spiritual person and I am very drawn to magic in general. I am brand new at all of this but I am reading more all the time. I am here mostly to learn, and one of my struggles I guess is figuring out what’s right for me and where to begin. I am interested in goetia, evocation, sex magic to an extent, and other things as well. What I do know for certain is I am feeling more open to knowledge, and willing to learn than I have been in many, many years.


my name is Vít, I am from Europe and I am a total newbie in magic.
I have been a pagan for basically all my adult life, as I always found monotheistic religions to feel extremely suffocating to me personally. I always felt like I´ll rather hold the responsibility for my own life in my hands and own my mistakes if I have to.
Finally, I found myself pulled towards magic and the occult as I hoped to get a little closer to these primal forces, that basically all polytheistic pantheons represent. After a few months of studies, I learnt about the principles of the Left Hand Path and quickly realized I was looking at the very essence of what I believed in my whole life.
So now, I am dedicating almost all my free times to studies, hoping that this path will help me not only get closer to my gods, and to the very spirit of my own religion, but also grip my life in my own hands a little tighter, all while helping me improve as a person.


Nice to meet you too! Good luck ! I’m still learning myself, a lot of people on here know way better than me. But if you ever need anyone to talk to reply to me and I’ll DM you.

:black_heart::love_you_gesture:t3: Welcome!

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Hello i am bidisha
I am a hindu but a great believer of wicca and tantra .
Fairly new to the road of spiritualism
Would love to make new friends and would need help often
I am 21 and want to make life easier for my kins


I’m Ash, from South Africa.
I’ve been lurking in the forums for a while, and decided it’s finally time to join up :slight_smile:
Pretty much eclectic in my practices, and have been actively avoiding the goetia up until recently. Now, the more I read, the more I want to learn! :slight_smile:


Welcome to Wonderland everybody! :wink:


Hi, my name is Luis and I am from Argentina. I am a beginner in magic, I have read Grant Morrison, Phil Hine and other masters of Chaos Magick. I have managed things so far using the sigils, but I want to learn more about magick and that’s why I’m here. For this introduction is not too short I will say my first and greatest achievement with Chaos Magick: in December of 2017 they usurped the house of a family known, but for things of life I just found out what happened in May 2018 and With much anger I put into practice what until then I had only learned theoretically and for my surprise in July the people in question recovered their house. Of course I could not believe what happened and I was left wondering if my sigil had helped, so I decided to do another sigil but for an issue without much importance and the latter worked incredibly fast (was to get the attention of a girl) , then I remembered that Grant Morrison said that some things take less and others more, but those people had fought since December of 2017 to get their house back and it was incredible to me that they did it a month after the creation of my sigil. I think in that case the magic acted as a push.


Hello Timothy my name is Henry Hopps no photo I like all magick,but like you I like black magick most of all,I would love to master the dark side and or the left hand path,struggling to become a living GOD.


• Your name: Lia’shmi. My spirit name.
• Photos if you’re comfortable: Possibly in the future.

• Kinds of magick you like: I’m currently looking into all the paths of Magickal practice. I am deeply interested in both LHP and RHP path-working, such as Demons, Angels, Jinn, and so forth. I have a pull to the Satanic / Luciferian current in particular, though I always remain open minded as a rule. There’s not much else to say, I’m here to take in and share knowledge.

• Current goals: My current goals are to find a solid path for my lifetime here. I ultimately seek to transcend all limitations, and to exist eternally as a Creator of my own.

• Current struggles: Trying to find the correct path, at times jumping from one to another, in attempt to find said path(s). I also struggle with regaining my spiritual strength, as it has been beaten and bogged down by sinister spirits. I wish for evolution into my true state, as a Deity among the cosmos, the same as everyone is entitled to.