Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hello, I am Al. I have been practicing magic for over a year and I’ve met quite a few demons and spirits face to face. Success being mostly in candle magick. Almost instantaneously.

I’m here to learn more about some money magick. Thank you.



So here is my deal. 18 kundalini decided to travel up my spine and well i have been aware ever since. Thinking that this experience could be explained and shared i wasted a great deal of time and effort. I am 45 now and I believe I have learned sufficient amount of esoteric knowledge and understanding and I seek to strengthen my will.
I am very interested in the old gods and wish to learn as much as I can. 93 93/93


I’m an INTJ too :slight_smile:

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Wisdom is the practice of knowledge. I was also like you a consumer of knowledge rather than a practician. But the practice of that knowledge is what actually transform us.


Me also. :slight_smile:

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Hi, my name is david & i’m novice willing to get into occult arts.


Can you tell me please how can i hear my demon voice and manifest it to me?
some people recommend me to do some meditation so they can reach me easier this way, All messages and images.
i can feel them but still no strong enough and no comunication at all!

Hello everyone, I’m Celtic Moon and very new to most magic. I’m pretty sure that I’m an empath. I’ve done white magic spells on my own in the past with pretty good results. I do really well with Tarot and that’s my job right now. I’m in the South in the USA smack in the middle of the bible belt( lucky me). My struggle is growing up Catholic and not feeling as I’m damning my soul LOL. I have been lurking on the site for a couple of weeks and I’m fascinated by the amazing info and wonderful vibe here. I hope to learn from you all and progress in meditation, spells, evocation and invocation as well as improve my abilities.


Welcome to the family! Ill give you this!:

Hey i always ask people to pm me for stuff not because I’m a creep, but because i tried to commit suicide(I’m better now) and a close friend of mine succeeded, i find that when given the option to talk about what’s on there mind, they do. It really helps a lot of people and make them feel much better. And if you needed it you could ask me for my number because sometime you just can go onto a forum and really need a ear to listen.


Thank you Florry, that is very much appreciated. I tried once and thankfully failed, but my depression is something I still struggle with.:kissing_heart:


Hello everyone my name is Matt
My artist name is Eddi Brocc. I’m a retired Army SSG now getting back to my music…I’m familiar with the spirits as I was introduced to Sainteria every on!! Looking to get help and learn how to my contact with certain spirits that can help me!!


Hi there & welcome, I just joined myself. Thank you for serving our country btw.

Welcome! I grew up doing Sainteria to, that and Puerto Rican Vodou and Mexican folk magick, nice to have you part of the family

Thank you…I didn’t believe in that “stuff” but after one week and I saw with own eyes!! I woke up!!!

Appreciate you support!!

Greetings, I’m someone from south america who is in serious trouble . here’s my pic, if you have the patience to read it all, scroll down for an “introduction and why iam here”

had spent probably the whole childhood hearing stories about the bible from grownups but instead of becoming just another sheep, i nurtured an intense feeling of resent over anything “bible-related”. As ignorant as a 9yro boy could be. this later evolved into an intolerant childish behaviour. over the last 10 years i might have considered myself skeptical, then… In a foolish attempt to mark a poisonous 3 year marriage (not so poisonous if i stare back at it today) i tattooed this Sigil of Lilith. Totally unaware that spending 2 hours being pierced by needles, bleeding, thinking about how perfectly symbolized everything that had been reaped from me (activating it maybe?), by a woman whom i considered “evil” lol

i’ve received a couple of warnings over the years about this -" Submitting myself to Lilith cause i’ve engraved a portal on my flesh just thinking about: “sure… that marriage from 9 years ago ruined me in all ways i could have imagined, so this sigil represents it very well” yeah i had gotten mesmerized by it from the very first time i stared at…

in fact all kinds of evil stuff have been going on to me.

that year i lost 3 jobs for the first time ever), got kicked out from 2 or 3 houses for being late on rent, turned into a junky. started living in the slums, got into a fight with a random bus driver who turned out to be part of the organized crime faction which rules all of this damn continent. i had to flee to the countryside with my ex wife. who turned out to be my worst nightmare. fights were usual, but dramatical ones, with knives, blood, murder threats, (attempts) suicide attempts as well (for both), then i ended up in an I.C.U after losing liters and liters of blood after she slammed a glass door towards my arm. Got a hospital infection that lead me to a coma. and out of 3 patients in the same scenario, i was told only me survived.

All the stuff i experienced during the coma made me start reading the grimoire of tiamat. Now i am aware of my foolishness. and those are my last days here on earth. divination has been proving to be extremely precise and frightening. i wouldnt want to end as a victim of my own ignorance so i think i may find guidance here since my time is short

Sorry for the long text, and yet… its a small display of the worst scenario i’ve ever experienced. Thanks


Welcome…again! Glad to see you putting yourself out there

I am new here at this forum. I am intensively looking for someone with advanced skills in dark magick. My goal is to learn how to posses the true power and use it as my benefit.

I beg such person to contanct me.

Thank you,


Good day, I go by Sui Generis, and I’m primarily here to guard over a few friends.