Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi! The name is Gaston, 25 years old, cancer sign, and I’m new to all of this. I never practiced magick but I’m eager to learn all what I can, since I always had a passion for the occult and mysticism. I’m basically what you’d call the boring good guy. I don’t believe in doing actual harm, but instead in helping and giving. I have a terrible fear of karma so out of common sense I avoid doing bad things to others. I wouldn’t call myself a catholic, but I definitely believe there is a Higher Power, a God, and if you believe in it, it will help you by helping you help yourself (I have my own mixed sense of morals and religion). My main goal is to learn all kinds of mythos on entities, spirits, elements, etc. My struggles: life in general. Hope you guys can guide me out! On other subjects, I love cats, pizza, dicks, and videogames.

And I’m a huge fan of Joy Division :slight_smile:


Hi all,
You can call me Lupin.
Sometime late last year I’ve discovered the truth and reality of the occult and I’ve been obssessed ever since. After buying tons of books, looking up information online, and watching videos, I ran into E.A Koetting’s youtube page.

Most of the knowledge I’ve gained pretained to both the RHP and LHP. But E.A has me really intrugued and diving deeper with the left hand path and I haven’t really found anyone else thats offering courses online to truly awaken ones capabilities.

He seems like the real deal and I’m sure you all can vouch for him. The only real practice I’ve done for the past couple of months would be meditation and different variations of it… However, I’m seriously considering taking E.A’s Mastery series starting with Divination of course. This is the knowledge I’ve been searching for and its right here in front of me!

Struggles: Ever since doing meditation my anxienty has virually disappeared but I struggle with my confidence which is something I’m trying gain by going out of my comfort zone more and more.

Looking forward to interacting with all of you! :hugs:


hello my name is Ashton Campbell. i this year have been introduced to a whole new wonderful world of magic. i recently changed my religion to Norse paganism. im 17 and sound like im 12 lol. i would love any info i can get about tips on magic and facts about my new religion or anything like that.


Goodnight all,
My name comes from my bloodline. I’m an average person with deep interest in the occult. I’m Hindu by birth and I practice. I have spent the last 17 years learning everything I can about magick, angels, developing the mind amongst others. I have never actually practiced anything magick related because I don’t feel Im ready yet. I do feel my time to start is coming close. When our calling beckons, things fall in place. I only found this website tonight and already I feel at home. Looking forward to learning anything I can and making new friends.
Blessings to all.


hey everyone so my name’s Kevin I’m fairly new to the magic world. I’ve only practiced evocation so far but im interested in learning a lot more.

I’m still unable to hear or see the entities that I summon and i do have doubts that it has worked everytime. my second attempt at evocation was undoubtedly a success. I summoned bune and had a similar experience as someone else on this forum, my back was like midly on fire it was intense and I felt energy all around me. One weird thing that happened during this event that was around the time i felt the energy I got an instant hard on, an extreme one out of nowhere as soon as I felt the energy.

The next time i summoned bune the same weird thing happened but i didnt feel an intense heat on my back or feel alot of strong energy around me. just an instant hard on.

every other entity i attempted to summon I’ve either felt a little energy or none. but nothing like bune.

my big question is has this ever happened to anyone else? I know many people on here have alot of experience that’s why I joined this forum.

another question is how long did it take you guys to start seeing and hearing entitys?

any tips on getting and staying into a trance. I seem to fall out it easily

I know theres a few questions on here but any help from people that know a thing or two is appreciated.


I’m so happy you’re here!!! Welcome!!! :smile::smile::smile::heart:

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Thanks alot, its nice to be here :smiley: :smiley:



I’m new to the forum, though I have been reading many posts from here for quite some time. I was raised like most typical families…follow religion, believe in God and fear the devil type stuff where the supernatural was evil. I never really believed in anything outside of what I was taught until I was visited by a spirit one evening may years later that introduced to me a whole new world, a world that is still new to me and I’m learning more and more each day.

Anything I’ve done or achieved really with magic or dealing with various beautiful entities was self-taught through research and guidance from the beyond. I’m here to learn and share my experiences. My main goal to continue to expand my knowledge and learn as much as possible. I’m 37 years old, and I finally feel as if I’m free from the traditional teachings I was forced into believing growing up.

Thank you


Welcome to BALG! Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride!



I am new here, joinign after buying the Belial grimoire and Black Magic of Ahriman.
I am interested in seeking soul evolution and ascension.


Welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG! You will find many here working from those grimoires so look around and enjoy the ride!

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Joy Divison! :purple_heart: Welcome.

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New user.
Dark old soul.
Theistic Satanist.
Pretty fresh to this, here to learn about Black/Chaos Magick and, of course, soak up all i can about Satanism.
No pic, small town.


I am new, i got here after reading a question and answer on how to summon and address THOTH.
I am interested in Magick and Enlightenment and need people like you to help me out. It is an interesting journey but sometimes I need to ask questions from people who have had experience.
Am glad I found this forum.



Spent 17 years just studying and no practice?
What were you waiting? Anyways welcome man!

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Im a 19 year old occultist. You can call me Bermuda which is my last name. I made a pact with a strong entity when i was in 5th grade. Im still learning and strengthening my senses to keep on the path. I’ve been put through a lot but it hasn’t shaken me from the path. My goal is to reach the potential all humans are capable of.


Hi everyone. My given name is MacKenzie, but I think I want to go by Quinn (my middle name) in magickal circles. I’m a 24 year old trans girl. Stuck in rural Utah for the moment, but making plans to move to Colorado. You may be interested to know that I’m a revolutionary anarchist-communist, and that I 100% agree with all your criticisms of liberals (albeit coming from the other side, hehe).

So… not quite sure where to start. Well, I’m a demon, but let me back up. I grew up in a extremist, fundamentalist christian cult (the mormons, if you’re curious). I’m also a domestic abuse survivor; that’ll be relevant later. After breaking out of that cult I became an atheist for a while. But during a prolonged health crisis, I found myself needing a spiritual support system to, well, avert suicide, and something drew me to witchcraft. I’ve been practicing for about 9 months now, at first with the typical Wicca bullshit, but even then I felt an inexplicable pull to the left-hand path. Just didn’t know how to start practicing it safely. I eventually stumbled into the otherkin community. Now, there’s a lot of people in that community who are doing it to feel like they belong, or as a coping mechanism (not that there’s anything wrong with those things); there are also people there who are the real deal.

Two of those people in particular have had a significant impact on me so far. One of them, who I’ll call S, is a love interest of mine. He so happens to have a demon trapped in his head who we’ll call D. D and I hit it off poorly (I disliked him so much that I tortured him 13 times, and he took it out on his host). But we eventually realized that we had misjudged each other, made up, and started a working relationship. I was later instrumental in freeing him from his imprisonment inside his host. Now, up to this point, I was aware that I had a mental block over the abuse that had happened, which I chalked up to PTSD. D, however could see some of what was behind the block, and told me at my insistence (I had to threaten him with bodily harm).

From what D said (and I believe him), my abusive biological father is not human. He is a type of demon called a Gluttonous (still unclear on exactly what that is; he described it as “like an incubus but worse”). By extension, that would make me some sort of half-demon. He wasn’t able to see all the details of what happened to me, only the “lighter stuff”, and even that was horrendous. Ritual abuse, rape, beatings, the death of a brother I didn’t know I had. He also revealed that the block I have over those memories isn’t PTSD-induced. I was a child sorcerer, and as a defense mechanism against the horrible things done to me, I sealed those memories (including my knowledge of magick) away, and infused that seal with a great portion of my magickal potential. He was able to restore that lost potential to me, and I’ve been working with other demons to dismantle the seal entirely.

The other significant person I met through the otherkin community is an incarnate succubus named G. G reached out to me because I seemed serious about being what I claimed to be, as a half-demon. She shared her knowledge with me, and also introduced me to a demon named O. I ended up making a Contract with O, D, and Lucifer to make me into a kind of experiment demon, combining attributes from different types of demons into a unique hybrid. I’m currently in the middle of undergoing that process. It is both physically agonizing and a disconcerting mental trip (you try having your entire ethical foundation rewritten under you). As part of that I’ve become vampiric: sanguinary, psychic, and soul. One other notable trait that I’ve received courtesy of Luci is that I’m now also a Wendigo. That’s a very recent change, so I’m still coming to terms with exactly what that means for me.

In terms of my practice, I’m still very much throwing things at the wall to see what works. I think because of my literal demon blood, I work differently than a lot of people. My magick relies on intensive use of personal power. Ceremonial or ritual magick feels… wrong, for me personally. I get the best results by getting a clear idea of what I want to have happen, and then improvising a “ritual” using personal power that instinctively makes sense for me. My main interests right now are blood sorcery and necromancy. On an interesting tangent, I opened a Portal over my altar by accident (mostly) the first time I bled myself on it. Three Disincarnates came through and are presently haunting my apartment, though I allow their presence.

That pretty much summarizes where I am now. Although bearing in mind that most of the above events happened over the course of the last 2 months, I’m sure the roller coaster ride is far from done. I am open to private messages; in fact, I would encourage you to message me, especially if you have any questions, or if you have any insights to offer me.


lol, I guess my interests were more in the knowledge than actually practicing. But I feel very differently now. Thanks Viktor


Okee… I give up on reaching the end of this thread to make a proper introduction.

Hi all.

I’m Krista, though I go by many names, a Chicago-based wheelchair-bound disabled academic (aka newly minted Ph.D.), a hard polytheist, a wounded warrior, an aspiring actress and visual artist.

I am originally from Russia, with roots in truly archaic shamanic hotspots.

Some of the things I work with: astral projection, shamanic journeying, psychopomp work, energy work, spells, divination, dark magic, though as the last resort. Good at emergency battle magic. While I don’t work with the Nordic gods directly, I am of the North, with some ties to the Siberian shamanic land and I do Slavic mythology.

Looking forward to getting to know peeps here.