Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Welcome to BALG! I hope you enjoy yourself here!

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Hello! I’m here I stumbled across this site and felt there was much I could learn here. I am a Tarot card reader by trade, and I was looking for a class or a mentor who could help me take my work to the next level. I’m not a follower of LHP, but I am open to learning about it and sharing ideas.


Hi! My Name Is K Burns. I am not new to magic. I have studied/practiced in the past for many years. Then I got lost and joined the church. Recently I have returned with a vengence. I have completely embraced the LHP this time around. It’s like starting all over again.


Hello my name is Jorden Yellowflower i am an aquarious, I was always interested in magick and i just thought this is a good community to learn from, I should mention I am clueless when it comes to magick, I have been reading the lesser/higher key of Solomon but nothing more than that
I should also mention that i study alot about different angels and demons and what they do, i am can say i am very well versed in mythology


Hey my name is Maya
-My goal is to and become on of the most powerful witch in history
-I am new to black magick and the left hand path
-As I am growing as a witch I am documenting everything so when I accomplished my goal I can publish it.


Hi Timothy,

My name is Jason. I’m a Virgo, a Heavy Metal guitarist from India. I’m new to Black Magic, but extremely interested. I have no idea on how I should evoke demons I need a lot of help

I’m interested in success magic working with demons to become successful in everything I do, I’m also interested in Love magic

I’m looking to start a business and hit the high rollers

I would love to learn everything I can to work with the Gods and gain more knowledge and receive successful results

My struggle is that I need step by step guidance on how to proceed.





I joined today - thank you for accepting me.
I’ll go by BattyDiva as opposed to my real name due to issues I could face in my work life.
In the 80s my boyfriend and I practiced magick. While he was more advanced, I was actually more powerful. Our relationship deteriorated due to this and when he moved out some rather unpleasant things happened within my home that required assistance from someone far more powerful than me to correct. Since that time, I’ve not seriously practiced any religion or craft but feel like it’s time to restart my studies and practice. I will have many questions so I ask your indulgence and patience.


Nsala Malecum (a mi mpunguis)

Name: Stickwalker. Freshly cut.
Magic System: Taoist Sorcery, Mao Shan derivatives, Fu.
Goal: Learn more Mao Shan stuff.
Struggle: It’s hard to find a dead vulture.

Malecum Nsala


I know right!!!

Welcome to BALG. Have a go at the search function, it’s the :mag_right: at the top of your screen, and enjoy all the info here. If you can’t find what you are looking for, or would like to share some of your knowledge and experience, feel free to create a new thread for discussion :grinning:


hi iam issam iam new iam interesting in astral projection and body swap if you know something tell me please


Thank you, and welcome.

Hi I’m gabriel. I posted earlier and was alerted to my mistake of not introducing myself formally. I am 18 years old, live in Washington state, my patron is paimon and I am his pupil at the moment. My dream is to bring the world back to the ways of light and prosperity in the names of righteousness. Maybe its silly of me to hope for something like that but if I really am a son of god then it shouldn’t be too difficult.


Thank you for making the intro, and welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG :slight_smile:

Welcome Gabeiel :blush:

Thanks rin I appreciate the welcome

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Hello everybody.My name is Gabriel,i am 21 years old and i am from Europe,Romania country,I am the sympathize of the left hand path and
I’ve been studying occultism for about 1 year purpose is to form a connection with some demonic entities,to learn as much as possible about the universe and life.and I also have material goals to someday become “rich”((to be financially independent,to have many money etc)other goals:to become a strong person with a unique character,to be wise and happy.


Hi my name is Roxanne and I practice all kinds of magic, my main goal is to learn as much as possible :point_up_2::+1:


Name is Izzie, I just stumbled upon and used this site a lot for a new interest I have came across which is Naamah getting more insight on invocation etc. I have been into occult for years 3 years into Kabbalah specifically, first love was astrology charts and tarot…very much intuitive! I have always considered myself grey and never had a reason to want or need to use heavy black magick till recently and now I may be a little darker than I thought I would be.

My weakness is obviously I don’t have a lot of dark magic experience have knowledge just not action, I do find my self scared of my own abilities which holds me back from a lot! I have one other friend whom is older and guides helps me through so meeting and hearing from others will be great!