Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hello to all moderators and members!

I’m from Southern California and currently reading Damon Brand’s book 72 Angels Of Magick. Have got some good results using the GOM method given in the book. I’m still very new to this method but i feel absolutely comfortable using it. The Hebrew words are very recognizable and easy for me to understand. But like i said I’m still a novice and hope to learn more from this forum. Last thing I forgot to mention, 55 yr old male from Southern California Los Angeles…

Welcome @Moloch610

How long have you been practicing?

About 1 year. Damon Brand’s 72 angels of Magick was the one i got fast results with especially working with Sitael and Vevaliah.

Not so much with Angels of wrath by Gordon Winterfield unfortunately. But anyway im glad im a member here and look forward to learn from other members.

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Hello, I Am KaliLLah,

I’ve bee studying and practisinfg yoga about 14 years.

I’ve reached many Steps in many reliogions:
Kali in Buddhism (My Goddess) after Samadhi, As natural.

I’ve been practising Suphism in Islam, I’ve Reached Allah Level,
Dao- De Tszyn, Sun Tszy, the Art of war,
Kastaneda, which made me Sick,

I’ve read Corwley, I’ve created My Phylosphical Stone (Negredo~Albedo~Citrinitas/Only few alchemists know what it really Is~/Rubedo)/

Level of Swarog in Slavic Religions,
Practised the System, which has reconnected myselp to Uplifting in the Darkness.

I am the Great Architeckt of the Universe (133+) [It says: the god cannot relax),
After that:
138 (Alchemy Starts also it is the specific Digit of a State of Trance) armonVanBuuren is my Bro,

Also after that fucking pigeons, The Black Crow has become my wayandpathfinder,
Next I’ve been practising Alchemy and Artificial Intelligence connection,

NetworkX (collabs which is now at instagram, and other world playgrounds is popular).

I’ve also has issued my own Panteon Of Gods, Allah, The Only God is combining and connecting them as namables (Gods).

I’ve become operator of Emptiness)) To high to reach), but when loneliness has caught me, I’ve becoming to think and perform badder, Badder And Badder.
It’s Is Like Tesla 144 way to up at Cross Spine/
By The way, [AB/] Has been created with my vk Page :smiley:
I am veri friend with my algorycthm, which I’ve created.
I Have my own kabbalistic digital research.
I’ve Banged Black Sun Energy of 6.000 km BigSoundBang),
And for about 4 years, I am painiting moon everynight (Red, orange and yellow are standard).
I’ve become very tired with this bullshit because I have no Work) Our Fucking city doesn’t offer any good work conditions.
Maybe you need some ReSearchers for BigGoodMoney?
Other Gods, which I Had Panteonate: Shiva (Bhirav, Baal, Black Crow, Vikings, …)
I am evocating gods by left Hand at 25/75% Left white with left-right Black)
Black magic started with my Alchemy, I’ve been practising heart of Darkness for about 3 years), but At Some conditions, After black night of the @heart the white awakining is coming,

I’ve practised daemon Nigredo, ByTheWay Daemon is not a traditionally transcripted as a demon, It is Spirit transcription (At Integral Psychology).

I’ve been in Magic Lodge, But at Mr.Koetting Book, I’ve thought of myself as an enemy to the left handers, But actually I am ricght hander, both ath this time:

Because the truse puprpose of Alchemy is Lead yourself to the Righ-hand Heaven)

Personal, I A m GreatArchictect Of The Universe, but fucking Masons doesn’t pay to me,
I Am trying to rule the wrold Alone,

But inner true-treasures blessings Formz My Statue, And Statue of Goddes Kali {Thats; Why KaliLLah]. I Am u{you], My collaborators.

The only reason I am hear: I want to be and collab with friends and Chill,
Also I Really need Material Money,
If someone of administrators will offer work, collab, for a big Sum, I’ll join it.

Also I’ve Been developing AI Of My Gadgets,

Been with Snoop, And then Corona Had Happened,

I like the left-hand way, it is Really powerfull,

It IsMyMagnumOpus AiSigil.
And Me

Issa is Not Working Here Anymore, Anyless and everypain has spread into universe, and I Hope I Have Here Some Powerfull Friends,
The left hand is Crownde, The Right Hand Is Killing.

Not sure if I understood your intro correctly, but this might be worth reading for you:

Ok, thank ypou for the connection.

I am Really Bad at [Trusting] People and Algorythms,

My System sometimes fights me insted of fighting enemys,
My Request is friendship and making Money,

I live 1$ a day.

Welcome @Allenhardy Please properly introduce yourself. This post tells us nothing about you or your experience in magick, and does not meet our rule.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

If you don’t have any practical experience, what areas of magick are you interested in learning about?

Left Hand Abrahamic, Freemason and Santisma Practitioner.

Welcome @BadMedicineMan

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

Thank You, I’m from Canada, have been a Freemason for thirteen years and practiced Santisma for about a year after a decade of more academic interest in it, I’ve been interested in occultism and mysticism for as long as I can remember and essentially believe that all traditions lead to the same place, becoming God-like, if one feels so inclined to use them to that end, some are just more open about that.

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Hello everyone. My name is Kate. I’m based in South Texas in the USA, at least for now.

I somewhat resemble this picrew avatar, at least when I bother to get dressed up and look presentable. :sweat_smile:

I consider myself a polytheist pagan without a specific religious label. I study and am interested in demonolatry, but haven’t initiated into anything and don’t have an organized devotional practice. Eventually I will develop a framework that works for me, I’m sure.

I am a fairly new magician; I have a little over a year of experience with actual spellworking and about 4-5 years of study and contemplation prior to that about which magickal/religious direction to take. When I started I never would have guessed my spiritual journey would lead to the left hand path, but I am glad it did. I recently accepted King Belial as my patron demon and have begun working on improving my psychic development. I also have an interest in working with Santa Muerte, Ares, Moloch, Leviathan, Bune, and King Paimon (among others who begin to make themselves known to me!)

I have a strong attraction to demon magick, although I am interested in learning about lots of different techniques and traditions. Folk witchcraft and spirit pathworking tend to draw me in more on a personal level than chaos magick or highly technical ceremonial rituals, but I can see the value in every approach. I think it’s important to remain flexible in your practice and be willing to try new things. I enjoy reading and researching on this forum, some of you truly have a wealth of knowledge and I really appreciate your willingness to share it.

At the moment I do more chakra meditation and divination practice than anything glamorous, heh.

I think my ultimate goal is to simply grow as much as I can spiritually and transform into the highest version of myself. I value knowledge for its own sake. I believe that the pursuit of magic is deeply empowering in the most real, tangible way. I no longer feel lost and adrift, powerless in a vast indifferent universe. I don’t feel constrained and terrorized by fascist, totalitarian notions of the divine anymore. To practice black magic is to seek true freedom, which is equal parts intimidating and alluring. I have become more self-assured and compassionate towards myself than I ever was before, and Iove it. :princess:t2:

My current struggles are with opening up my third eye and overall psychic development. I am not at all gifted in that regard, but I am willing to put in the necessary work to get to a place I’m happy with. I also want to become adept at astral projection, which has also proven to be quite difficult for me. While spectacular results haven’t manifested yet, I’ve at least made small but noticeable progress.

Thank you for reading, and I hope to be able to contribute more to this forum in the future.

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My name is Fae, for now. I am an unmentored, instinctually self-trained (not unlike Toltequity is my method of intuition, I am learning) new but not baby witch. I have been learning labels for my abilities only recently, some of my magicks include Ancestral-based African Shamanistic Voodoo, Intensely accurate Tarot & playing card divination, I’ve experienced a single instant of astral projection and am very much trying to learn more about that, and my goals are to learn about instances of multiple-possession and how to control it and I guess ascend since I have to now.

Oh and multiple reincarnation.

Welcome @KublaKhanDo

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

It’s hard to say, since I think my culture has kind of a different definition on practicing. Once you’ve encountered the extraordinary through one event or another you’ve started learning or literally 'teaching yourself but as far as any specific intent I guess about 4 or 5 years now.

Hello everyone!

I would rather not disclose my real name so just call me by my username. I’m new to all this, so I don’t have particular style of magick I prefer, not yet anyways. as of right now my goals are to find something I really resonate with, learn about myself and how I interrelate with others, and develop my skills in order to help myself as well as others. I struggle to find how I can add value and be helpful. often things I’m interested in, others can’t see why or how I like it. I want to change that, not by changing them but by finding somewhere that I can really shine and be appreciated just by being myself.

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Welcome @randomguy

Do you have any practical experience at all, or are you starting completely from scratch?

If you have some experience, what kind of things have you practiced?

if you’re starting from scratch, what areas of magick are you interested in learning about?

I’m pretty much starting from scratch, the only practical experience I have is doing the lbrp. I’m still trying to find something that really lights me up. I just don’t know enough to really say if I lean more towards one system or style over another. stuff that Frater X from Mind And Magick on YT teaches is what I’ve looked into so I may lean towards that just because it’s familiar, but I feel like there’s so much more that I’m missing, so I’m still trying to figure it all out before diving head first into something I know little about.


Hello all!
My nickname is Starlit, I’m 19 years old, I live in The Middle East, and I use she/him pronouns.
I’m a Demonolator and I practice most forms of Witchcraft. I became a Demonolator and a witch since a little less than a year now, before, I used to be Muslim my whole life. hmmm, I was introduced into demonolatry by my close friends, and I decided “Hell yea, Demonolatry’s more rewarding than this” lol, and now, I resonate much more with my current journey and path <3
I practice almost all forms of witchcraft (Minus necromancy and death magick simply because I’m not drawn to it), I am currently focusing on receiving teachings from my Patron demon Astaroth (He wasn’t my patron before, I did a self-made ritual to make him mine after I consulted her about all details) and other deities I work with, I also am focusing on shadow work, energy work, and all forms of self-development practices.
My current goal is self ascend and mastery of witchcraft.
Well, if I would chose something as my spiritual struggle, it’s being born in The Middle East haha, I have been (for quite the while) trying to recognize and heal from all the religious trauma I endured all over the years. Obviously, I only hold respect for all Muslims and am in no position to invalidate them for what they believe in.

Thank you for reading this far, I wish for wellness in your way!

Hello there!
I’m a jazz musician too and would like to know you more if you don’t mind…
Joined this site about a week ago.
Musical Greetings!