Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi everyone. I am from the western part of Africa, I am current working as a social engineer. I am a newbie here and I have
found this forum to be a tool worth owning I must say, I am this kind of guy that has so many doubt about how real thing can be. I knows nothings about magic yet here I am, been gone through most occultic libraries and doing most occultic ebook readings. Yet can’t find a stepping stone to stand firmly on. My work has to do with manipulation of peoples mind and seductions for a successful outcome which has been messing up with my head real time and lots of negative luck. Don’t even know which magic to start with and the one to stay away from” lol. I am also into sports gambling and hoping to get help from you guys. I am from a christain background burn who cares as I have doubt over their story and nun religion.
I am halord and I love pussy :heart:. Who is leading me here ?