Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hello there. I’m really bad at introducing myself. Let’s get it over with, shall we?
I’m a 28y.o. female from Germany. Interested in mostly hidden and off-the-wall things ever since.
My first book about (Black) Magic found it’s way to me 17 years ago; I dabbled into the so called Left-hand path since then. I never practised actively, though (I am more a consumer of knowledge/lore than a “practician”), but lately I have felt some kind of urge to connect with the lesser known sphere inside and outside myself (perhaps a necessity born out of my current life situation) and it get’s harder and harder for me to refuse the call (at least that’s how I feel it - like a call).
No one knows about my drive towards occultism and such and I like to keep it that way; they wouldn’t understand and I don’t want to bother them, either. It would be nice to exchange some thoughts/experiences with like-minded people :slight_smile:


Hello, my name is james, i’d rather not tell my age at the moment.
Pretty recently i got a whole change on my belief system and am trying to explore new and different ways (hence the username).
I’m interested in Blood, lust and chaos magick. My main goal here is to learn and eventually try casting spells myself.
I have been interested in “occult” before, i actually know quite a bit about astrology but that’s about it.


Hello my name is Sebastian I have started with Soultravel programs but otherwise I do not know so much but in depth of my soul. I know that reality is more than what we see. That’s why I’m here to learn and meet like-minded people



I am Chostard, a 39 y/o male. I was trying to follow etiquette, but did so posting an independent topic, when it should have been on this post specifically. So I apologize. To not clutter too much this space this is my official intro to BALG forums:
Chostard’s Intro


Welcome to BALG everyone!


@Anassa you are stealing my words… :scream::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Not exactly new here, I was LilithNaamah but had to give that up for abit.

Well, I’ve been practicing for roughly 8 months. Still very new lol


I’m Juice,

one of many alter egos of a wrinkly old man who has way too much secks. I recently saw him reading something about servitors, how they can take on their own lives. I’ve already learned how to possess objects. And Well, when he sleeps I use his dog’s body to study, study and study. I’m planning on my escape. One day I’m gonna break out of this god-forsaken putrid shell and finally live my own life. I’m into chaos magick.


Lol, :joy: im crying


Welcome welcome! Here in BALG we embrace all species of magi…! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Hi everybody , my name is K. (Thats my first initial) I work with any type of magick but I wanna try black magick but I need help with it .
My goals at the moment are to develop my astral senses , open my third eye , of course see and hear spirits , and get to know a spirit really well .
My struggles are some of my goals being the fact I don’t know what method is best for this and what is best for that … I also struggle with fears coming back to my brain before I do something to do with magick or evocation … Now I might as well also mention that I was raised Christian … But I found it all to be lies so here’s where I am …
Otherwise no other struggles that I can think of …

Some other things I want to say is I have done 1 (technically 2) evocations . The spirit/demon (I’m really new to this being I started this in late July) but the (I’m gonna say demon) was Lucifer. Now I don’t see him as other religious or past religious people do … Since they see him as the “devil” … I hate it when people call him that … And I am sure he also does … But I see him as I described in one of my posts …

And I would like to say if I haven’t said it … That I am still a beginner and I don’t have an alter or candles … But if you read this I would like to say hello to all of you :smile:


Bienvenido Edmon, disfrutar tu tenencia!


I’ve been interested in magick and the occult for as long as I can remember. I found out about EA about 4 years ago, and I’ve kinda been lurking on this forum since that.
My biggest interest is evocation which I have mastered to a relatively high degree.
My apologies for typos, English is my fourth language.


He might not speak English but its no problemo!
Haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo!


Love the picture @Sebnok.

Welcome all!


Gracias por la bienvenida ,he leído de uds. De Rey paimon haciendo amistad con el que aprendo, logro Oquendo habilidades provee este Dios?


Hello I’m male,from India, fascinated to see so much of occult stuff here. Had some experience in viewing bad stuff before it happens, but I didn’t want to sharpen that sense when I was in teens as I would increasingly see bad things before they happened to people or incidents around the world, for example is saw visions of 9/11 for 6 months before it occurred, my friends would laugh at it until it happened, they got cautious and scared being around me, LOL I could also smell evil spirits if they are in any house,just if I even enter I would ask did someone die in that house or room etc. Which would turn out to be true.,i could also control my dreams something the sort of dream yoga the Buddhists practice couldtake control of the dream and mould it as I see fit to my liking.I guess I inherit this thing from my mother, whose visions and predictions come 100% true. Looking for information how I could fine tune my senses etc. To see those visions , I been meditating since I was teen basically on Indian deities and Sanskrit mantras. This website has a huge treasure trove of knowledge and it’s not a taboo for us in our country to learn occult, as in our culture Death and creation are the different sides of same god. Nice meeting you all folks.


Hey there Gods
My name is Arnold, I’m from Paraguay, English is not my language so please excuse me if I have problems with my grammar.
I’m a total novice, I’m still in Step 1 of Franz Bardon IIH, I started this year.
I am beginning to read and practice some books with the idea of ​​obtaining success in my magical way, many of them are recommendations of the members of the forum, the authors of the books are:
Franz Bardon
EA Koetting
Taylor Ellwood
Robert Bruce
Virgil (author of Elemental Equilibrium)
Gallery of Magick
Justin B the Magician
Jason Augustus Newcomb
Jason Louv
Robert Balthazar
Other current authors and several classics.
I like alchemy, tarot, botany, stones, kundalini, the chaos magick, and I intend to practice Chi Kung.
I like to see the gods and other spirits as fellow teachers and example to follow, worthy of respect, but not as an authority to worship and kneel.
Goals: to be a magician with the powers that Franz Bardon exposes in his books, as Koetting explains, to be a god, to achieve omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence the way Bardon and Koetting expose him … to be a Magician, to be a God.
On a worldly level, I want to be a millionaire :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Obstacles: the morality imposed by Bardon in his books and the constant fatal threat of “divine providence” and the supposed “karma”.
I do not pretend to be part of LHP or RHP, I like more middle way, although I am attracted to LHP, I do not want to limit my magic, I want to practice all kinds of magic.
I am not interested in morals, I do not want to be “good” or “bad” I just want to BE, I despise karma and religious dogma, I would like to heal and help some people, but I would not hesitate to kill and ruin my enemies, I don’t want to obey any dogma or moral.
I do not intend to harm anyone without any reason, I wish I could help, but I do not want to be forced to help, nor do I want to be prohibited from damaging.
This is my main conflict with the Bardon system.
I do not know if my way of thinking is right or wrong, all I want is that it does not affect my development and magical evolution.
As I said I am a novice with no practical experience, today I think in this way, tomorrow I don’t know.
Excuse my grammar, I’m studying English too :wink:


A fellow druid! Welcome brother.


TMW you realize certain spirits are simply not worth your time or promotion.

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