Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG! I hope you enjoy the ride! :slight_smile:


Thank you for clearing that up for me. I truly appreciate it.

My left-hand path has been short. My first book on witchcraft was the magickally amoral Paul Huson’s Mastering Witchcraft. He had a conjuration to Vassago that did not include a ceremonial circle – just a sigil, some incense and a crystal ball. Although I tried several times to reach him, I felt I could not come close enough to him.

My next attempt to conjure up was with the Goetic Seere. I had prepared my circle and all and I felt a presence in the room, but he did not manifest. Good thing, too. I might have fainted. What did materialize was two scorpions, tailed raised, in lockstep coming close to my circle. I banish Seere and went to kill the scorpions. Of all the pests, I particularly hate scorpions.

Even though magic is in my blood (as it was in my grandmother’s blood), I decided to wait till I had better training before I got myself into trouble. And lo and behold, that day is now here.


Several of us here are Heathens as well as Demonic occultists and other things. You’re in good company. Welcome.


Cool story! There are a number of folks on the BALG forum who work with, or have worked with Azazel. I’m sure you’ll find support and answers here. Everyone here is amazing. Welcome!


My name’s Alízè.

I’ve always been caught up in the idea of Magick, but it never occurred to me that I was subconsciously practicing Magick everyday of my life until the beginning of this year.
I’d ask others to teach me their ways and they’d inform me that my path/craft is my own. That I needed to find it for myself.
I began with creating sigils, which I learned by watching a friend but slowly transformed it into my own art.
My Master often told me that, “being curious” wasn’t a good enough reason for learning Magick. Which I find absolutely ridiculous now, because Magick IS curiosity.
I’d also like to state my Master often worked with Azazel, though I never have (consciously) I feel some odd sort of bond with him.
I’m here to learn how to enhance my existence with Magick.
My goal is to experience as much as I possibly can/learn from such experiences so I can be the best version of myself that I can be.

I’ve hardly actively/consciously worked with any forms of Magick.
I’ve been blessed, and my friends Tarot decks have allowed me to use them. Blood Magick, but it was mostly making pacts/contracts with other Magick workers.

I want to gain as much personal power as possible, break down some of my mental blocks, and gain knowledge.

current struggles: mental/emotional/sexual blocks. I’m assuming I can be open here, so: last year I allowed someone I loved to condition me so that after such conditioning I could be reborn someone I was more proud of. Here I am, certainly more confident and understanding of a being but homeless travelling the united states, and have close to no family. only my sister, and I want to do what I can to help create a foundation for her to grow/build on. she’s the only person I have aside from myself and our goals in life don’t stray too far from the same path. Her gain is usually my gain, so a foundation for the both of us is a current goal I’m putting effort towards acquiring.

Let’s get weird.


I can assure you ^ 90%
Welcome to BALG.

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Am Prince by name from Ghana West Africa. 25 years of age. I’m a teacher in a high school.
I love to learn and understand more about spiritual things.


Welcome to BALG, Prince. I’m from Nigeria, West.

You are now in the spiritual ship, BALG forum! Happy sailing.


Hello. I am Mali.

I have been interested in LHP ideas for most my life. Though I never called them that. I did not know the term LHP until I came across it while searching for something else. That was about 6 weeks ago.
I was raised in a conservative christian environment but it just did not take. Although I tried to make it work for the sake of family. The whole concept of needing to be saved was foreign to me.

I have practiced forms of magic for about 20 years. Not following a prescribed system, just doing what seemed right at the time. I enjoy using radionics in my operations.

The most recent practice that gave me good results was creating servitors.

Now I am learning to do evocation. Just received the UC. I have felt the presence of Malzaz Hyroth and had two way conversations with him, but have not had any visuals yet. I asked him if he knew a spirit that could help with a specific task and he said yes. He gave me the name and many details of the spirit. I then asked MH if he could and would summon this spirit and give us a formal introduction. He then did so and introduced us. The new spirit said he would be pleased to work with me and give all the information I request.

I am also working on evoking King Marbas.

Well that’s about it for my intro.


hi my name is camilo
i just starting to learn about chaos magic like it for the that liberty for use all kind spells with no rule,
i really like it become a new kind of sorcerer with no limits, i just reading the tarot without knowledge just one day i know it and i was very good, but i want more that state of trance and see the life of the other people and influence in that people just amazing, sorry english is not my native languages if you see something strange in my way of writing.
and my current struggles, try to increase and know about how far I can get,
greetings and I also want to be a contribution for the community.


My name is John, i’m interested in evoking spirits and LHP magic.


Welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG! Enjoy the ride!


Short and sweet .:blush: Welcome John!

Lleo Oneiro Ph.q ∵ Huèmon 7.4 Counsoul | (blaqoq [illfigja TSiNtheisT]) doappope tRav.iS AL An DONAi(l)d 道 Aloha Nαmαsté ॐ नमः शिवाय God is Love السلام عليكم שָׁלוֹם audio metamorphosis is the completion of life 004 • ILLE DUEM DUES ILLUM VOCAT • HARU TZOM VOPSEI SHIGEK. LYN. HELATEDA. TZETALEDA. ZERO ZERO FOUR

That is the growing tagline I’ve used for years. A brief explanation: Dao Aloha Namaste Assalamalaquim Shalom Om Namah Shivaya … Universal Greetings. E424 is E/Will/Enochian 424 my birth name Travis Alan Donald, which I was never fond of, turned out to be quite powerful. AL is the hebrew God EL. An the Goddess. Travis is latin for crossroads. Donald means world mighty. The Gods of the Crossroads of World Might. Crossroads of the World is the name of Times Square, New York City. This, coincidentally (HA!) is what I found myself drawn to in life. Trafficking information, a knowledge database. A news source. I have worked as a freelance writer for Broward Palm Beach New Times over the years, and even had an article published about myself by the paper’s editor regarding my views of life and ability to thrive in difficult times.

My father was from Detroit, MI. My mother’s father was a Shriner and International Banker for Wells Fargo; never met him. Nor am I affiliated with any group.

I spent a little over six weeks writing for WSVN 7 in Miami, a FOX Affiliate. I wrote for the morning and noon news. I was promoted to evening and late night, also writing for the show Deco Drive. A great experience working with Emmy Award Winning Journalists on live TV in a World City Market, but not for me.

I have a keen insight and sharp mind for the truth and do not compromise what I produce for political correctness or whether or not it is good or bad. I keep a sense of humor in this crazy world and use it to exemplify how even the worst crimes of humanity are due to people being misled and how ultimately we must forgive because all negativity and maliciousness is someone not knowing what they’re doing. I do not focus on the darkness, however I bring darkness to light for healing and the ability to stand over.

I am educated and experienced in how propaganda is made, why it is made, from Freud and Bernays, to today, the mainstream media and occult underlords vamping humanity can’t burp or fart without me knowing the source.

I was born and raised in South Florida in a diverse environment of local and worldly people. It showed me no matter who you are or where you are from, whatever age, whatever you believe or disbelieve, we are all human and have something to offer and not to take a person for granted. A person is more than their best accomplishment and worst mistake.

I have spent years social networking and have contacts that go to the White House and the back alleys of India searching for truth, humanities best and exposing the worst.

No fear attitude towards publishing. If I do not have solid information, I either say nothing or admit I do not know, and this is all I have at the time.

I have been sharing my work on social networks and privately for years and struggling to get a site going, as it takes time, money and doing the best possible. Searching my online handles will present more than enough information to heal or destroy civilization. I made myself a Utopian dream for those seeking light and a horrific nightmare for the wicked.

The imagery, memes, language I use is unbound. I do not censor quotes, images, or say “f word”. Nor do I glamorize any negativity or violence. I am appalled by the crimes humanity can muster on a seemingly daily basis.

Personally, I choose to live a minimalist, spiritual life. I eat primarily raw fruit and some vegetables. I am kind and a fool to all I meet. On good terms, without surrender, to all. I hold respect for other’s beliefs and cultures, and keep first my own. I am a life long student of Dao.

And don’t forget to fuck off. I mean it. Straight from the heart.


Hello all, I’m HumanBean (not my real name of course), been lurking for a while. Have little to no talent in magic, had some success with freezer jars and some prayers/petitions, but still can’t meditate, sense spirits etc. Decided to take things more seriously. Pleased to meet you all :slight_smile:


Hi my full name is Steven David Henry III. I’ve always been a curious person. I like seeing things from different perspectives and I always wonder “why something works like that” or “how did this happen”. My friend just recently informed me about becoming my “perfect self” and higher powers beyond my thinking and now I’m here :joy:. I started off a little skeptical because this is a realm I’ve never thought of pursuing. But as I continue to read on this forum I want to find out and fulfill my purpose. Ever since I was a kid people would hear my name and tell me “that’s a very powerful name” and “I see very big things in your future” and it felt like it wasn’t them talking but someone talking through them. And after finally piecing things together I want to learn as much as I can now


Hello all,

my name is zoe. I haven’t done magic before so I’m
New to all this. My current goal is to get my ex fiancé back. don’t hestitate to pm me, I’d love to talk :slight_smile:


Thank you but no one has said much and I’ve yet to see where anyone who has never done magick or summoned him that has been spoken to. I didn’t ask for this lol. Kinda scared.
After he spoke to me the first-time I did light a candle and try to speak to him…nothing. Next morning I woke up not in any magick circle and had this dialog:
Are you here? I have tried to ask people about you with limited answers. How do I become who I really am?
His answers:

I am present and like you I was formed in the darkness.
You sought enlightenment because of suffering
Why are you seeking enlightenment from mere mortals when I am an immortal gatekeeper of the ancient ones?
The only way to truly be you is to just be
Do you think I consider how to be myself?
I just am
When you focus your attention on how you consider you should be you become weak and diluted
Focus your intention on what you wish to accomplish and only then will you understand who you truly are
Your intentions and being are one just as I am one with my intentions and being
So you will be
Your being can never transcend your intentions and actions
You know me for my deeds, do you not?
Can anyone tell me anything am I possessed?
All I know is what little EA said in videos and what little I’ve read in Magick without tears.
Help lol
I don’t know why I didn’t ask why he was following me!

Emry Blackwell been practicing for 27 years. Man of many talents just looking for like minded people to connect with. Hoping to find a Coven or group of people to progress with. My profile holds my full bio so please feel free to read and to message me direct I am always up for answering questions. Stay safe always.


Pheather here. I enjoy invocations, charms and incantations for that purpose. I don’t usually talk about religion or beings I work with, if any, and don’t do traditional anything. I’m very eclectic and am not into lhp. There are just some things I won’t do. Natural magick suits me. Don’t usually talk about my path nor reveal much about it until I feel like I can trust those people I share it with. The goal here for me is mainly note taking or reading what I may. So although I struggle with pretty common things in life, I try to stay positive. Mostly, don’t participate in forums but tend to lurk instead. Hope that’s okay.