Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

By telling you that I worked in a Yoruba center, one can only assume that the craft that I got familiarized there is whitin the Yoruba practices. But if you are curious about specific details. I worked as a “medium de corte”. In a english translation it would mean something close to “cutting medium”, the person that will deal with “corte”, the name we call a ritualistic (animal) sacrifice. It was mostly birds, and, occasionally, my filho de santo helped me with a “quatro patas” (“four legged ones”).

About timeframes you can say that I worked with the Yoruba craft for eleven years now (ten in the center, and one year by myself). Before that I never saw my background with hermeticism in the same way, since I didnt learned about it in a specific place, but with a specific someone. It wasnt exactly a craft, it was mostly a life-style that I was always involved with.

You can say that Hermeticism and Yoruba are my main specialities (and yes, I do consider The Goetia (as well as the Almandel) part of the hermeticism).

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Ohhh, am I seeing a portuguese speaker? How charming.

Obrigada meu anjo!

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Welcome ! Hermetism really sounds interesting I should start learning it

If you really have the need to do it, do it, but it is not something that can be quickly explored in a convenient manner.

The Hermetic Arts have much to do with syncretism, just like the Yoruba. People often underestimate how broad it is. Practices such as numerology, tarot and astrology can be seem as paths to go from episteme to gnosis, and the same is truth for the lesser key.

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Welcome @Satanictswhore Please tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in maigck. This post doesn’t really tell us anything about you.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

If you don’t, what areas of magick are you most interested in learning?

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Good day! I draw non-professionally and read stories from this forum as inspiration for my drawings. Thanks to all the forum participants for the wonderful stories! I am new to magic and it also inspires me. I have no plans for the future. Im from Russia. Im black night. The name my virtual not magick name. I have not magick name. Thanks for the information about Lilith and warm themes about Her. Thats information so near my heart. Also i read about Morocco and want to learn information about Old Spirit of Morocco.

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, @Black_night.

Do you have any practical experience in magick? You haven’t told us if you do or not.

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

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Good time to respected DarkestKnight! Thanks for good questions. I have plaine expirience of magick. For example work with Nordic Goddes Hela , it was some time ago, because i dont have diary about my expiriences. I had some pray to Her, but i had not money for buy Her work. Than some time i meet Old person which needed help of go to hospital. I helped him. It was payment to work of work with Hela because Hela may help Old persons and persons in pain. It turned out that the old person without the help of doctors would die after a couple of hours. Fortunately, the doctors performed an operation and life of Elderly gentleman was safe. Thanks for you help Nordic Goddes Hela. Thanks for all doctors and medice to the works. Thanks also wondeful gentleman person which help Old person and me with trip to the hospital which by providing a benevolent opportunity to travel in your jeep.
I like learn different information and i have a little practice expirience of magick. I do it sometimes or rather rarely and not consistently. I have never counted the terms of my practice and this question confuses my modesty. The information which like about magick of Goddes Lilith, Goddes Hela, King Asmodeus, King Azazel.

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P.S. It looks a little confusing, I wanted to say that in the story with the Elderly gentleman, I provided the help service free. It was social work for the Goddess Hel. For example, there is a saying of the hand of God, something like this. I couldn’t pay her with money, but I paid with time and helping someone else. This situation took about half a day spent in hospital queues.


Hyperborean from Northern Europe here. I’m a guy in the learning process, I don’t call myself a magickian yet. After my on and off devout Christian life, I was drawn into the esoteric about 5-7 years ago. Beginning with guided hypnosis ja brainwave entrainment videos on Youtube, I soon got interested in learning Dharmic/Buddhist thought, meditation, energy work, law of attraction, Reiki etc. Two years ago spirit keeping became part of my life too when I purchased my first bindings from a conjurer. Now I have finally opened myself to the idea of working with demons (not a long time ago), and here I am, reading this forum, learning and building my first connections.

At the moment my other practice consist mostly of developing my spiritual senses through meditation and energy work.

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Hello. I have being prating Magic since few years ago and I always use the forum to read and learn. I just created an account right now because I stopped working with Magic since 2 years ago and I want to come back to do what I love and I am feeling the calling stronger and stronger each day.

Welcome @Princess_DarkMoon

Where are you from?

Exactly, how long is that?

And what have you been pracitcing? You haven’t really told us anything.

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

I work with K. Belial for a while but I stopped 2 years ago. I am from Brazil and now I live in USA.
I used to study magic with ppl on discord but I stopped. I still am in some discords but ppl stopped even posting there.
Back in Brazil I did read all the Allan Kardec Books and used to go to mediumship meetings.

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Hi! My name is a secret and I am from a secret location. I never practiced magic, until last year (I started to visit an old lady in a chinese community that my grandfather used to live in), so I could fix some huge messes in my life. She was simply wonderful, but she was old and now she is dead. I am willing to learn more in order to get a special someone back (more about it in my topic).

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Well me to BALG, to all those who missed a welcome from me … new or old


Dave is my name. I mainly deal with Black Magick but I like all kinds. I want to change reality itself but I’m struggling to do so.

Hi to all,
My name is Andrew, I am from central Romania, Europe. I was always attracted to magick and paranormal.

Born in a Christian family, I always was asking question in my mind regarding the world and spirituality. I was introduced and initiated into gray magick. From a small age black magick was a interested subject that intrigued me.

Regarding magick, currently my ambition is start study and practice the arts. This gose hand in hand with my current struggel, that is my financial status. I looking to be financial free so I can move from my christian parents and dictate my own path in life. (My parents do not agree with any magick stuff and are against anything related to it.) I am sure that the people that have been born in a christian family can related to this.

I followed Become a Living God for a while, I find it as a great source of knowledge and a great community.

Thanks for all & nice to meet you all.


Welcome @Dave_Coleman

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?


Welcome @Doppelganger

So what, exactly, do you practice? And how long have you practiced? You’ve told us nothing of your experience.

Do you follow any specific systems or traditions?

My name is Jazmin. But you can also call me Revan. She is my magical self. I am struggling and am still trying to find my path. The Christian God and many other Gods have rejected me along with most humans. I am looking for a place to belong here on this Earth. My first encounter would be Lord Belial. He is more of an overseer. We do not really speak much because… now thinking about it, he primarily watches over me, sometimes he is curious about what I’m thinking about, other times he play the big bro role. I have yet to practice actual magikk. Instead, I’ve always focused on manifesting creatures into reality with my mind, which had almost killed me twice already. Heart stopping and seizure with no known medical diagnosis. So I’m currently looking for other methods. Nice to meet all of you! For some reason, I do not get along with some other spirits because Revan does not like being dominated. She wants to be in control. I am supposing that is why she and Lucifer do not get along.Thus saying, few spirits and Lords are in my circle. I’ve discovered my gift to see and hear spirits when I was five. Most of the time, I am a lone wolf. I hope to learn more here on this site. I have always been drawn to this site for years! I am always open to advice.